Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 535 Wandering Soul?

When asked this question, the man bowed and replied: "Hello, senior. I am a disciple of Fengyu Sect. I found some mountain flowers here. Just when I was about to pick them, this group of people suddenly appeared and robbed them. I was so angry that I fought with them."

Mo Xun looked in the direction he pointed. On the hillside not far away, there were a dozen bright purple flowers blooming, which looked full of spiritual energy.

Another person next to him hurried forward and explained: "Senior, don't listen to them. It was obviously us who came first..."

But before he finished speaking, Mo Xun waved his hand.

He was not here to solve the case for this group of people, and he was not very interested in mountain flowers.

"Let's talk about this later. Let me ask you, where is the Nascent Soul cultivator who came in earlier?"

The moment Mo Xun appeared, the group of people split into two groups from the melee and confronted each other.

In the end, it was the cultivator who spoke first who led the crowd to speak.

"Replying to the senior, I came in late, and when I arrived here, those high-level monks had already disappeared, so I don't know where they are."

Is that so...

Mo Xun secretly touched his chin, this is a bit difficult.

"Have you ever experienced any insect attacks?"

Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces, Mo Xun continued to ask: "What about the Emperor Xiu Ancient Tree?"

This person and the other monks looked at each other, and then said uncertainly: "Please forgive my stupidity, I don't quite understand the meaning of your words."

This time, it was Mo Xun who was confused.

But soon, he thought of a possibility and asked, "How did you get in?"

"Senior, we first jumped into a dark cave, fell into the underground river, swam along the river for a distance, and accidentally found the entrance to the barrier that was destroyed, so we were teleported here."

Mo Xun's eyebrows moved, and he asked the others, "Did you do the same?"

The leader of another group hurriedly said, "Although the younger generation also entered from the underground river, they did not see any barrier, but were stirred into a whirlpool. After floating up from the waterfall there, they entered here inexplicably."

While speaking, the man pointed behind him.

Hearing this, Mo Xun's mind was probably clear, it seemed that it really fulfilled his previous thoughts.

No matter how to enter, they will eventually end up in the same place, and all come here.

This is not good news for him!

If he is unlucky, it will probably not be long before he has to meet the old woman again.

"By the way, what dangers have you encountered before?"

When this question was raised, many people's faces changed color to varying degrees.

After a while, someone said with lingering fear: "I encountered more than a dozen level 5 wild dark water crocodiles. Fortunately, several Jindan seniors entangled them and managed to escape."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. There are still level 5 monsters lingering here?

Although it was expected, it still surprised him a little.

As far as he knew, this kind of dark water crocodile usually lives in swamps. Could it be that there is such a terrain nearby?

With the leader, others also started talking.

Such as the Tiankui poisonous bee and the three-headed rock python, they are all rare monsters that are extremely rare in the outside world.

And what's quite a headache is that once you encounter them, there are more than one or two, and they often appear in groups.

The most incredible thing is that there are wandering souls here!

As for whether they were wandering souls, they couldn't tell for sure. It was just that one of their companions was walking on the road and suddenly seemed to be insane, or possessed by something, and even began to self-mutilate.

When they woke up again, they all forgot what they had done.

Hearing about these bizarre experiences, Mo Xun suddenly felt that it was not easy for these people to survive until now.

But at this moment, he believed what Gong Yang said before.

Since the Fusang sacred tree is the gate connecting the three realms of human, god, and underworld, it seems reasonable that there are some wandering souls in this place.

But in this way, things seem to become more complicated.

Before leaving, Mo Xun also specifically reminded them not to enter the weird Dixiu jungle. As for the man-eating insects and ants, he was also confused, so naturally he had no more suggestions, and could only warn everyone to be careful.

Of course, out of the demeanor of a senior, he still said a few words to resolve the conflict.

But as soon as he left, the sound of fighting came from behind him again.

Mo Xun in mid-air could only secretly shake his head. These people really wanted money over their lives!

He thought he would be safer in the sky, but who knew that half an hour later, he would bump into a group of ferocious birds.

This thing was covered with red flames, and its head was a triangle, like a snake's head, and it could spit out a long tongue.

There were no feathers on its wings, but red scales, which looked extremely charming.

The strange appearance was like a hybrid of a feather crane and a scaled snake. Even the ram didn't recognize it for a while.

From a distance, there were as many as two or three hundred of them covering the sky and the sun!

Although each of them was not big, it was precisely because of the unknown that Mo Xun hurriedly landed when he found their traces, and hastily opened a small cave in the mountain and hid in it.

In the end, thanks to the help of the formation, he was lucky enough to escape.

With this experience, he was even more restrained.

If he had known that this place was so dangerous, he would not have rashly come in even if he had continued to fight with the old woman in the outside world.

Now the situation is really a bit difficult to back down.

He stayed in the cave for half a day. On the one hand, it was a short rest and recovery, and on the other hand, he really didn't think about what to do next.

He knew that this place probably had no distinction between day and night.

After all, before he jumped into the cave, it was still night outside, but when he got out of the water, it was directly sunny.

This place should be a different world.

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