Mo Xun felt a little dizzy for a moment.

What he has seen in the past half day is beyond his control. Now he can neither advance nor retreat!

He was even thinking that at worst he would just stay here and not go out. Anyway, this place is full of spiritual energy, and the spiritual grass and elixir prescriptions on his body are enough to at least reach the middle stage of elixir formation. By then, the realm will be higher, and maybe he can be more confident. .

But when he expressed this idea, Gongyang sneered.

"Do you think you can rest easy by hiding? Ignorance! Do you know that the reason why this kind of secret realm can be maintained is because of balance. Once someone takes away the hibiscus tree, the original balance of heaven and earth will be broken, let alone what's inside. It is unknown whether the entire secret realm can be preserved, and even this space will be torn into pieces!"

Although Gongyang's words are a bit alarmist, perhaps, it is really possible!

Of course, Mo Xun would not be easily fooled by this old guy. After all, from Gongyang's point of view, he hoped that Mo Xun would go out as soon as possible and help him fulfill his wish.

But no matter what, staying here can only be a bad idea.

The problem now is that the external terrain is unknown and dangerous, and he has no way to deal with it.

Seeing his timid appearance, Gongyang wanted to scold him, but couldn't. He wanted to say it, but didn't know how to say it. In the end, he had to propose a solution that was not a solution.

"Since there are birds blocking the way in the sky and animals running rampant on the ground, let's go underground. But in the future, let alone knowing me, I can't afford to lose this person!"

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked thoughtfully: "Is it feasible?"

Gongyang snorted angrily. He seemed to finally understand why Mo Xun, a disaster-prone body like him, could survive until now.

Luck is one thing, but I'm afraid this shameless character also accounts for a large proportion.

After all, Gongyang inherited the domineering side of Cangkuo Zhenren, so he naturally disdained such shrinking in his heart.

There is no one who can cultivate to this extent!

But Mo Xun obviously doesn't think so. He always adheres to pragmatism and only looks at the results in everything, not the process!

In his view, everything can be a Tao, whether it is a Yang Guan Tao or a small Yang Guan Tao, what is the difference?

Maybe at this time, he will find an excuse for himself to be able to bend and stretch!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this method is really suitable for him now.

He didn't want to compete for any opportunities, so there was no need to show his face outside.

He was a resolute person, he would do whatever he thought of, but he suddenly slapped his waist, and two avatars exactly like him appeared in front of him.

With the injection of divine consciousness, the eyes of the two incarnations immediately flashed with a look of excitement.

Then, he took out a storage bag with a large space and a sharp magic weapon, and handed one to each person.

Naturally, he does not need to do this kind of hard work himself.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of digging began to be heard in the ears. One person was digging a tunnel in front like a miner, and the other person was collecting dirt and gravel in a storage bag behind. Mo Xun, just following at the end, slowly moved forward. Okay, while carefully exploring the spiritual consciousness to sense the movement of the outside world.

Such behavior, if seen in the eyes of other immortal cultivators, would probably be extremely disdainful.

Who could have expected that thirty or forty feet underground, there is an alchemy monk walking like a hamster!

"Boy, what do you want from cultivating immortality?"

Mo Xun replied without thinking: "Immortality!"

Gongyang then asked: "Are you willing to live forever even if you are frustrated?"

Mo Xun knew the ridicule in his words, but he said without blushing: "To be honest with you, I don't think this is aggrieved!"

The ram opened his mouth and had nothing to say...

Not long after leaving, Mo Xun released Bai Ze again in order to prevent wandering spirits.

After raising this beast for more than a hundred years, it's time to do something.

He clearly remembered that when he faced the ghost flag, the beast had a natural resistance to ghost spirits.

Even at a critical moment, it would be good to be able to give an early warning.

Just like this, two incarnations of a man and a beast were slowly moving forward in the darkness in an extremely strange way.

Not to mention, this method really helped him avoid some trouble.

Along the way, he found several signs of monster activity, some even reaching level six or above.

Such as ribbed poisonous tapirs, rainbow spiders, etc., and once they appear, there is still a nest!

Whenever this happens, he will immediately change direction.

Naturally, other monks were also detected, either escaping in panic or fighting with some monsters.

But what I encounter the most are the corpses that can be seen everywhere on the ground.

Pity these people, they originally entered this place with the attitude of looking for opportunities, but now this place has become a life-threatening purgatory.

After this opportunity passes, I wonder if there will be any return.

Among them, the one suffering the greatest loss is the Five Elements Sect. Perhaps the entire sect will suffer from a gap in middle and low-level disciples as a result.

Of course, he also discovered a lot of good things, such as rare spiritual herbs.

In the past, he would have been extremely moved, but at the moment, he couldn't think of it at all.

Because most of these things are accompanied by various dangers. If you want to get them, you have to risk your life!

Speaking of opportunities, this place is really a treasure!

Leaving aside the spiritual herbs, the appearance of various monsters alone is enough to drive many people crazy.

Some demon beasts’ inner core can be used to refine elixirs, their scales and fur can be used to make soft armor robes, their bones and tendons can be used to refine magic weapons, and even their blood can be used to draw talismans.

It can be said that demon beasts above level 5 are full of treasures!

In addition to these, Mo Xun also discovered several mineral deposits underground. If he hadn’t been thinking about getting out, he would have wanted to collect some.

But despite this, he still accidentally got a few precious materials.

It was also a pleasant surprise!

Just when he was anxious and didn’t find any traces of Yuanying cultivators, and didn’t find any clues to get out, he accidentally hit the right spot and dug a tunnel into a strange place.

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