Mo Xun stepped into it and lit up a lighting instrument.

When the light spreads, the place where you are is a long passage.

This passage is not flat. One side goes up and the other side goes down. I don’t know where it leads.

What surprised him was that there were some artificial stone steps at his feet.

This discovery at least shows that this place is not a deserted land.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to go down and take a look. Fortunately, there was no restriction on spiritual consciousness here. If there was any danger, at least he wouldn't be blinded.

He first put away one avatar, and the other one was unfortunately placed in front to open the way. As for Bai Ze, he still followed behind him.

Although I haven't encountered any wandering souls so far, I still can't be careless.

Just in case, he also set up several temporary formations where he came in.

The passage is very long and winding. I walked carefully along the way and walked nearly a stick of incense, but it still didn't end.

I roughly estimate that this depth is probably more than a hundred feet above the ground.

Isn't this a tomb passage?

The further he walked, the stronger this feeling became in his heart. After all, this place was called the Tomb of Gods Jungle, and it was the place where many monks who had not yet become great monks rested in ancient times.

Monk cemeteries are not like those in the secular world where valuable burial objects are buried.

In many tombs, there may be only one skeleton.

Some are even just burial mounds.

Fortunately, during this period, we did not encounter any danger, and there were no agencies or restrictions.

The dust on the ground means that this place has been abandoned for a long time.

It can be clearly felt that the current location should be under the belly of a mountain. The walls on both sides are all made of stones.

After walking up the stone steps, the road in front of us finally became flat, and it should be the end.

Passing through a rough stone door, there is a natural cave inside.

The area is small, only four to five feet square, with irregular borders around it, and an uneven stalactite structure above its head.

There are also several natural stone pillars, connected up and down, with rough and uneven surfaces, like huge trees that have grown for hundreds of years. Each one requires at least three or four people to surround it.

Looking around the stone pillar, Mo Xun immediately noticed something eye-catching.

This cave is really empty, except for the rocks that can be seen everywhere, there is almost nothing that can attract attention.

This object is also a stone, about four to five feet square, half a person tall, and its color is obviously different from its surroundings. Under low light, it shows a deep dark green.

The most peculiar thing is that its surface seems to be cut in half by some sharp weapon and tilted upward.

Moreover, the inclined side is extremely neat and smooth, like a stone tablet.

Mo Xun first used his spiritual consciousness to explore the area. After finding nothing unusual, he slowly walked over.

Perhaps it was because it was very quiet underground, and all I could hear was his faint footsteps.

When he walked up to it, Mo Xun was already sure that this thing was definitely made by manpower, because its surface was so smooth that it was like a mirror. He could almost clearly see his own reflection inside.

There are no traces of dripping water on this object, which means it cannot be caused by water erosion.

Also, it’s so clean up there!

Although the entire cave is airtight, due to the passage of time, there is dust everywhere.

But there was no dust on its surface.

This situation can only be due to two reasons.

Either someone comes here to clean it regularly, or the surface of the stone is so smooth that any dust that falls on it will slide down the slope and cannot stay at all.

From this perspective alone, even if this thing is not a treasure, it can still be called a foreign object.

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and touched it. It felt like ice had penetrated his bones!

"Try to inject spiritual power into it and see!"

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "Do you recognize this thing?"

The male sheep said in a deep voice: "I'm not sure yet, you have to try it first before you say anything!"

After Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, he put his palm on it again and at the same time used his magic power. A soft spiritual power slowly flowed out of his body and then poured into it.

The next moment, a faint fluorescence suddenly appeared around the palm.

Both of them were impressed!

On the originally dark green smooth surface, the fluorescent light gradually gathered to form twisted lines. These lines slowly connected into one, depicting winding ravines and grooves.

Among them, there are also some weird symbols.

Mo Xun couldn't help but murmured: "Is this... a map?"

As the lines on it became more and more complete, the two of them were completely sure that what appeared on this stone tablet was not a map of this place, so what could it be?

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel happy. You know, he was worrying about how to get out now!

It seems that this time, things really turned out well!

But then, new questions arose in his mind.

Why is there a secret map in this place?

Before he could continue to think about it, he noticed that many flashing red light spots suddenly appeared on the map.

This is……

Where is the marked treasure?

At this moment, let alone Mo Xun, even Gong Yang was a little bit murmuring.

But soon, the two discovered something unusual.

After a long time, it was Ram Yang who was the first to speak: "These marks seem to be invaded places..."

Mo Xun also saw something, because there were two places inside, which were the man-eating ants and the ancient tree of Emperor Xiu that he had passed by before.

That is to say, this map is actually used for surveillance!

The two fell silent at the same time.

The strange secret realm that suddenly appeared was originally thought to be formed naturally, but it was unexpected that such a strange surveillance map would be hidden deep underground.

What kind of secret is hidden in it?

In fact, it is not very meaningful to think about this problem now. After all, so many years have passed. Even if there was a conspiracy in the past, what does it matter now?

Thinking of this, he put down his heart that was originally raised.

Now that there is a map, the next step is much simpler. Although there is no clear exit on it, at least there is no need to wander around aimlessly like before.

His eyes were immediately placed on those strange symbols.

If there is really an exit, it is probably in these places.

Then, he took out a jade slip and copied the entire map. With a flash of golden light in his hand, he took out the Golden Rainbow Halberd and planned to take the entire stone tablet away with him.


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