Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 542 Brahma Relics

The golden rainbow halberd suddenly came out of his hand. The white jade sculpture was as fragile as a clay sculpture in front of a magic weapon of this level.

It is a pity that such a large piece of rough jade could be regarded as a national treasure no matter where it is in the mortal world. But in Mo Xun's eyes at this moment, it was not much different from an ordinary stone.

As the jade carving shattered, a faint light bloomed from the pile of fragments.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a small crystal ball.

It's as big as a pearl and is all silvery white. If you hadn't looked at it carefully, you would have thought it was a fragment of a jade carving.

The moment he saw this thing, the ram screamed excitedly.

"Brahma relics!"

Mo Xun frowned just now, but when he heard this, two rays of light suddenly shot out of his eyes.

He asked with a bit of surprise: "Is this the relic?"

Mo Xun was a little dazed at first, but after thinking about it for a moment, he felt that it was really possible.

Isn’t this the most precious Buddhist treasure that can restrain hidden evil things?

"Boy, why are you still standing there? Look at the other sculptures!"

Only then did Mo Xun react. He quickly rolled up his sleeves and took it into his hands.

The moment I took possession of this item, I suddenly felt a sense of sacredness, as if my heart felt a little more peaceful.

This thing seems to be more effective than any concentration talisman.

Next, the empty dome hall seemed to have been looted. In a moment, all the white jade sculptures with various shapes and ferocious shapes were smashed into pieces.

The strange place that was originally daunting was suddenly filled with chaos.

Amid the smoke and dust, Mo Xun stood in a corner of the hall.

At this moment, there was a circle of dazzling crystal jade beads floating around him. They were of various colors, and when counted, there were a total of eighty-one.

Looking at these flesh and bone incarnations in front of him, Mo Xun felt a little unreal.

When did the relics of eminent monks become so cheap?

However, from another aspect, we can also see the handiwork of those who originally spread the law. I am afraid that these relics alone are worth the entire wealth of a small sect.

The point is, these things are really hard to come by.

Generally speaking, only a very small number of enlightened monks at the Nascent Soul level will be able to manifest this thing after Nirvana, and the number varies greatly depending on the realm of Buddhism.

Some eminent monks can give birth to several or even dozens of them in their bodies.

And some, not even one!

The number of these objects also represents the exquisiteness of Buddhism at a certain level.

At the same time, every relic embodies the vast Buddha’s intention.

From this point of view, the carefully carved statues of strange beasts around are not just to show solemnity, but totems that hide souls in the dark.

With these things, it provides a lot of guarantee for his next move.

Although the effect cannot be seen at the moment, at least deep down, it has increased a lot of confidence.

"Leave quickly, be careful and things may change if you wait too long!"

Mo Xun naturally understood Gongyang's worries. He saw all the relics in his neat roll of long sleeves, and then he didn't forget to look back and glanced at the weird animal bone pit, and then followed the original path. Leave quickly.

Returning to the ground where he came from, Mo Xun took out the jade slip map and put it on his forehead to check while retreating.

In fact, before coming here, he had already thought about where he would go next if he couldn't find a way out.

The two incarnations were still leading the way, and he himself strung the eighty-one relics with ropes to make several rosary-like things, which were hung on his neck and wrists.

This thing is not helpful in cultivation, but Buddhism is inherently yang, and it is the best for dealing with those demons and ghosts!

I hope that over these tens of thousands of years, the Brahma Buddha nature inside has not been completely lost.

When passing by a canyon, there was a violent shaking above the head, causing Mo Xun to stop in a hurry, and at the same time, he carefully explored his spiritual consciousness.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, you will be shocked when you see it.

I saw two people on the ground, a strange man with a hawk-billed body and two wings behind him, fighting together. From time to time, there was a feeling of the ground shaking.

This is... a monster in disguise!

Without even seeing the other party's appearance clearly, he quickly withdrew his consciousness and quickly left the place.

To be honest, this was the first time he had seen such a transformed monster.

You must know that the monsters that can reach the transformation stage are at least level eight or above, which is almost equivalent to the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, so the realm of the other two is self-evident.

Fortunately, a few people were in the middle of a fierce battle and had no time to pay attention to him. If they were spying on the high-level monks like this on weekdays, God knows what trouble would happen.

He even murmured secretly in his heart, what the hell is this place?

Level 5 and 6 monsters are flying all over the sky, and now even level 8 monsters have appeared.

It is conceivable that once the entire secret realm is opened, even if the Five Elements Sect comes out in full force, they may not be able to withstand it!

This is not counting the ghosts that are about to come from the underworld. By then, the entire Central Region will probably be in another catastrophe!

On the next trip, he became even more cautious.

Unless absolutely necessary, I will definitely not show up easily!

He even thought about it. At worst, he would hide in the gourd and wait for a year and a half. After the outside world was completely peaceful, it would not be too late to come out.

As for the ground, I will definitely not go up again until I find a way out.

About half a day later, we finally came to another mark on the map.

On the map, this place is similar to a water drop shape, and no one knows what it represents.

With a rumble, as the stone wall was pierced, there was another natural cave in front of him.

This place is actually very close to the ground. According to Mo Xun's rough estimate, it is no more than ten feet at most, so as soon as he stepped into it, he was on high alert.

The reason for choosing this place is mainly because it is closest to the previous dome palace.

As for him now, there is actually no better way.

The only thing he can do is to follow the instructions on the map and walk through all the special marks inside.

Maybe with luck, he can find clues to leave this place.

In the cave, there is a slight fluorescence, coming from many light blue crystal stones around.

In the dim light, it seems that the sound of flowing water can be heard.

Mo Xun was suspicious, could this place be connected to the underground river, and then the same as the deep water in the pool when he came here?

If so, this trip is obviously in vain.

Even if he can return to the place where he came from, he is powerless to return along the same route!

After walking along the narrow passage under the cave for a while, he really found the source of the water sound, but it was not a river, but a stream that seeped into the ground from the cracks in the mountain.

There was no particularly large space in the entire cave, it was full of narrow passages with twists and turns, leading in all directions, like a maze!

Mo Xun wandered around in it for half an hour, but got lost.

Moreover, the ground happened to be inside a mountain, so it was not easy to explore the outside terrain with his spiritual sense.

Just as he was about to randomly choose a direction and dig a passage directly from the rock, he heard a subtle sound by his ear.

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