But before he could react, his expression suddenly changed.

Then, a figure appeared behind him like a ghost.

You know, since entering this place, he has been spreading his consciousness, and even behind him, he seems to have a pair of eyes.

But even so, the moment this figure appeared, he was still caught off guard.

Mo Xun almost didn't think about it. His whole body shot out like a sharp arrow from a bow. At the same time, he had already grasped the golden rainbow halberd in his hand, and in an instant, it shot out two or three feet away.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead in an instant.

In mid-air, his heart almost rose to his throat, for fear of being suddenly attacked.

You know, the opponent can appear behind him without anyone noticing, and his strength can be imagined.

It wasn't until he landed safely that he calmed down a little.

But when he turned around and saw the man's appearance clearly, he was once again in a trance.

In the dimness, he was dressed in a red robe, extremely conspicuous!

It's just that the face that should have been as charming as ice is actually as cold as ice!

Mo Xun's eyes were almost as wide as he could at this moment. He really didn't expect to meet this person in this place!

Isn't the person in front of me the Taoist monk who is about to be worshiped by the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord?

The two people looked at each other, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

After being surprised, Mo Xun realized that the frost woman in front of him was a genuine Nascent Soul cultivator.

Although I heard that he had just advanced a little while ago, it was only a matter of hands to deal with such a small alchemy like him.


Mo Xun swallowed hard. Even though the other party did not release a strong momentum, the gap in realm still made him feel a suffocating pressure.

He was thinking about the current situation rapidly in his mind.

After the other party showed up, he did not take his life immediately, which shows that he was not killing innocent people indiscriminately.

But the expression on his face that kept strangers away gave him an ominous premonition.

If I remember correctly, this person's name is Xia Muyao, and he is also the master of the palace!

Logically speaking, shouldn't this person be following the Purple Saint Lord?

Mo Xun hurriedly used his spiritual consciousness to explore the surrounding area, but did not find the existence of the third person.

Could it be said that the two of them did not enter this place together?

By the way, these two people seemed to leave the wedding ceremony one after the other.

But the time between them doesn’t seem to be long!

Just as he was thinking wildly, Xia Muchao finally spoke.

"follow me!"

It was such a short sentence, but it was full of a tone that could not be resisted.

Mo Xun looked at her disappearing back. After a brief hesitation, he put away his avatar and followed helplessly.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​consciousness, he quickly called out the ram.

"Did you notice this person's whereabouts just now?"

"I'm just a flicker of consciousness. I can't even escape from your body. How could I detect it in time?"

Mo Xunpo nodded somewhat depressedly. This time, he didn't know what the blessings and misfortunes would be.

"This woman seems to be more beautiful than the other beauties before you!"

Mo Xun frowned secretly. At this moment, he was not in much mood to joke.

The two of them walked one behind the other through the quiet cave.

Several times, Mo Xun wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but when he thought of the other party's unpredictable methods before, he had to give up such lucky thoughts.

Judging from the current situation, this person probably has no intention of killing him immediately. He is probably similar to the old woman before and needs him to do something.

And most of what you do is full of great risks.

He slowly exhaled a breath and sighed softly in his heart.

In this sigh, there is helplessness about the current situation, and also self-pity for one's own weakness.

Even a woman can coerce him so easily!

Passing through a dark and narrow mountain gap, Xia Muyao suddenly stopped.

On Mo Xun's side, he released his spiritual consciousness immediately.

In front of the two of them, there was an extremely vast cave, and there was an underground pool of water in it. There was a bit of damp smell in the air.

The ground was covered with light blue crystals, but it didn't look dark at all.

Looking as far as the eye can see, there is a small island three to four feet square in the middle of the pond.

After seeing a figure clearly on the island, Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat again.

It's just that this person is none other than the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord!

However, the current situation and state of this great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage seemed a bit abnormal.

The whole person just sat cross-legged on the island quietly, with a thick black evil energy swirling around his body, and even his face looked as black as poison.

It was surrounded by a circle of silver light.

In an instant, Mo Xun recognized that this was a kind of confinement formation.

Could it be that the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord encountered some trouble and the Summer Palace Master came to him for help?

But in other words, with his little ability, who can he save?

Xia Muyao walked to the pond, tapped her foot slightly, and then jumped up. Like a stunning silhouette, her bright red dress drew a bright ribbon in the air.

To put it bluntly, this woman is extremely beautiful.

With a fair complexion, a slender figure, and a delicate face with almost no flaws, coupled with her earthly temperament, she really looks like a fairy who is not stained by the smoke and dust of the world.

The red embroidered shoes stepped lightly on the ground, and then were covered by the slowly falling skirt.

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, it seemed that he could neither advance nor retreat!

Just at this moment, Xia Muyao's commanding voice came to his ears again.

"Come here!"

Mo Xun touched his nose a little awkwardly, and finally jumped up reluctantly and flew to the island in the middle of the lake.

The moment he landed, he was completely sure that this Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch must have been poisoned by some deadly poison, or a spell.

However, he did not dare to look closely, even his spiritual sense was restrained, and his head was consciously lowered.

At this moment, he really had a hard time!

An early Nascent Soul cultivator made him unable to resist, let alone a late great cultivator?

No matter which of the two, they were a towering existence for him.

He even began to guess that this Palace Master Xia was looking for him to be a scapegoat?

For example, through some means, the poison on Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch could be transferred to his body...

When he thought of this, he tightened the Golden Rainbow Halberd in his hand.

If this is the case, even if he sacrifices his life, he has to fight with him!

Although he was thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind, his heart had already sunk to the bottom!

He even thought about all the means he could use, but he still had no confidence.

If it really doesn't work, he can only sacrifice the Xuantian True Fire to see if he can win a glimmer of life for him.

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