Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 547 Ghosts and Spirits

The two of them sweated profusely, each getting what they wanted!

One of them had a twisted heart, and it seemed that the more he indulged himself, the more he could release the pleasure that had been pent up in his heart for a long time.

The blushing voice echoed in the empty cave.

However, the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch on the side seemed to be deaf to it!

But the more this happened, the more angry Nalan became. She wished she could completely ravage this body without a trace of dignity.

As for Mo Xun, he was a little bit greedy.

He was like a feather floating in the clouds, worried about falling, but also enjoying the process.

It turned out that the relationship between men and women was so wonderful!

On the other hand, his cultivation was also rapidly increasing.

In just a short while, it was at least equivalent to his ten years of hard work.

If he continued to develop at this speed, he would probably try to break through the initial bottleneck soon.

Of course, all this requires two major premises.

First, it depends on whether Nalan is generous enough to allow him to absorb so recklessly.

Secondly, how long can his virgin body last?

If he just collapses like this, he may lose not only this great opportunity, but also his life.

But many times, things often go against one's will.

The shadow wall stone above his head is still emitting a faint glow, and its surface reflects the crazy scene below.

But at this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly hits, causing the two people who are already naked to shiver at the same time.

The surging desire in the two people's bodies suddenly cooled down by more than half.

Then, in the dim blue in the distance, a group of extremely black things rushed out.

Accompanied by a gloomy cry like a ghost crying.

Mo Xun was secretly shocked, and the practice he was running also stopped.

Before he could react, he felt his body lighten, and Nalan had already jumped up.

The strong wind blew off the veil covering his face.

He once again saw the flawless jade body clearly and realistically.

Moreover, it was from a very special angle!

The slender jade legs were long and white, and the bare feet were natural and crystal clear!

The graceful and light figure was like a lotus emerging from the water, without a trace of worldly charm.

This scene made Mo Xun look a little dazed.

However, such a beautiful picture in front of him did not last for a moment. The red robe that fell on the ground flew up and wrapped around Nalan in the air.

This kind of fragrant and charming beauty was completely covered up.

Poor Mo Xun was standing halfway up the mountain at this moment, and he was a little bit up and down.

So what was this?

Was his virginity, which he had guarded for more than a hundred years, broken or not?

But now, it seems not the time to think about these things.

I saw Nalan suddenly slapped out a palm, hitting the sudden black fog.

With a creepy cry, the black fog dispersed.

But soon, it gathered again, and this time, it turned into a human figure floating in the air.

Extremely fierce!

Mo Xun's heart trembled, this is a ghost!

It seems that what he expected before has finally come true, and the passage to the underworld has been opened.

Nalan's brows frowned immediately after the attack failed.

She then grabbed in the air, and a purple soft whip immediately appeared in her hand.

With a "snap", it hit the ghost that rushed over accurately.

The ghost was like a physical entity. Not only was it whipped back several steps, but a bright purple flame burned on its body, and it immediately let out a shrill scream.

Is this... Purple Void True Fire?

Yes, this is another one of the thirty-six Xuantian True Fires.

I really didn't expect that I would encounter this kind of flame again after coming here from the East Region.

But this thing seemed to be similar to what I saw in Liangyi Sect that year. It was not as flexible as his Chi Li, or it was not very complete, but a part of it was sealed in the whip.

Before, he had thought of using Chi Li to deal with this person. Now, it seems that he was lucky that he didn't act rashly. Maybe he would be swallowed by the other person's true fire if he was not careful.

After all, the other party was higher than him in terms of cultivation and true fire ranking.

After one whip, the ghost was annihilated in the purple flame.

But this was just the beginning!

Before Nalan could relax for a moment, gusts of cold wind came from the cave entrance in the distance again, and this time, it was much more violent than before.

Then, a large number of ghosts and evil spirits hidden in the black fog rushed in like a tide, covering the sky and the earth, with the cries of crows and howls of wolves!

In the blink of an eye, it filled the entire cave.

The thick yin energy caused the temperature around to drop sharply.

The shapes of these ghosts were also different.

Some were like human figures, with complete bodies and limbs, some only had half of their bodies, and some only had a lonely head left, wandering around, looking extremely terrifying.

And the piercing ghost cry was like a captivating sound wave.

The entire cave seemed to have turned into a netherworld where ghosts and souls were hidden in an instant!

Nalan waved his whip to kill the approaching ghosts while slowly retreating, and during this period, he did not forget to put away the shadow wall stone in the air.

But there were too many ghosts in front of him, like mayflies in the sea. When one batch was killed, another batch would come in immediately, and there was no end to killing them!

At this moment, a ball of black fog suddenly rushed towards Mo Xun.

In the black fog, there was a gloomy ghost with half of its face and one eyeball almost falling off.

In panic, Mo Xun instinctively raised his hands to block it.

When his arms were crossed, the relic rosary on his wrist suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

As soon as the ghost approached, it was pierced by the golden light with a scream.

He couldn't help but look happy. He didn't expect that he could not only move, but also that the Buddha bone relic before was so powerful.

Then he waved his hand again, and the golden light of his arm directly dispersed another ball of black fog that was approaching him.

After these two shocks, for a while, no ghost dared to approach him again.

His surroundings suddenly became a vacuum covered by black fog.

Nalan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene. Before Mo Xun could do anything, he waved his sleeves and collected most of the Buddha's bones scattered on the ground like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

However, Mo Xun's movements were obviously not slow.

After picking up the storage bag and the green gourd, he immediately grabbed the remaining dozen relics in his hands.

Without even having time to put on his clothes, he jumped into the pool beside him.

When he broke out of the water, he was already wearing a gray robe.

However, due to this short delay, there were originally three people in the cave, but now he was the only one left, and even the seriously injured Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch had disappeared.

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