Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 548: Chaos Heaven and Earth Stone

Mo Xun looked around and found that there was no one else except the evil ghosts.

But now was not the time to explore these things.

He was holding a handful of Buddha bone relics in his hand, and he was more confident.

He used the relics to clear the way. Whenever he encountered a fierce ghost, he would directly use the golden light of the relics to kill a large number of them!

However, there were too many evil ghosts in front of him, and he could not kill them all.

Fortunately, the ones he met seemed to be minor characters.

He fought and retreated all the way. Although the golden light was extremely sharp, he still suffered several external injuries inadvertently.

Finally, he fought his way out in the ghostly aura.

Back to the maze-like passage when he came back, the ghosts suddenly decreased, but the yin energy around him remained the same.

Being in it, it was like the underworld!

It seemed that the whole secret realm was already filled with ghosts.

In this situation, he suddenly had a bold idea.

Presumably, these ghosts would not just wander around in this secret place. Maybe following them would lead to the exit.

But in a flash, he realized that this method would not work at all.

First, although there were many ghosts, most of them wandered around aimlessly. Doing so would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Secondly, if he ran into a powerful character, such as the ghost king, he would be courting death.

While carefully looking for a way out, he strung the Buddha's bones and relics with ropes and hung them on his chest and back, while releasing the Xuantian True Fire to clear the way ahead.

In his hand, he clenched the wind and thunder stick.

Thunder and fire are both extremely yang things, and they should be able to play a role in dealing with those ubiquitous ghosts.

He wanted to return along the original path, but in a hurry, he seemed to have lost his way again.

But this was not a problem. The spiritual consciousness was not limited here, so it would only take more effort.

But after about half an hour, he still hadn't walked out.

Although his speed was not fast, it was estimated that he had walked at least 20 to 30 miles.

And in order to avoid going in circles, he would leave a trace of spiritual mark every few miles. It is certain that he basically did not go back all the way.

There should be only one reason for this situation.

That is, the scope of this place is much larger than he imagined!

Now there are probably two feasible ways for him.

Either go directly through the hole above his head, or choose a direction at random and make a straight passage out.

Being trapped here for a long time is not a solution!

But in his heart, he obviously prefers the second one.

He really didn't want to return to the ground rashly. Who knows what the outside world is like now, with monsters and ghosts rampant!

Then, with two incarnations in front, he no longer cared about the winding passages and tried to dig a road directly on the rock wall.

Another half hour later, as a large piece of rock was smashed, the view in front of him suddenly became clear.

However, Mo Xun's nerves were tense at the first moment.

After confirming that there were no ghosts inside, he followed the incarnation and stepped in.

When he saw the surrounding environment clearly, he was briefly surprised.

This place turned out to be a stone chamber with steps and stone walls, which was artificially carved.

Could it be that he accidentally came to another mark on the map?

The surroundings were slightly dim, and bronze candlesticks were hung on the stone walls on both sides.

Mo Xun flicked his finger, and the fire flew out. The candle was lit, and it immediately illuminated a large area.

The surrounding scene was slowly revealed in front of him.

The whole stone chamber presented a regular hexagon. Together with the stone wall he damaged, there were a total of six stone walls, and each wall was carved with a simple mural.

The scope of the stone chamber was not very large, about three or four feet square.

The top of his head was rather strange. It was not as neatly repaired as the surroundings, but was a naturally formed concave and convex rock.

In other words, this place might have been a small cave originally, and people adapted to the local conditions and built it into a secret room.

The first thing he noticed was a small teleportation array in the corner.

The moment he saw this thing, his eyes lit up, and he took two quick steps and came to the teleportation array.

Could this be the way out?

When he thought of this, he felt his heartbeat speed up a bit.

It was just that after tens of thousands of years, whether this thing could still be used was an unknown.

In addition, where the other end was connected was also a big problem.

At least from the edge of the magic circle, it was still intact, and the groove of the spirit stone was still clearly visible.

It was a pity that he didn't know this, otherwise, he could roughly infer the teleportation distance based on the rune carvings on it.

But then again, how could there be a teleportation array here?

Then, he lit up all the candlesticks.

Under the bright lights, two very sharp and slender strange stones were seen hanging straight down from the top of the stone wall in the center.

One white and one black, they formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding bluestone.

They were like two large and long stone nails!

Under the stone nails, there was a round stone platform half a person's height. On the stone platform, there were two fist-sized emerald green jade pots, and the pot mouths were facing the sharpest parts of the two stone nails.

Mo Xun frowned secretly. What was the name of this strange thing?

As he got closer, he saw that the jade pot was filled with black and white liquids.

It seemed as if the liquids had dripped from two stones!

Just as he was wondering, Gong Yang said with a hint of hesitation: "... It looks like the Yin-Yang Di Water!"

Mo Xun's heart moved. He seemed to have heard this name somewhere.

Oh, I remember. Hun Tian is Yang, and Xuan Di is Yin...

Thinking of this, a gleam of light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

"Are these two stones the legendary Hun Tian Xuan Di stones?"

Gong Yang replied uncertainly: "It's hard to say. I have only heard of this thing!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but look up and carefully examine the strange stones in front of him. He circled around them twice. One was flawless white, and the other was black and colorless. In his heart, he silently recalled the records of Hun Tian Xuan Di.

Yang can cure hundreds of lives, and Yin can poison everything!

In other words, one of these Yin and Yang waters is the most magical healing medicine in the world, and the other is the strongest unsolvable poison in the world!

It takes about a hundred years for such a drop to grow on each stone.

If this is true, he is really lucky this time to encounter such a magical object.

Originally, I thought the water drop mark on the map refers to the previous pool of water, but now it seems that it is probably the Yin and Yang water.

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