If I guess correctly, the existence of the entire stone chamber should be used to collect the Yin and Yang water.

The two stone nails seemed to grow out of the stone wall above.

I don't know if they were born here or were placed here later.

Looking at the black and white water in front of him, what he was most interested in was naturally the Hun Tian Shen Liquid.

If it was really as magical as the legend said, what kind of healing pill would he need in the future!

After thinking for a while, he didn't rush to move them, but came to several murals around.

There was no color on the murals, or there was originally, but it was corroded because of the long time.

Each painting was basically drawn with a few simple strokes, without any beauty, but it was extremely vivid.

For example, men, loose clothes and long robes, with hair tied on their heads.

Women, with long hair draped over their shoulders and slender waists, are easy to identify.

In addition to these, there are all kinds of monsters of various shapes, birds in the sky, and beasts on the ground.

Mo Xun simply looked at a few of them, and they seemed to tell a story, but he was not sure.

After all, he was almost blank in painting.

But Gong Yang could clearly see some clues. You know, Cang Kuo Zhenren in those days was known as the master of "qin, chess, calligraphy and painting".

"The painting here looks like a curse!"

Hearing this sudden sentence, Mo Xun's heart sank for no reason. These two words were not good words.

"What do you mean?"

Gong Yang pondered for a while before motioning Mo Xun to come to a mural on the left.

On it, rough lines were used to outline the appearance of a mountain gate.

In front of the mountain gate, stood a man with a fairy-like appearance, with a few long beards under his chin, indicating that this person should be an old man.

On the steps under the old man's feet, two teenagers, a boy and a girl, were kneeling, each carrying a bag on their backs. Judging from their body proportions, they were about thirteen or fourteen years old.

Next to the few people, there were two rows of Taoist children standing in a scattered manner, with the same hair bun.

The whole painting was done with very few strokes, and that was about it.

"This should be the first one, which probably tells the story of two young people coming from afar to become apprentices!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and had no objection to this interpretation.

Then, he came to the second painting.

This picture obviously contained more information, including not only meditation and flying scenes, but also some playful scenes.

"This picture is not difficult to understand, which roughly tells the story of the two people practicing immortal arts, and they fell in love with each other over time, and gradually developed into Taoist couples."

Mo Xun asked puzzledly: "How do you know that they fell in love over time?"

Gong Yang said unhappily: "They are holding hands now, are they still brother and sister?"

Mo Xun touched his nose embarrassedly, and he really wanted to say that he and his younger sister had been so close before.

But if you think about it carefully, she was only eight or nine years old at that time, but the two people in the painting were already adults.

"Go on!"

When it came to the third painting, it was a little hard to understand, because there was only a figure with his back to the woman and a kneeling man.

Gong Yang pondered for a long time before slowly saying, "Something must have happened to the woman later. The man went to ask the master for help, but was rejected!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but admire that such a little information could be interpreted.

He then came to the fourth painting, but the following plot seemed to have a big reversal.

Even he, who was not good at poetry and painting, could roughly see the clues, but he was more confused in his mind.

According to the painting above, the two people fought directly. The man was seriously injured and had to leave. He was followed by a group of disciples who seemed to be arresting him. Finally, he escaped into a deep mountain forest.

This is what Mo Xun was surprised about.

Could it be that the man went to ask the master for help, but because the master stood by and watched, he fought?

If this is the case, this person's style of behavior is somewhat unreasonable.

No matter what, the other party is his teacher, no matter what, he should not vent his anger on others.

When Mo Xun said this guess, Gong Yang sneered disdainfully.

"You are too naive. I am afraid that the disappearance of the woman is related to this master!"

It really woke up the dreamer, and Mo Xun's heart suddenly understood.

If this is the case, it seems to be explained!

"You mean... the master arrested the female apprentice, and the man went to plead for mercy, and finally brought about a murderous disaster?"

"Almost, maybe this man accepted them because he had a fancy to the woman!"

Mo Xun's eyes fell on the sanctimonious old man again. If Gong Yang was not beside him, he would not have thought about it in this direction.

Coming to the fifth mural, combined with what he had seen before and Gong Yang's interpretation, he seemed to understand it a little.

This painting is divided into two parts.

In the first part, the man stood among a group of birds and beasts, pinching his fingers to cast a spell!

In the corner, there were two ancient trees leaning against each other, and from the ancient trees, a fierce ghost with fangs emerged.

Then the scene changed to the second part, in front of a magnificent palace, ghosts were everywhere, and corpses were lying on the ground.

Gong Yang said: "These two trees should be the Fusang sacred trees. Out of hatred, this person didn't know where he learned this set of summoning techniques, and then summoned countless ghosts, and finally slaughtered the entire sect."

Mo Xun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. For a personal vengeance, he wiped out the whole family. This method... was too cruel.

However, he found something wrong in a second.

According to the previous speculation of the two people, the owner of this place was indeed preparing to open up the underworld and summon the ghosts to the lower world, but it seemed to have failed.

Otherwise, how could the holy light of the tomb of the gods appear and the secret realm reappear?

Mo Xun frowned and asked: "According to you, this person succeeded back then?"

"No! What is drawn in this painting should be just an expectation or a hypothesis!"

Mo Xun nodded gently. He finally understood why Gong Yang just said it was a curse!

But who would be the object of this curse?

Of course, it is actually meaningless to discuss this issue now. What he cares most about is whether there are clues to a way out.

This person summoned so many ghosts, so he must take them out. Theoretically, there is a way out with the outside world.

Now we can only hope that this way out is not the black hole when we came here.

Otherwise, he would be at a loss!

Fortunately, there was one last mural, but when he turned around and looked at it, he felt a little depressed.

Because this wall was exactly the one he had punched through when he came in.

The originally complete painting was now missing more than half, and the rest was all buried in a pile of rubble.

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