Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 550 The Sixth Picture

It took him more than an hour to put the entire mural together again.

Fortunately, the general content can be easily distinguished.

Just how to interpret it is up for debate.

The content is very simple. On the far left, there is a sleeping woman. The woman seems to be holding something in her hand, but because of the damage, it cannot be put back together, making it difficult to identify.

Below the woman is a tombstone on a grave, but it is drawn with dotted lines.

In the middle is a jade pot-shaped container, and on the far right is a pair of ancient trees.

Nothing else!

This woman is easy to understand, she should be the female disciple at the beginning of the story.

As for the jade pot... Mo Xun looked back at the yin and yang water under the Huntian Xuandi stone, which probably refers to one of them.

A pair of ancient trees seems to be the Fusang Sacred Tree.

Mo Xun stared for a moment and thought of several possibilities, but they were all a bit uncertain.

"Ram, what do you think?"

Gongyang pondered for a while and then said: "This person may be trying to kill two birds with one stone by using the summoning technique."

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully, and he naturally understood what Gongyang meant.

Most of the women in the paintings are corpses, and the men, together with the ghosts, on the one hand want to attract the revenge of ghosts and ghosts, and on the other hand, they may want to return to life.

Speaking of this, Mo Xun was no longer as surprised as before. Wasn't the Henry Zhang he met when he was in Liangyi Sect secretly doing this kind of thing?

Now he still has the black gourd-shaped magic weapon in his storage bag.

But what about the jade pot in the middle?

How to explain it?

Could it be Huntian Liquid, used to resurrect women?

This explanation seems to make sense. Since this product can cure all kinds of diseases, it might actually have the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

Thinking along this line of thinking, there are only two things left, one is the thing in the woman's hand, and the other is the tombstone!

Although the paintings are all simple and slightly incomplete, the woman is clearly holding something in her hands, and it doesn't look like the painting was caused by a mistake.

According to Gongyang, this object is probably a jade slip or something with the man's last words on it.

Because performing this kind of soul-calling secret technique often requires paying an extremely heavy price, perhaps the price is the man's life.

This also explains why there is no man in the painting, but there is a tombstone.

This interpretation is very smoothly connected with the contents of the previous pictures, but if you think about it carefully, there is actually a big loophole in it.

That’s the whole story, incomplete!

In other words, there should be other content behind it.

For example, if the spell is cast successfully, the woman is resurrected, or it is the result of the previous revenge, there should also be an explanation.

Such a hasty ending is somewhat unreasonable.

Of course, this does not mean that it is completely impossible. After all, the existence of these murals is a big doubt.

Who wants revenge and will engrave his revenge experience on a mural?

Maybe these things were just a whim of the other person's state of mind at the time.

Since it is a temporary painting, you cannot follow common sense. As for whether it is complete or not, it is not that important.

But then again, what if it was done deliberately?

What is this person's intention?

Thinking of this, he felt that his head was a little swollen.

There is also a very critical issue. Among the six paintings, not one of them mentioned the method of leaving this place, which is a bit disappointing.

His eyes fell on the jade pot in the painting again.

The only thing that can correspond to reality right now is this thing.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but ask: "Gongyang, what if the jade pot contains not Huntian Divine Water, but... Xuandi Venom?"

"How come you have such an idea?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly and hesitated several times to speak, but for a while, he seemed unable to formulate accurate words.

"Will this... be a choice left for women?"

The male sheep asked in confusion: "What choice?"

"Is it possible that before the man cast the spell, he knew that no matter what the outcome was, he would die, so he had this tombstone and after the woman was resurrected, he gave her this pot of Xuandi venom to use Terminate the passage between the yin and yang worlds through the hibiscus tree, so as not to continue to cause harm to the world. As for the final choice, it is up to the woman to decide."

After hearing this, Gongyang showed a rare look of admiration.

Mo Xun's interpretation was obviously a bit better than his.

"Once the great revenge is avenged and the sweetheart returns to the world of heaven, this person's anger should be calmed down. At this time, thinking of all the creatures in the world, it is not impossible!"

Hearing Gongyang's approval, Mo Xun continued: "At the same time, this may also explain why the other party left these murals."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Actually, it's very simple. This person is not sure how sure he is of his spiritualism. Once it fails, it means that both of them will die here, so I want to leave some clues for those who come later, so that they can be identified by then. They were buried together, so this tombstone can be regarded as their joint burial place!"

Gongyang's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "It makes some sense, go on!"

"Since these murals are for later generations to see, to a large extent, they should contain clues to leaving this place, and most of these clues will fall on the things in the woman's hands."

Gongyang seemed to be talking to himself: "To repay the favor of collecting the corpse, and to tell the way to leave, yes, it is reasonable... If this guess is true, this person is tantamount to explaining the method of breaking the summoning spell. It should be It also means entrusting the successors to finish off the Fusang tree!”

Mo Xun nodded in agreement. He had actually considered this situation.

In fact, there was another point that he did not mention.

That is the enemy of the master here, and I am afraid they are not far from here, because only in this way can it be easier to guide those evil spirits to carry out revenge!

In other words, the opponent's target is most likely the Five Elements Spirit Sect!

Of course, it might also be the predecessor of this sect. After all, he didn't know how many years the Five Elements Sect had existed.

So the question now is, what is the thing in the woman’s hand?

And did this person fail to succeed or did he suddenly stop casting spells due to other reasons?

If it's the latter, it's a bit troublesome.

Because as this person leaves, the woman's body will naturally be taken away, so all the analyzes just now are just a waste of brains.

The two then briefly discussed some more, but they didn't come up with anything more valuable.

Mo Xun then put away the two pots of yin and yang water, intending to pry off the Hun Tian Xuan Earth Stone as well, but with a little force, the black and white stones were all broken into powder, which made people feel very regretful.

After searching carefully around and finding nothing useful, he finally came to the teleportation array.

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