Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 551: Netherworld Hell

After a dizzy spell, before the haziness in front of his eyes disappeared, all kinds of messy and noisy sounds came to his ears, as if he had arrived at a chaotic battlefield.

Fortunately, before Mo Xun entered the teleportation array, he had already made full preparations, and all kinds of defensive treasures on his body played a role at the first time.

The golden light of the relics on his body directly forced back several approaching wandering souls, and a piercing scream came.

However, Mo Xun's brows were frowned at the first time.

On the one hand, the evil spirits here are too heavy. Once you leave the teleportation array, it's like going from the hot summer days to the cold days of the nine cold days.

Looking around, everything is shrouded in endless black fog, and the field of vision is less than one or two feet. As for the spiritual consciousness, it is suppressed to the point that it is not even within the range of vision.

In other words, here, using eyes can see farther than spiritual consciousness.

In the black fog, there were ghosts and spirits everywhere, making waves of soul-stirring ghost cries and wolf howls, which made people tremble.

Mo Xun hurriedly used his magic power to keep the Qingming, and at the same time, he offered several Qingxin talismans in succession.

Being in it was like coming to the gloomy and terrifying ghost palace of the underworld.

On the other hand, the ghosts here were obviously much more powerful than those he had encountered before.

What kind of ghost place is this?

Mo Xun had just raised this question in his mind, and a dark fog rushed towards him.

He raised his hands to block it, and the golden light on his wrists shot out, piercing through the black fog.

A woman's creepy cry came faintly.

But the opponent was not killed by the golden light, and the momentum did not decrease, forcing him back several steps.

Fortunately, Mo Xun had overcome his inner fear after fighting with these ghosts before. As long as he did not encounter too powerful existence, he was confident that he would have no problem in protecting himself.

As he turned his palm, Xuantian True Fire gushed out, like a fire dragon with a bloody mouth, biting at the black fog with a hissing sound.

Wrapped in the raging fire, the thing still wanted to struggle to break free from the restraints, but it only lasted for a moment before it was completely swallowed by the fire dragon and the golden light of the relic.

Endless ghosts, covering the sky and the sun!

The black fog filled the sky, filling the world with darkness, and it was hard to tell whether it was the outside world or the room.

Fortunately, with these two divine objects, he was like a messenger from Xuantian at this moment. Not only was there a circle of golden holy light around him, but there was also a raging flame that devoured everything.

In addition to those ghosts who didn't know how to live or die, many ghosts, after suffering from the dark loss, also knew that this was a character that was not easy to mess with. The black fog that was originally omnipresent actually avoided and retreated wherever he passed.

This sudden scene gave Mo Xun a great confidence boost.

I didn't expect that the Buddha's bone relic and Xuantian True Fire would be so intimidating.

Because of his limited vision and poor spiritual awareness, he could only roughly judge the current environment based on the sounds around him.

In addition to the endless wolf howls and ghost cries, there were faint sounds of fighting.

It seems that there are traces of other people here besides him.

He held the wind and thunder stick tightly in one hand, and added a layer of lightning and light clothes around his body.

The exquisite ring on his head also lingered with a protective divine light at the first time.

In short, in this blind place, he almost took out all the defenses he could.

Not taking a few steps forward, a dazzling ray of light suddenly shot out from the dimness in the distance, and then his feet shook violently.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, thinking it was some kind of landslide.

However, the feeling of the earth shaking was restored to calm in just an instant.

But then, a figure flew over his head.

Then with a "bang", he fell heavily not far away.

Mo Xun instinctively turned around and was about to see what was going on when he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind coming from behind him. Just as he was about to react, the Buddha's bone relic behind him had already shot out several golden lights, and the Xuantian True Fire, even wrapped in heat waves, formed a curtain of fire behind him.

Under the double attack of golden light and flames, a heart-wrenching scream came out in the cold wind, like a ghost thrown into the oil pan of hell, resounding through the sky, and it was chilling to hear!

Mo Xun staggered under this impact and almost fell to the ground.

However, it was precisely because of this suddenness that he was brought directly to the side of the falling figure.

Lying on the ground was a thin man who was almost bloodless.

Facing up, his face was filled with indescribable fear.

The skin on his chest was torn, leaving a big bloody hole, and black and red sticky blood was constantly oozing out, as if someone had directly cut out his heart.

From the wound, waves of black Yin Qi visible to the naked eye emanated, and the whole person had lost half of his breath!

The moment he saw the man's appearance, he recognized him.

If he remembered correctly, the other party was also a guest watching the ceremony like him.

But his cultivation was higher than his, and he had reached the middle stage of Jindan.

In other words, a middle-stage cultivator died under his nose!

And it was such a miserable death!

Judging from the injuries that could be seen everywhere on the other party's body, he should have been bleeding for a long time, and perhaps in the end, because of his lack of mana, he was lucky enough to be taken advantage of by the Yin wind just now.

However, from another aspect, it also shows the degree of danger here.

Not to mention the Jindan stage, even the Yuanying cultivators may face the possibility of falling.

These ghosts may not be very powerful if they are picked out alone, but they are too numerous.

As the saying goes, although the ant is small, it can shake the elephant!

Moreover, these evil spirits are many times stronger than ants.

Just imagine, if the endless ghosts rush out of the secret realm, how much disaster will it bring to the creatures in this world!

Mo Xun can only hope that his luck is not too bad. With his means, he may barely deal with the little ghosts, but if he encounters the ghost king, no matter how many Buddha bones and relics he has, it will be useless.

But sometimes, what you think is what you get.

Just as he was about to pick up the other party's storage bag, two extremely powerful auras quickly approached him.

He was sure that one of them was definitely above the Yuanying stage.

The other one, on the other hand, was filled with ghostly energy, and the cold yin energy seemed to freeze even the air, causing him to shiver subconsciously.

These two forces, like magma and ice mixed together, came with overwhelming power, like a tornado, surging!

Mo Xun's first reaction was... to run!

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