Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 553 Heavenly Sword Sect

But after seeing the situation clearly, he frowned secretly.

From the outside, the entire barrier area is not large, but inside, it is five to six feet square, making it look like a large secret room.

What you can see is that the ground is in chaos, as if it had been through a big war.

There are eight platforms in a circle around it, but most of them are broken and collapsed. Some carved runes can be seen vaguely, and the props for casting spells are scattered messily on the ground.

Because of the passage of time, these things have long lost their spirituality!

The jade coffin is crookedly placed in the middle, with a weathered corpse lying on it. Judging from the clothes, it is a man. Not far from here, there is another man's skeleton, facing the jade coffin, kneeling in a posture of worship. .

In other words, including the woman in the coffin, there were three bones in total.

It was this that made Mo Xun feel strange.

How come there are three people?

While Mo Xun summoned the Xuantian Fire and was cautious, he walked over slowly out of curiosity.

However, he did not dare to get too close. When he was about ten feet away from the sitting skeleton, he stopped, and then the sleeves of his robe were brushed by. The clothes on the other person's body suddenly shattered into powder and dissipated in the wind, including the storage bag. , all turned into dust.

The humanoid skeleton inside could not hold up and fell to the ground with a crash.

He didn't step forward to check until he was sure there was no danger.

This person must have died from poison or something, and all the bones in his body were strangely black.

When he mentioned poison, he naturally thought of the Yin and Yang water.

Could it be that this person died from Xuandi venom?

Mo Xun secretly touched his chin. In fact, this possibility is quite high!

Thinking of this, he probably already had some guesses in his mind.

Coming to the jade coffin, the skeleton of the person lying on his back was also fragile due to wind erosion. When touched lightly, it scattered all over the ground. However, it was not as poisoned as the one next to it. Instead, it was broken inch by inch, and almost no intact bones could be found. .

It seems that this person was probably seriously injured and died!

Among the broken bones, a milky-white ring suddenly fell out. The surface was dull due to the erosion of time.

Mo Xun stretched out his hand to grab it and took it into his palm. The moment he touched it, he knew that this object was just an ordinary thing, not even a magic weapon!

The workmanship is also very rough, and it seems to be the most common jade ornament in the secular world.

Mo Xun turned his head and his eyes happened to fall on the hand of the woman in the coffin. He saw that the other party's slender finger bones were also wearing a similar thing.

In fact, by now, things have become very clear.

The man and woman in front of them should be the two people in the mural. As for the skeleton kneeling on the ground, they are probably their enemies.

It might even be the master of the two.

What happened can be roughly surmised like this.

The man snatched the woman's body back. He wanted to open an altar and cast a spell to open up the underworld and order the ghosts to kill the mountain sect. Unexpectedly, at this time, the master came to the door and the two had a fight. The man was seriously injured and finally used Xuandi venom. A sneak attack killed him, but he himself was also at the point of running out of gas.

This can be regarded as sleeping together with his sweetheart!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun felt somewhat emotional!

Personal pursuits are different, and he cannot judge the behavior of others based on his own values. Perhaps in the eyes of this senior, no matter how long life is, or how much wealth and splendor he has, nothing can compare to the smile between his sweetheart's brows.

I wish to have a happy relationship with you for hundreds of years, why bother practicing hard for thousands of years!

The world is ruthless, and there are so many crazy men and resentful women!

Although Mo Xun couldn't understand the state of mind of the person involved, sometimes he admired this kind of person. If he put this kind of mind that regards death as home away from home, he would not worry about the great path.

He first put the bones aside, saluted the two of them, and after muttering "offended" silently, he slowly pushed open the coffin lid.

Because of the special material of the jade coffin, the woman's body inside has not deteriorated even after thousands of years.

It's just that the exposed skin is more or less dry and wrinkled!

Despite this, his former youthful demeanor can still be seen.

According to the reminder of the mural, what Mo Xun values ​​most is what he holds in his hands.

The woman lay quietly in the jade coffin, peaceful and peaceful. She was dressed in a festive red gold silk phoenix dress, with a phoenix crown on her head, as brand new!

His hands were folded on his lower abdomen, each holding something in his hands.

Mo Xungang was about to step forward to take a closer look, but unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred, and a ray of silver light suddenly flew out of the jade coffin and headed straight for his head.

Shocked in his heart, he subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was a step too late.

Immediately afterwards, everything went dark, and the whole person seemed to be suddenly transported to a dark environment.

Fortunately, his consciousness was still clear. At the same time, he was busy summoning the Xuanthen Real Fire into his body.

The first reaction in his mind was to seize the body!

But what happened next didn't seem to go according to his guess.

In the darkness, little stars suddenly flashed out. These light spots gradually converged and slowly formed a line of text.

"To be my successor, you need to kill all the Heavenly Swordsmen!"

Before Mo Xun could react, Gongyang said in surprise: "Tianjian Sect?"

Seeing that nothing unusual happened, Mo Xun's anxious heart slowly relaxed. It turned out that this was not a body snatching, but a soul inheritance!

But then again, what did the other party inherit?

"Do you know this sect?"

Gong Yang was silent for a while, then he said with a bit of solemnity: "I guess so, it's just a long story, but what I can tell you is that the sect had ceased to exist as early as my time!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows: "Was it wiped out?"


Seeing that Gong Yang didn't mean to say more, Mo Xun didn't ask any more questions. Perhaps there was some unknown secret involved.

He has always been a person who doesn't care about things that don't concern him, and naturally has no interest in meddling in other people's affairs.

But in this case, he has to face a problem.

Should he accept this inheritance or not?

If he wants to accept it, it seems that he is unworthy of it, but if he doesn't accept it, he is a little itchy and curious about what kind of inheritance it is?

Forget it, as the saying goes, it's better to have less trouble than more, and his way of forming a pill is different from that of ordinary people. Even if there is a heaven-defying inheritance, it may not suit him.

Because he didn't know whether these silver words were transformed by the soul or some kind of secret technique, Mo Xun could only bow his hands in the air.

"Senior, you don't know that the Tianjian Sect has been wiped out long ago. Although I don't know why, it is also a wish come true for you. As for the inheritance... I dare not accept it!"

Mo Xun said this very tactfully. Even if the other party died ten thousand years ago, he still didn't dare to do anything too presumptuous.

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