Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 554 Ancient Jade Sky

After waiting for a while, there was no reply, so Mo Xun had no choice but to say this again.

But in front of me, there are still those few words!

Could it be that because time has passed and the soul is incomplete, there is no follow-up?

So the question is, how does he leave this ghost place?

Fortunately, very quickly, those light words gradually dispersed and regrouped, and new words appeared again.

But this time, there were only two.

"Kneel down!"

Mo Xun frowned slightly, was he going to buy or sell by force?

The scene before him reminded him of the Fairy Yuehua who had waited for thousands of years for an intruder like him. As a last resort, she could only entrust her great hatred to him.

It seems that he has to accept this inheritance even if he doesn’t want to!

Otherwise, it might be difficult to go out today.

While he was hesitating, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he raised his hand again and said: "The junior has a disciple named Ye Ping. Both in terms of qualifications and character, he is much better than the junior. Why don't we give it to the senior and the junior?" Here, how about accepting the inheritance for him first?”

As soon as he said this, even he felt a bit ridiculous. How could disciples give in to each other?

In fact, the main thing in his mind was that he thought it was troublesome. If there were still remnants of the Jianzong alive that day, he would undoubtedly have dug a hole for himself if he accepted it rashly.

In fact, he is a person who makes too many promises and refuses to answer. After all, he is a demon in his heart.

As for whether his little disciple will fall into the pit, he doesn't care now.

Furthermore, Ye Ping already had a lot of vengeance, so adding another one to his list was no big deal.

And for Ye Ping, isn't this an opportunity?

When he thought of this, there was not much guilt left in his heart.

After a while, the two words changed again.


Mo Xun felt happy because he was afraid that he would not be able to communicate with him. Looking at it now, this weird scene actually contained a little bit of that person's will.

Next, a huge amount of information suddenly gathered in his mind.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, ancient characters emitting golden light appeared one after another.

At the beginning, there is a long exercise called "Nine Star Spiritual Sword Technique", which is eloquent and has tens of thousands of words. It is extremely detailed from the Qi refining stage to the Nascent Soul.

Regarding this, Mo Xun had already expected it.

The so-called inheritance must be to inherit this person's mantle, and to a large extent, it can only be skills.

And it can also be seen from this that the realm of this senior is at least above Nascent Soul.

Although he didn't take a closer look and just glanced at it a few times, his knowledge was enough to make a simple judgment that this was definitely an excellent sword cultivation technique.

After the exercise, it was not finished. Instead, twenty-eight names appeared, and under each name, there was a detailed introduction to the secret skills that made them famous and the treasures they were good at.

When he saw the words after the name, Mo Xun frowned again.

"Kill all these twenty-eight beasts and their descendants!"

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world. To accept this endurance, you need to pay a certain price.

After that, there is another condition, which is that the sect founded by this person needs to be rebuilt.

"Lingjian Mountain!"

At the same time, Mo Xun finally learned the name of this senior: Gu Yutian!

Seeing this, Mo Xun's face showed a bit of solemnity, and he felt as if he had dug a big hole for Ye Ping.

To say that they had killed all twenty-eight people was not a big deal. After all, after tens of thousands of years, even the oldest family might not have a few left. However, rebuilding a sect is not something that can be done by an idle person.

Let’s not talk about the cost of establishing a sect. The accumulation of fame alone will take hundreds of years, don’t even think about it!

Who else is willing to waste so much energy on rebuilding a sect for others?

Of course, if we make some changes, just recruit a few disciples, occupy a small hilltop, and call it "Lingjian Mountain", it can still be considered complete.

But Mo Xun's xinxing would obviously not be so fooled.

At least he can't pass this level!

Fortunately, it also records the location of a treasure hidden by Gu Yutian and the secret method of refining the divine sword, which can be used as resources for the future reconstruction of Lingjian Mountain.

As for what treasures are hidden, it is not stated clearly, but a general location is given.

It seems that this ancient senior had already made arrangements for his death before he decided to implement the summoning technique.

Finally, it is a magical weapon given to the inheritor: the Jade Sky Sword!

When Mo Xun saw the name, he didn't have much emotion, but when he saw the introduction later, he was secretly surprised.

This thing is actually a treasure!

This thing is a magic weapon that even Nascent Soul cultivators may not be able to possess!

It would be obviously false to say that Mo Xun was not moved, but he was only stunned for a moment and didn't think about it any more.

I just feel in my heart that this inheritance is not easy to get at all.

He is a person who never likes trouble. Even joining a certain sect is a last resort, let alone asking him to found a sect?

Perhaps this idea will change in the future when the road is successful, but now, he will never waste energy on it.

But in this way, the matter of Ye Ping that was agreed upon just now needs to be renegotiated.

Even as a master, there is no reason to make decisions for his disciples casually.

After Mo Xun carefully considered his words, he spoke in a deep voice: "Senior...please forgive me for what I said before. I may have been a bit exaggerated. I am worried that my disciple may not be able to afford it." This is a big responsibility, but seniors, please rest assured that even if Ye Ping is unable to do this, the juniors will do their best to find a suitable successor for the seniors, and swear by their inner demons that before completing this oath, they will not secretly learn from their seniors. A unique skill!"

Mo Xun felt that his words were extremely sincere, and they were not fatal. For Ye Ping, there was room for maneuver.

After finishing speaking, Mo Xun stood aside and waited for the other party's reply.

But this time the wait was very long!

He was a little anxious while waiting. After all, it was his first time to bargain under such circumstances.

It wasn't until after burning the incense that the word "ke" appeared in his consciousness, that he let out a sigh of relief.

Then his eyes lit up, and the whole person reappeared in the barrier.

He quickly looked around and saw that the decorations had not changed at all. In the jade coffin, the woman's body was still lying peacefully inside.

It was as if what I had just experienced was like a dream!

After regaining his composure, Mo Xun's eyes once again fell on the two things in the woman's hands.

If he guessed correctly, one of them should be the Jade Sky Sword that the man mentioned.

Sure enough, when he opened a wooden box as big as the palm of his hand, silver light flashed, a dragon roared and a tiger roared in his ears, and a majestic and powerful magic sword suddenly appeared in front of him.

The sword is all silver and white, and it shines brightly. It floats in mid-air, as if it has a soul, it is very intimidating!

" a treasure?"

Mo Xun couldn't help but murmur to himself that this was the first time he saw the existence above the magic weapon.

This object is indeed a bit more spiritual than the magic weapon. Whether it is due to an illusion, Mo Xun felt that when he looked at it, the thing seemed to be looking at him.

Perhaps this is the difference between the treasures, that there is a soul-like spirit inside.

Looking at this thing, Mo Xun felt somewhat reluctant to give up.

His fingers gently rubbed the sharp sword body, and he couldn't help but sigh. Maybe he had no chance of being with such a magical weapon!

But at this moment, the long sword suddenly turned into a ray of silver light and penetrated into his body.

Mo Xun's expression changed. Before he could realize what was going on, a strong and powerful man's voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Until the successor is found, fellow Taoist disciples can temporarily use this sword if necessary!"

Mo Xun's whole body froze slightly. Is this...a weapon spirit?

"..." He hesitated to speak. For a moment, he didn't know how to address the other person.

After calming down his mind, he stammered and asked, "Are you...Senior Weapon Spirit?"

But then, there was no response. If he hadn't really felt a white light spot in his dantian, he would have even doubted whether he had just heard a hallucination.

The next moment, a strange idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Could this weapon spirit be transformed by that senior Gu Yutian?

It's just that he is not familiar with the other party at the moment, so it's not easy for him to ask such questions. If he really has the opportunity in the future, he will definitely ask for advice.

After a long time, he came back to his senses and turned his attention to the second thing.

This object is a bit strange. It is actually a jade talisman with several runes carved on it. I don't know what its purpose is?

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