Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 558: Space Spirit Realm

Although the two were not enemies, they were better than enemies.

As they had no idea what to say, Zisheng Tianjun had no intention of speaking at all.

At this moment, even if he was in a mess, he was not someone that Mo Xun could afford to provoke.

As the saying goes, a tiger with its teeth pulled out is still a tiger!

Zisheng Tianjun looked at Mo Xun coldly, with a bloody red flash in his eyes. As the top existence in this world, he naturally had his own pride.

But this pride was trampled under the feet of a small Jindan cultivator not long ago.

Think about it carefully, how many years has it been since he wanted to kill someone like this!

Zisheng Tianjun slowly stretched out a hand, palm facing up, without any fancy movements, and a golden ball of light slowly gathered in his palm.

The ball of light gradually grew larger until the dazzling golden light covered the entire palm.

The moment he saw the other party casting a spell, Mo Xun's heart trembled. To be honest, facing such a strong man, he didn't have much courage to resist.

In other words, the more he resisted, the faster he would die.

Therefore, the first thought in his mind was... to escape!

But just as he was about to move his feet, a strong pressure came from all around, binding him tightly in place. Even raising his arms became extremely difficult.

He almost forgot that a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage can form his own space spiritual domain within a certain range.

In other words, it is to simply use spiritual power to build an invisible large net to firmly imprison all prey in the net.

Of course, the range and strength of this imprisonment method are naturally linked to the cultivation level.

The spiritual domain range of a late-stage great cultivator is at least more than ten feet. Even if this person is now seriously injured and his strength is greatly weakened, he is still the world within a range of three to five feet!

Confronting him at such a close distance is to seek death!

Mo Xun now finally understands why the other party is so calm. At this moment, what is the difference between him and the fish under the knife?

Obviously, it's too late to run now!

In a panic, Mo Xun hurriedly chanted a spell and wanted to perform the escape technique, but in the spiritual realm, even the space was solidified and locked!

"Gong Yang, do you have any good ideas?"

His breath seemed to be filled with murderous aura, and Mo Xun once again felt the approach of death.

And this time, it was completely different from the past. It came too fast, so fast that he was unable to react at all, and there was no way to deal with it in his mind.

At this moment, he could only go to Gong Yang in desperation!

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the other party just said four simple words, but he almost fainted on the spot.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Mo Xun snorted coldly: "Are you kidding me?"

"Alas! People are all made of flesh..."

Gong Yang's tone was still a bit serious, but it sounded ridiculous to Mo Xun!

It was obvious that even if he was willing to kneel down, it would probably be useless!

In other words, it was nothing more than the difference between dying standing and dying kneeling.

In fact, when it did not involve major issues, he did not mind exchanging self-esteem for the hope of survival.

In his belief, dignity always served life.

If he could not even save his life, what was the use of dignity?

The ancients said "die without surrender", he could understand, and even many times, he could do it, but it did not mean that he had to do so under any circumstances.

He thought that he was just an ordinary person among the common people, and the words such as heroic spirit and proud character, which made people's blood boil, had little to do with him.

Or how many people in this world could do it?

He was born in poverty, and the first thing he understood was survival!

Survival is the premise of everything possible.

At this moment, Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch had finished casting the spell, and then he swung his robe sleeves, and the ball of light flew out of his hand, carrying enough energy to destroy the world and attacking Mo Xun.

Mo Xun, unable to move, just stood there quietly, watching the golden ball of light as dazzling as the sun, gradually getting bigger in his eyes, and his pupils also shrank rapidly.

The golden light was so dazzling, but in Mo Xun's eyes, it was like a messenger who could lock up the soul and take away the spirit.

At this moment, he truly realized that his life had entered the countdown!

He was running his magic power frantically, trying to make a final struggle and break through that damned confinement.

But fireflies are fireflies, and in front of the bright moon, even if you burn out your life, it is difficult to compete with its brilliance.

Just when he thought his life was at the end, when he waved to him, a silver light suddenly burst out of his body without any warning.

In an instant, the silver light appeared in front of him, turned into a lightsaber, and slashed at the flying golden ball of light.

Then, he saw the most magnificent scene in history.

Dazzling light of gold and silver exploded in the air, and then his eyes were temporarily blinded.

The huge impact shook the two people covered by the light away at the same time.

The surrounding space seemed to be shattered by a giant axe falling from the sky, and Mo Xun was like a kite with a broken string, floating among countless fragments.

But the strange thing was that although there were pains everywhere in his limbs, it was not like what he had experienced before. It seemed that there was a gentle force that blocked most of the power for him.

It was the Jade Sky Divine Sword!

He was still clear-headed, and he immediately thought of this possibility.

Before Mo Xun landed, the Jade Sky Sword turned into a silver light again, sweeping him and Nalan, and immediately disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, Mo Xun was surprised to find that not far in front of him was the teleportation array where he came from before.

The surroundings were still windy and fierce, and the ghostly voices were lingering in his ears.

The ground under his feet was shaking more and more violently because of the tearing of the interface space.

However, the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch had disappeared.

This sudden scene happened so fast that Mo Xun was a little unresponsive for a while.

The thrilling life-threatening situation just now was like an illusory dream, which came quickly and went quickly!

An indescribable sense of unreality had not yet been shaken from his heart.

If it weren't for the pain coming from his body, he would even doubt whether he was a soul leaving his body after death?

Without waiting to feel the joy of surviving a catastrophe, the desire to survive made him instinctively jump up, quickly took out several spirit stones, and skillfully threw them into the groove of the teleportation array.

Without any hesitation, he picked up Nalan and stepped in.



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