Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 559: Repaying Kindness with Revenge

Returning to the mural space, this place is obviously a certain distance away from the Fusang tree, and the vibration around is much weaker.

Mo Xun wanted to leave this place in one go and return to the underground lake along the original route. He didn't want to stay in this broken place any longer.

Who knew that at this time, Nalan suddenly moaned and spit out a mouthful of thick blood.

The whole person's breath also quickly weakened!

After hesitating for a while, he had to stop temporarily, took out the Huntian Divine Liquid, opened the other party's red lips, and carefully poured a drop.

In fact, his heart was somewhat complicated.

If he said he would help her, this person wanted to put him to death not long ago, and repeatedly put him in danger.

But if he didn't save her, she was the first woman he had a relationship with!

It seems that he should save her emotionally!

But it doesn't make sense!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun sighed in his heart, looking at the haggard, still stunning face, perhaps in this case, it can give people a feeling of pity.

After a while, seeing that the other party still didn't show any improvement, Mo Xun had to give her two more drops.

This pot seems to be a lot, but when you think about it, it takes a hundred years to condense into one drop, it's hard not to feel a little painful.

Just now, it's equivalent to three hundred years.

But don't say it, this thing is indeed extraordinary, Nalan's face immediately showed obvious changes.

The whole person suddenly became hot!

However, Mo Xun frowned secretly, because he hadn't figured out how to deal with this woman.

He held his chin with one hand, turned left and right twice, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He almost forgot about that thing!

He squatted down and pulled hard on a belt around Nalan's waist, but don't think too much, he just pulled off the other party's storage bag!

If nothing unexpected happens, the shadow stone that records the lovemaking of the two should be inside.

This thing is simply a bomb. Once it spreads out, it will be embarrassing, but it may cause a huge disaster.

As for the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, he is probably still alive.

This person is cuckolded, so he obviously won't tell anyone. Even if he wants to cause trouble, he can only do it secretly.

In this way, at least on the surface, he won't be too passive.

But when he was about to open the storage bag, a pair of cold eyes shot at him immediately.

Although Mo Xun had his back to her, he could clearly sense that he was awake.

Who knew that the drug was so effective? If he had known earlier, he should have gotten the thing first and then saved people!

Now he was caught on the spot!

Although he hadn't turned around yet, he could fully imagine what kind of expression the other person had on his face at this time.

"This... how to say it?"

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly, holding the storage bag in the air in his hand, and he didn't know whether to put it down or not.

"You accidentally dropped it, I'll help you pick it up!"

Fortunately, the light in the secret room was dim, and the old man's face couldn't be seen clearly.

But then again, why did he feel guilty?

You know, this woman originally wanted to kill him, but he didn't retaliate, but saved her life. Even if he got some reward, it's understandable, right?

In fact, there is no fairness in the affairs of men and women!

Many times, it doesn't mean that a woman will stab a man, especially when there has been Wu Yun and Chu Yu between the two.

Because in the heart of a man, he always feels that he is the one who owes, and subconsciously, his confidence is weakened by more than half.

This is the difference in the nature of men and women, it doesn't matter right or wrong!

Probably the chivalrous and tender heart that is often said is talking about this!

Of course, the foundation of all this must be based on two premises, one is "love" and the other is "sex"!

Perhaps in the eyes of women, the latter must be achieved on the basis of the former. If the former is skipped, it will not only not make women happy, but will make them feel deep hatred.

This kind of hatred, if it is a little crazy, will never end!

But in the eyes of most men, there is actually not much difference between the two.

In other words, no matter which one is achieved, the position of women in men's hearts will undergo a subversive change, and the direction of such changes is often the same.

Even more bluntly, in the hearts of men, the former is the latter, and the latter is also the former!

This statement seems absolute, but after careful consideration, it is not without reason!

Although Mo Xun didn't know whether this lame reason would convince the other party, the next moment, he knew that his life seemed to be in the hands of others again.

Because his body couldn't move!

Now, he really didn't know whether he should be surprised by the magical effect of the Huntian Liquid or mourn his bad luck.

Then, a sharp dagger was pressed against his throat.

The cold dagger glowed with a cold light in the dim light.

Although Mo Xun couldn't tell what kind of treasure this was, he was certain that even a hatchet could take his life!

The two looked at each other, only a few feet apart.

At this moment, time froze for a moment.

One had a pale face and frosty eyes, as if there was only hatred and killing in his eyes, while the other frowned slightly, as if he found it difficult to accept the sudden scene.

After a while, it was Mo Xun who finally broke the dullness.

"Girl, don't you think this is a bit too much?"

His claim was somewhat risky, but it was a decision made after repeated weighing.

If you call them "senior", it seems there is nothing wrong with them, but it is like putting the two of them in the perspective of strangers.

Since he is a stranger, even if the other party kills him, there will be no psychological burden.

And calling him this is equivalent to reminding the other party in disguise that there is a connection between the two of them.

And it was precisely because of this connection that he, Mo Xun, risked his life to save him in such a critical situation!

I just want to tell the other person bluntly: I saved your life. If you kill me, it will be revenge for kindness!

This is obviously a risk-taking risk. If the other party is not grateful, or even reminds him of the absurdity of the two of them before, and becomes even more resentful due to shame and anger, then he will hang himself. I feel like I can't die fast enough.

So, he is actually gambling!

If he wins the bet and escapes danger again, if he loses the bet, it can only be attributed to his stupidity.

As for whether the Jade Sky Sword will take action again, we can only leave it to fate!

But since he dared to speak like this, he was somewhat confident.

The basis is based on his understanding of this person from the brief contact before.

That this woman could lie dormant for hundreds of years for revenge shows that she is a character with clear grudges in her heart.

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