Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 560 Forced Transaction

Just as the two were confronting each other, there was a sudden loud rumbling sound, and the entire secret room shook violently.

Perhaps because he was caught off guard, or because of an old injury that had not yet healed, Nalan flicked the dagger in his hand.

A flash of bright red suddenly flowed out of Mo Xun's throat.

Fortunately, the opponent stopped in time and only made a gash!

When a hint of coldness came along with a little pain, Mo Xun's heart almost sank to the bottom.

He was finally certain that this was definitely a very high-level magic weapon, and his protective light was like paper in front of it.

Above their heads, gravel began to fall intermittently, but the two of them remained deadlocked in place.

"This place is about to be swallowed up by the interface space. If you want to take action, be more decisive, otherwise you and I will be buried in the heart of the mountain!"

In fact, the moment he stopped, Mo Xun knew that he must have made the right bet!

It's just that in this embarrassing situation, the other party has no steps for a moment.

Based on this woman's behavior, most of the time she will take the hard and not the soft. The more she grovels and begs for submission, the more resentful she will be.

It's better to do the opposite and maybe still have a chance of winning.

Mo Xun's provocation obviously had a certain effect, and Nalan's originally murderous face softened slightly.

"You think I will be grateful if you save my life?"

Mo Xun sneered: "You said this, I don't think so!"

Despite the messy gravel hitting their bodies and the roaring in their ears, the two of them remained motionless.

There seemed to be an inner wrestling going on, each trying to see what the other was thinking in the other's eyes.

Nalan said in a deep voice again: "Give me a reason not to kill you!"

Mo Xun thought to himself, he couldn't find the steps, so he asked him to find them.

But it is understandable that Yuanying monks should have their arrogance!

As for the reasons, Mo Xun could come up with a lot of them if he wanted to, but he knew that there was no need to go to such trouble.

"Purple Saint Heavenly Lord!"

Nalan immediately frowned and asked in confusion: "How do you say that?"

"I won't talk about what happened before. Just the fact that I saved you is enough for Purple Saint Heavenly Lord to hate me to the core, so... you and I have a common enemy!"

Nalan bit his lip gently and looked Mo Xun up and down.

"Even so, so what? Is it possible that you, a small alchemy monk, can still threaten the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage?"

After Mo Xun heard this, he suddenly felt like crying.

What is a little alchemy monk?

He has been cultivating so far, and it can be said that the journey has been full of hardships and dangers, and he has almost lost his life countless times.

Not to mention the distance, during this trip to the secret place alone, I experienced three or four narrow escapes!

But in the eyes of the other party, he received such an evaluation!

Mo Xun raised his neck and narrowed his eyes at her, and said rather unhappily: "I have my own means, and I was able to rescue you before, which proves my ability."

Although there was still some suspicion in Nalan's eyes, the sharp blade in his hand had already moved back half an inch.

Mo Xunqing breathed a long sigh of relief. It seemed that his life was saved.

"What did you just give me?"

Mo Xun obviously didn't adapt to this woman's jumping thoughts. After being stunned for a moment, he said, "Of course it's a healing elixir!"

Unexpectedly, after Nalan heard this, instead of being grateful, he shouted angrily and raised his dagger again.

"Nonsense, why don't I feel any traces of the elixir?"

Mo Xun felt the coldness in his throat again. He was about to speak, but immediately closed his mouth.

Such weirdness naturally aroused Nalan's suspicion more and more, and a hint of murderous intent once again appeared in his delicate eyebrows.

"Say it!"

Mo Xun had no choice but to use his eyes to indicate the black and white stones in the darkness.

"It's that thing!"

Mo Xun noticed that Nalan didn't show much surprise when he saw the two stones.

In this case, there are roughly two possibilities.

Either the other party doesn't know this thing at all, or he has discovered this Huntianxuandi Stone a long time ago and is asking this question on purpose!

"Do you have Huntian Divine Liquid?"

Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat, and then he had a bad feeling.

His life is at stake. At this moment, even if he doesn't want to admit it, he has to admit it!

When he saw Mo Xun take out a whole pot of Huntian Divine Liquid, a glimmer of light flashed in Nalan's eyes.

Without any explanation, he grabbed it.

Mo Xun was really on the verge of tears at the moment. He was just lifting a rock and hitting himself in the foot.

Who knew that a moment of kindness could lead to so many troubles.

If he had known this, he would not have rescued this person even if he felt guilty.

However, Nalan didn't do too well. She took out a jade bottle, poured some into it, and returned the jade bottle to Mo Xun.

Even so, it's still a full one-third less!

Mo Xun felt that his heart was about to bleed.

Seeing his extremely gloomy expression, Nalan smiled slightly.

It was the first time for Mo Xun to see this woman showing her teeth. It really felt like she smiled with her face embroidered with hibiscus, and her duck flew sideways to cover her fragrant cheeks.

However, the price is really high.

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you!"

Mo Xun snorted in his heart. If the two of them had not had such charming things before, he might still believe him.

After saying that, Nalan had put away his dagger, stood up, and threw out a storage bag.

"I should have bought the right from you, and you and I will not owe each other anything from now on!"

Mo Xun took a few deep breaths. This thing is priceless. Who would be willing to sell it to it easily?

But the matter has come to this, and it’s too late to say anything!

Nalan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, walked to the Huntianxuandi Stone, looked around for a while, and then returned to Mo Xun.

Suddenly something appeared in his hand, and it was shaking in front of Mo Xun's eyes.

"Is this what you are looking for?"

What the opponent is holding is the shadow wall stone.

Before Mo Xun could speak, Nalan continued: "When you take Yi Guangling's head one day, come to me and ask for it back!"

Before the words could even be finished, Nalan’s figure had already disappeared from the spot.

Mo Xun looked at the empty secret room, opened his mouth, and swallowed.

At the same time, he found that he had regained control of his body.

After the brief surprise, he put away the storage bag and Huntian jade pot beside him, and left the secret room like a gust of wind.

In fact, there is still a big question in his mind, and that is the relationship between Nalan and Xia Muchao, but now, I am afraid that he will never know the real answer.

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