Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 562: Meeting an old enemy again

Mo Xun was dignified and tried to dodge.

His first reaction was that someone might have accidentally attacked him when breaking the ban.

But soon, he denied this idea, because his limbs seemed to be bound by some kind of force and became extremely stiff. This feeling was like the space spirit domain that Nalan and Zisheng Tianjun had used not long ago!

However, this kind of restraint was not as strong as before. At least he could still move, but it was slow and laborious, as if his feet were filled with lead water.

It seems that someone was deliberately targeting him!

Since this person can use the spirit domain, it means that he also has a cultivation level above the Nascent Soul.

The first thing Mo Xun thought of was naturally those two people!

In a flash of lightning in his mind, he immediately urged the pure jade bottle in his hand to condense a heavy water curtain wall behind him.

The moment the water curtain was formed, the cold light reached, and Mo Xun noticed that it was a shadow scimitar condensed by spiritual power, the size of a palm, hidden and sharp.

The scimitar tore through the water curtain, and the momentum was unabated!

Just as it was about to shoot into his left heart, countless tiny bubbles suddenly appeared around his body, and among these bubbles, there was a ball of blood red, which quickly spread in the water.

His whole body also disappeared!

When he appeared a few feet away, his back had been cut open with a long cut.

At the same time, he finally saw the face of the person who came.

He was very familiar with the hunched body under the black robe. It was the ugly old woman who forced him into the secret realm!

This old guy is still alive!

However, judging from the other party's complexion, he seemed to be more and more listless.

It seems that this person not only did not get any benefits in the secret realm, but also suffered a lot of heavy injuries. No wonder he was able to escape easily in the other party's spiritual realm this time. It turned out that his strength was severely damaged.

"Boy, your opportunity is not small. It's only been a few days since we last met, and your cultivation has increased a little!"

Mo Xun endured the pain and sneered!

"That's also thanks to the senior!"

He looked around carelessly, but he was actually looking for an opportunity. As long as they entered the range of the black hole, everyone's magic power would be frozen. No matter how strong the opponent was, it would be useless.

He was now about 20 to 30 feet away from the black hole.

If it was in the past, it would take only a breath to reach it.

But now it's a little different. On the one hand, he is still in the opponent's spiritual domain, and his movements are greatly slowed down. On the other hand, in front of such a strong opponent, not to mention breathing, even blinking an eye may mean life and death.

The old woman squeezed out a sinister smile on her pale face, which became more and more ferocious in the dim water.

"I also owe it to you!"

Mo Xun could feel that the other party's tone was not only full of anger, but also full of murderous intent!

"You are the only junior who escaped from my hands in these years. To be honest, I really don't want to kill you like this!"

The conflict between the two soon attracted the attention of the surrounding monks.

Those with lower realms naturally stayed away, and those with stronger strength also did not watch. At present, they were all busy looking for a way out. As long as this kind of grudge and killing did not affect themselves, no one would interfere.

Mo Xun stared at the other party intently. The means he could rely on now were really limited.

It seems that there are many treasures. If it is said to be against the monks of the same level, it may be extremely sharp, but in front of this old monster at the Nascent Soul level, it is a bit insufficient.

In the past, he used the most, which was saturation attack, throwing out a bunch of talismans and treasures at once, first gaining the upper hand in momentum, catching the opponent off guard, and at the same time disrupting the situation and winning in chaos.

This is an extremely luxurious way of fighting. If it were not for the green gourd and many opportunities, he would have almost gone bankrupt after a fight.

In other words, the reason he was able to win before was mainly because of the word "Duobao".

With his wealth, it seems that it is not too much to call himself Duobao Taoist!

But when facing high-level cultivators, this is obviously not feasible.

Let alone whether the other party will give him enough time to slowly use these methods, even if he succeeds, it is difficult to achieve the effect of fishing in troubled waters.

The so-called random punches kill the master, which can only appear in the mundane martial arts world.

Of course, he is not completely without experience in finding a chance to survive in this situation. Isn't the encounter with Zisheng Tianju not long ago the best reference?

To face high-level cultivators, it is not chaos, but precision!

As long as there is a very deterrent means, not to say suppression, at least can barely compete, it can win him a chance.

For Mo Xun, this means can only be the Jade Heaven Sword, even his Xuantian True Fire at the bottom of the box is not enough!

"Senior Gu, I need to borrow your power again. Please help me!"

After Mo Xun finished speaking, he still did not receive a response.

But now, he could only take the risk and place his bet on the Jade Sky Sword.

As soon as these words came out, Gong Yang felt quite uneasy. He had been with Mo Xun for so long, but he had never been honored as a senior.

"Boy, I advise you to be more cautious. Don't entrust your life to a dead object."

Mo Xun ignored the sarcasm, but he agreed with these words.

He would not put all his hopes on a sword, and since the last battle with Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, the Jade Sky Sword has not spoken much. Maybe it was damaged in that confrontation and fell into cultivation.

After a simple sorting of his thoughts, Mo Xun prepared to take the initiative this time!

To be honest, he has grown a lot. If it were in the past, facing such a strong enemy, he would hardly have the courage to fight.

The Jade Sky Sword certainly gave him some confidence, and the current situation was also the reason why he had to make such a choice.

Without any signs, he suddenly threw the jade bottle in his hand into the air, and then the whole person ran towards the black hole without looking back!

But in the spirit realm, every step he took was like stepping into a deep mud pit, extremely slow!

The pure jade bottle quickly grew larger in the water, shooting out a rotating water column.

For a moment, a large vortex formed within a few feet around, blocking the two people.

The old woman obviously did not expect Mo Xun to be so decisive and take the initiative, but her reaction was not slow at all.

She jumped up, and her thin body under the black robe was like a sharp arrow from a bow. Her speed in the water was just like that on land. She rushed into the vortex like lightning.

Although she had the upper hand, Mo Xun only moved more than two feet with all his strength.

The moment he lost the connection with the Jingyu Bottle, Mo Xun thought to himself that it was bad. Because of his skills, he had hardly used this thing before. Now he could only exert 30% to 40% of its power at most.

But even if he exerted 100% of his strength, how could a second-hand magic weapon easily resist the counterattack of a Yuanying cultivator?

He hid a trace of consciousness in it and originally planned to try to self-destruct, but before he could do so, he lost contact with it.

It was obvious that it must have been taken away by the old woman.

Fortunately, he still had a backup plan!

As he swung the wind and thunder stick in his hand, a lightning net made of thunder and lightning formed behind him!

Then he slapped the storage bag on his waist and threw out an incarnation, and then he turned a corner and went in another direction.

He didn't believe that giving up a magic weapon and an incarnation would not buy him a moment of time!

As he threw out the incarnation, Gong Yang's furious roar rang in his ears.

"Asshole, you used my body as a scapegoat!"

There are only two incarnations left from the last refinement. One of them was promised to Gong Yang, and the other was arranged by him to practice magic.

And the one he threw out at this moment was the one he promised to Gong Yang, so how could he not anger this old guy.

He waited for decades, but got nothing in return!

Mo Xun naturally had no time to explain to him now.

According to his initial idea, he would delay with the Pure Jade Bottle, then use the lightning net to cover, and then use the incarnation to confuse. As long as he left the opponent's spiritual domain, he would have a way to quickly enter the black hole in a very short time.

Fortunately, the opponent's strength was damaged and his spiritual domain was not as good as before, which gave him a chance to resist.

Except for the Pure Jade Bottle being out of control, the subsequent developments seemed to have entered his script.

Soon, a crazy roar came from his ears, and then he lost contact with the incarnation again.

It is easy to guess that he was probably torn to pieces by the old woman.

And at this moment, the feeling of restraint on the body also disappeared.

Mo Xun was delighted, and his feet moved with the wind, and in an instant, he disappeared from the spot.

Twenty feet, ten feet, five feet...

He had never felt that this distance would be so far!

Finally, before the old woman arrived, he stepped into the range covered by the black hole.

Without further ado, he crushed the jade talisman in his hand, and a faint green light lingered around his body.

Then he leaped up and flew towards the top of his head.

Sure enough, under the blessing of the jade talisman, he hardly felt the solidification of his magic power.

But at this moment, a skinny hand grabbed his ankle, and the feeling of rising suddenly stagnated. A powerful force came, trying to pull him back to where he was.

This hand was like a huge clamp, firmly fixing him in place.

Perhaps because the two of them were in contact with each other, the green light on his body slowly spread to the old woman below.

Mo Xun's heart was immediately shocked. If the other party was also covered by the green light, it meant that he was also not restricted by the restrictions here, then he would only have to wait for death!

Others in the distance saw this scene, and those who reacted quickly immediately rushed over here.

They were not fools. In an instant, many people had guessed that Mo Xun must have a treasure that could restrain the restrictions.

At this critical moment, a silver light burst out from his body, accompanied by the roar of a dragon and a tiger.

The silver light flashed, and the Jade Sky Sword came out and slashed down fiercely.

In the blood, one of the old woman's arms was cut off.

Without resistance, Mo Xun's whole body, driven by magic power, rose rapidly, and disappeared in the darkness in an instant, and his left foot was still firmly grasping a broken arm.

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