Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 563: Golden Book and Iron Certificate

Rushing to the top in one breath and returning to the ground again, Mo Xun's hanging heart finally relaxed.

It was daytime at this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the guards outside the cave were still the same group of people.

Mo Xun's sudden appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

The pill-forming monk who had stopped him before was about to ask, but Mo Xun didn't give him a chance to speak at all. Without making any stop, he turned into a rainbow light and shot away into the sky!

He wants to leave this place immediately, as far away as possible!

Who knows how wide that terrifying interface space can devour?

Maybe, he will be the only survivor in the entire secret realm.

If this is the case, let alone other casual cultivators, the Five Elements Sect alone must have dug three feet into the ground to find him.

He didn't want to cause this trouble!

In mid-air, he tried to pull the arm off his leg, but failed. This thing seemed to have grown on his body.

In desperation, he could only cut off the broken arm with a knife, leaving only a palm on his leg.

Otherwise, it would look really weird.

Not far away, he suddenly stopped again.

Then he took out a transmission talisman and threw it in the direction of Xuanyuan City.

Once the Five Elements Sect traces it, they will surely find Ye Pingtou very quickly. He can run away, but this little disciple is not so lucky.


Three months later, in an unknown mountain!

Since leaving the Tomb of Gods Jungle, Mo Xun has been flying south for several months, and finally settled down here temporarily.

Although this place is surrounded by green mountains, it has very little aura. Apart from a small city located thousands of miles away, it is relatively far away from the major sects.

In terms of seclusion, it is the best!

A woman's exclamation suddenly came from inside the cave in the mountain.

"You escaped from Purple Saint Heavenly Lord?"

Mo Xun coughed dryly and signaled her not to be so excited and to sit down first.

After Gu Qingqing woke up, Mo Xun roughly told her the causes and consequences of what she had experienced after falling asleep.

Of course, what happened between him and Nalan was vague.

"It's a bit complicated here, and I can't explain it in a sentence or two, but if you don't need it in the future, it's best not to go back to Xuanyuan City again."

Although the two of them had made some disguises when they entered the Five Elements Sect, they were not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

It never hurts to be careful!

Gu Qingqing opened her eyes with big surprise and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Based on this matter alone, you can brag for the rest of your life. I have never convinced anyone in my life, but Brother Mo, you are definitely one!"

Mo Xun patted off the thumb she extended, and made up the whole story with his thoughts.

Suddenly I discovered that I still have the potential to make up stories.

"Xianzi Gu, what are your plans next?"

During this trip to the Five Elements Sect, the two of them made a fortune. Those Qianyuan Fruits alone were enough to support their cultivation for a long time.

But at this juncture, and with such a huge number, once they take action, the Five Elements Sect will inevitably be alerted.

Of course, perhaps with Gu Qingqing's methods, there are other ways.

As for Mo Xun, he had no intention of using it in exchange for spiritual stones. From the moment he got the Qianyuan Fruit Tree, he was ready to take it himself!

Gu Qingqing naturally understands this truth, she is not crazy enough to be stupid.

"Hehe... My little sister's old injury has not healed yet. I'm afraid she will have to bother Brother Mo for a while longer."

Gu Qingqing is still thinking about that mysterious illusion!

Mo Xun could see her thoughts at a glance, but he didn't tell her. In fact, in his heart, he also wanted the other party to stay longer.

Because next, he will officially start learning to refine weapons. He has many questions and needs to consult this master!

"In that case, the fairy will rest here first. If you need anything, you can come to Mo at any time."

After a brief explanation, Mo Xun hurried back to his secret room.

In the next period of time, he has a lot of things to do and needs to be busy.

The first thing to do is to count the income.

When it comes to taking inventory, there actually aren't many things. It's not like before where I had to go through the storage bags one by one.

But what is different from the past is that every piece can be called a treasure.

Let’s not talk about the Qian Yuan Fruit for now. The two treasures in the Five Elements Cave Heaven alone are enough for him to study carefully.

One is the strange blue eyeball, which has now become a part of his body, but until now, he has not figured out what is going on.

According to Gongyang, this thing is very likely to be the third eye of the Tianmu tribe.

However, for specific details, I’m afraid we have to consult the information before we can get the answer.

The other item is a gold nugget book iron coupon!

Mo Xun's hand flashed with rays of light, and a golden sheet the size of a book page appeared, with four big characters written on it like a dragon floating in the clouds: "The five elements are unbreakable!"

When time was tight, he didn't take a closer look.

At first glance, this object seems to be used to record something.

Just how to use it?

He first injected spiritual power into it, and it was able to absorb it, but there was no reaction.

He put it on his forehead again and soaked it with his spiritual consciousness, but still couldn't see the doorway.

Could it be burned with fire?

When he thought of this, he quickly summoned the Xuantian Real Fire, but he was afraid that it would be burned by the real fire, so he could only try to roast it with the fire for a while, but still got nothing.

Then he tried several methods, including using the Tongbao spell, but he still couldn't figure out the secret.

Spiritual power is not broken, spiritual consciousness is not penetrated, water and fire are not invaded!

Could it be just an ordinary dead thing?

Just when he was feeling a bit in trouble, Gongyang suddenly sneered in the sea of ​​consciousness.


Hearing this curse, Mo Xunfei was not angry. Instead, he frowned and smiled.

"Are you finally willing to speak?"

Ever since he abandoned his incarnation in order to escape last time, the male sheep was so angry that he never spoke.

But for Mo Xun, this was quite good, as he had a rare quiet time for several months.

Seeing that the other party ignored him, Mo Xun continued: "Don't worry, I won't break my promise to you. I still have some Lan Xinlian, which is enough to refine another body for you. After a while, I will Once the materials are collected, let’s get started!”

Gongyang's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Is this true?"

"You take it seriously!"

"That's not right. How can I remember that you said before that there are only so many Lan Xinlian..."

"Is this...did I say that? Forget it, these are not important, I still have them anyway!"

The male sheep said dubiously: "Take it out and let me see!"

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly, then patted the storage bag, and immediately there was a jade box in front of him. The lid of the box was opened, and there was a brilliant white lotus inside, with a section of jasper lotus root growing under it.

Hearing Gongyang's hearty laughter again, Mo Xun asked with a smile: "From what you just said, it seems that you know the method of using this thing?"

"Hehe... I call you stupid and you still don't admit it. Since this thing is called the Five Elements, it means that the secret to cracking it must be attributed to the Five Elements!"

Mo Xun slapped his forehead, and he was suddenly enlightened!

Yes, why didn't he think of it?

Speaking of understanding, sometimes, he really had to admire Gong Yang.

But there's nothing he can do about it. His intelligence and talent are inherent in his decision-making. No matter how much he complains, it won't help!

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