Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 567: Like a dream or reality

From these thoughts, it can be seen that this person does not attach much importance to the master-disciple relationship between him and Mo Xun.

In other words, no matter who he becomes Ye Ping's disciple, it is just a way to get promoted.

This does not mean that he is heartless, but it is in line with human nature!

It has only been more than two years since the two of them met. If they burst into tears and express their sincerity at this moment, it would be abnormal!

Seeing Ye Ping frowning for a long time without saying anything, Mo Xun waved his hand and smiled: "You don't have to answer so quickly. You can think about it first. After that, I will be in seclusion for a period of time, as short as two or three years, as long as five or six years. It will not be too late to make a choice after I come out of seclusion. And in this matter, I will not give you any advice. Everything is up to you!"

Perhaps he has not recovered from this big surprise, and Ye Ping arched his hands in a trance.

"Okay, tell me about your recent cultivation!"

In the next half day, Mo Xun first patiently answered all the doubts he had accumulated recently, and then reminded him that if he encountered any trouble during his retreat, he could go to Gu Qingqing for help.

In teaching this little apprentice, Mo Xun did not hide his shortcomings. In addition to guiding him in cultivation, he was also very stingy with elixir resources.

It has only been two years, and Ye Ping has advanced to the first level. It may not take long for him to try to build a foundation.

Ye Ping's current cultivation environment is many times better than Mo Xun's back then!

Sometimes he would envy that if he had such a master and inexhaustible elixir, he would not have suffered so much!

Looking at Ye Ping's back, Mo Xun immediately asked: "Senior Gu, are you satisfied with this successor?"

Three months later, Mo Xun officially began his first retreat after forming a pill.

This time, his main energy was all focused on the rumored Wuhuan Pill.

This is also the only way to ensure his rapid advancement and improve his weapon refining skills in a short period of time.

According to Gong Yang, the greatest use of this pill is to slow down the flow of time in a fantasy.

To put it simply, it means spending ten days in a fantasy, while in reality, perhaps only one day has passed!

This thing is like a plug-in for cultivators!

In the Jindan stage, this time ratio can reach fifty times, while in the Yuanying stage, it can reach an astonishing one hundred times.

However, there are many restrictions on the application of this thing.

First of all, it can only be taken once in a lifetime!

From this condition, it should be the most cost-effective to take it in the Yuanying stage, but for Mo Xun now, he doesn't have so much time to wait.

Besides, whether he can cultivate to the Yuanying realm is obviously still an unknown.

Throughout the ages, too many people have been stuck before the Yuanying, not to mention the late Jindan stage, even in the early stage, there are many people who have reached the end of their lives!

One level of realm, one level of heaven, those natural barriers have stopped countless people!

Secondly, this pill has a fatal risk when used!

That is, you will be lost in the illusion forever and cannot wake up.

So according to Gong Yang's suggestion, when preparing the pill, the medicinal properties should not be too strong, and the hallucination time should be controlled within one year at most.

In other words, he can only spend fifty years in the illusion at most.

If it exceeds this limit, he will probably fall asleep forever!

The refining of the pill is actually not complicated. He has started preparing before the trip to the Five Elements Sect. Over the past year, he has already collected all kinds of spiritual medicines, except for the maturity of the Wuhuan Flower and Fruit.

But how to control the efficacy of the medicine is a big problem.

The method he can think of is also the most clumsy method, that is, live experiment.

First, prepare Wuhuan Pills in different proportions, and then use livestock such as chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep to feed them separately and observe their hallucination time.

But this will face two new problems.

Firstly, the physiological structure of livestock, especially the brain consciousness, is quite different from that of humans. Whether the conclusions of such experiments can be applied to humans without reservation is really debatable.

On the other hand, because they cannot communicate, it is difficult to tell when these animals have come out of the illusion. He can only judge based on his own experience.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help shaking his head. Even if these problems can be perfectly solved, there is still a huge trouble waiting for him.

How to wake up?

Once he enters the illusion, he is equivalent to completely losing contact with the outside world. It is not that he can wake him up from the illusion by just patting someone on the shoulder or calling him directly.

There is a tricky part here, which is that it seems like illusion and reality!

If you stay in the illusion for too long, it will be difficult to distinguish the illusion from reality. At that time, he may think he has woken up, but the real result is that he is still in the illusion. Then what awaits him will be endless reincarnation in the world of nothingness until his physical body in reality dies completely!

Or maybe he has returned to reality, but mistakenly believes that he is still in the illusion.

In either case, he will be doomed!

Regarding this point, he and Gong Yang have discussed it several times, and also consulted some relevant ancient books to try to find some precedents.

But this magic flower is rare and unusual. There are even fewer people who have used this method. Even if it is really successful, it is rarely recorded in the books. Therefore, on this issue, the two of them can only be regarded as First time exploring.

To put it bluntly, illusion is actually a deception of the five senses, leading to confusion in consciousness, or an illusion.

As long as we can find reasonable means to identify this kind of deception, we will be able to successfully break the illusion!

Not to mention, after thinking hard, he really came up with a unique method.

However, this method requires extremely harsh innate conditions, and coincidentally, he is the person who meets this condition.

The key to this method lies in the ram!

Unlike other people, Mo Xun has two consciousnesses that are independent of each other. In other words, as long as the ram is attached to his consciousness, the two of them can fall into the same illusion together through the effect of Wuhuan Dan.

Then the remaining problems seem to be simpler!

For this reason, he deliberately found a kind of spiritual insect called Jinghongworm in the market.

This kind of bug is relatively rare, but of little use. It occasionally appears in a few partial prescriptions.

But his growth habits are extremely weird!

First of all, it is easy to hatch. With certain methods, it can be hatched and born in one or two hours.

Secondly, this thing can only survive for half a day at most, and it will decompose and dissipate on its own!

Both Mo Xun and Gong Yang were exposed to this thing for the first time.

This also provides a prerequisite for the operation of this method.

He first placed the ram and an insect egg in a separate secret room, which ensured that from hatching to death, only the ram could see the insect.

Mo Xun knew nothing about this!

Then the two of them are equivalent to holding the same treasure box, but only one person knows the contents of this box.

When you are not sure whether the illusion has been broken, you only need to open the box and tell what is inside. After confirming the two facts, you will naturally understand whether it is an illusion or reality.

The reason why it's so troublesome is because the ram can only look, but can't move, so it can only passively cooperate with him.

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