Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 568 Experimental Proportion

If you think about it carefully, there are actually many loopholes here.

For example, because of the miscalculation, Gong Yang was unable to enter the illusion with him, just like the last time he fought with Bai Li, he was alone in it.

Another point is that Gong Yang was confused between reality and illusion, and his memory became disordered.

Such as this, the slightest mistake would be a disaster for him.

Of course, everything cannot be absolutely safe. Cultivating immortals is not like treating guests to a meal, how can there be no risk?

And the risks he mentioned are just expectations, and perhaps they are all groundless worries.

In addition to this, he also made two other insurances.

The first is to awaken by force through drugs.

While taking the Wuhuan Pill, he will take some anti-illusion spirit medicine, but these spirit medicines will be sealed in the body with secret methods in advance until they are automatically unsealed after a year.

But Wuhuan Flower is known as the world's first fantasy thing, so how much effect the so-called anti-illusion spirit medicine can have is unknown.

Secondly, before taking it, he would inform Gu Qingqing in advance that he needed to practice a magical power. If he did not come out on time, he would forcefully break into his secret room and rescue him through various means.

This can only be the last resort!

In fact, he had a small plan in his mind, but he did not dare to tell Gong Yang!

Let's talk about the Wuhuan Pill again. Although this thing seems magical and can create a time ratio different from reality, it is ultimately just nothingness.

For example, in the time flow of the illusion, you may have advanced several levels in a row, but once you return to reality, you will be beaten back to your original form.

In other words, all the results of practice in the illusion are ultimately just illusions.

In this way, it seems to be a useless effort!

But you must know that in this process, you have accumulated unimaginable experience, and these experiences will remain in your consciousness without reservation.

This is tantamount to paving the way for yourself in advance. Even if you practice again, the speed will be more than a few times faster?

So this risk is totally worth taking!

Time passed in the repeated alchemy and experiments, until the fourth year, he finally determined the best drug effect ratio.

It is said that three years is not enough to complete such a complex verification.

But although his understanding is limited, he never sticks to the rules!

Each of his test cycles is not one year, but three to four months. Different drugs are applied to different livestock. As long as the dosage of the hallucination for three or four months is determined, it is doubled to one year, and finally a full year of experiments are carried out to correct the deviation!

So far, he has obtained three pills with the best ratio!

During this period, although he did not practice much, he insisted on taking a Qianyuan fruit every three days. In three years, he has eaten millions of spirit stones alone.

If Gu Qingqing knew that he was so wasteful, she would probably go crazy!

There is no other Jindan cultivator in this world who dares to be so extravagant!

However, it is worth mentioning that this thing does have an unparalleled magical effect in strengthening the body.

The horizontal training is divided into nine levels. Although he is not clear about the specific strength division, he thinks that he should have reached the second and third levels.

Without using spiritual power, he can hear the sound of breaking through the air when he punches.

He feels that his physical strength is almost the same as the strength of the tenth level of Qi Refining.

In terms of cultivation, this is simply amazing speed.

Of course, strength is only one aspect, and the specific combat strength is another matter.

Because he has no physical training method, at least 70% to 80% of the use of the medicinal effect is wasted.

This is also unavoidable. After all, his energy is limited. Even if he is really given a top-notch method, he may not have time to practice.

In fact, physical training is more resource-consuming than Qi training.

Without elixirs, Qi training can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but without the assistance of spiritual medicine, it is harder to find a way out in physical training than to ascend to heaven.

However, when the horizontal training reaches a certain level, the strength is not weaker than that of the law cultivation.

Moreover, the body training has an advantage, that is, it does not require spiritual roots, and ordinary people can do it.

But why don't many people choose to practice the body in the world of immortal cultivation?

In Mo Xun's opinion, there are probably several reasons.

First, it is the consumption of resources. The accumulation of resources to cultivate a horizontal training master is no less than that of a Yuanying cultivator.

Another is the difficulty of horizontal training, which requires suffering that ordinary people cannot endure.

Finally, it is the life span.

Although the body cultivation can prolong life when it reaches a certain level, it is far less than the law cultivation of the same level.

The ninth-level horizontal training master can fight against the great cultivators in the late Yuanying stage, but the life span is only three or four hundred years at most.

Therefore, no one who can refine qi will choose to practice the body.

As for those who practice both law and body, there are naturally some, but they are rare after all, because of the problem of energy.

Even the most gifted cultivators would prioritize achieving the Great Dao rather than cultivating their bodies.

As for Mo Xun, if it weren't for this opportunity, he would definitely not have put in this hard work.

Anyway, it won't waste time, it just takes up a little space in the green gourd.

As the saying goes, if you have nothing to do, just treat it as a way to satisfy your appetite!

He planted this willow tree unintentionally. As for how far it will grow in the end, it will only be beneficial and harmless to him!

Before taking it, Mo Xun left the secret room and talked with Gu Qingqing for half a day.

It's a matter of life and death, so you can't be careless!

Not only did he need Gu Qingqing's help in protecting the law, but he also urged the other party to take action in a timely manner at critical moments.

As for how to rescue, he also gave several emergency plans.

"Brother Mo, if it's so dangerous, why do you insist on practicing?"

Mo Xun did not answer her directly, but just smiled.

"Actually, it's not necessarily that dangerous. It's just a matter of making more preparations. If you trouble the fairy in the next year, you'll definitely be rewarded generously!"

Seeing Mo Xun's insistence, Gu Qingqing said no more.

After all, it was only a year, and to her, it was just a longer nap!

"By the way, there are some pills here for my little apprentice. If the fairy is free, please pass them on to me. If this kid encounters any trouble, please take care of him."

Gu Qingqing took it in her hand with a smile and said jokingly: "You are a very competent master. He not only imparts experience but also gives you elixirs. If you still accept a disciple, I will immediately pour you tea and salute you." Maybe I can’t do it, but I can definitely satisfy Brother Mo by doing laundry, cooking, etc. Even if it’s just serving as a pillow, I’m still willing to do it!”

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