Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 569: First entry into the fantasy world

As his consciousness began to blur, Mo Xun's eyes gradually became dark.

He was like a light feather, swaying in the wind. This feeling was very strange, like floating in the clouds, and like falling into the deep sea.

Although he was a little uneasy, he still tried to relax himself.

The silence in his ears was so frightening that even the heartbeat seemed to have disappeared. Time seemed to stop suddenly at this moment.

He didn't know how long this darkness lasted until a dazzling white light flashed in front of his eyes, forcing him to not look directly. Then, he was thrown heavily to the ground by someone with infinite power.

Mo Xun couldn't help but groan, and finally felt some real pain.

He slowly opened his eyes, and what appeared in front of him was a paradise with birds singing and flowers blooming.

The sky above was clear and blue, and the grass under his feet was all over the sky. The ups and downs of the hills stretched to the end of the vision.

Here, it seems to be a vast grassland, with a warm breeze, and occasionally a few eagles fly by, casting dark shadows on the grass.

"Is this an illusion?"

Mo Xun muttered to himself, looking around constantly.

"Yes, everything I see now is actually the consciousness in your brain and mine."

Hearing this familiar voice, Mo Xun immediately came back to his senses from the trance, but in a moment of thought, he frowned unconsciously.

Is this person a ram?

Or is he an illusion?

In fact, he had considered this question before, but this is an unsolvable situation, because he has no way to distinguish it at all.

Before taking the Wuhuan Pill, he sat in meditation for three days and three nights!

He thought about a lot of things, and predicted the various difficulties he might face. He even wavered in his idea of ​​whether to continue.

Is it worth it to exchange fifty years of cultivation experience with the risk of almost falling?

It's a bit ridiculous. For the first time in his life, he used an extremely absurd method to replace his own choice.

That is drawing lots!

Many times, he firmly believes that man can conquer nature, but sometimes, he adheres to fatalism.

These two seemingly contradictory mentalities are not the reflection of most people's inner thoughts?

A heinous bandit distributes the looted property to the hungry victims. Is he a good person or a bad person?

To put it another way, we must allow two opposing things to coexist, which no one can change.

Just like now, if everything he encounters must be absolutely divided into illusion and reality, then he should not do anything. For the past fifty years, he has only been serious with himself!

As long as you follow your heart, what can true and false do to me?

When thinking of this, Mo Xun's frowned eyebrows relaxed again.

But just as he was about to take off, a strange but very familiar long-lost voice came from behind him again.

"Brother Mo, are you back to see me?"

The moment he turned around, he froze in place as if he had been cast into a spell.

"Ms. Qing... Qingying?"

Mo Xun's lips trembled slightly. The girl standing in front of him was the girl who liked to follow him and had almost no opinion!

Perhaps because of Mo Xun's staring eyes, Li Qingying lowered her head shyly, and then said with a little complaint in her tone: "Brother Mo is so cruel. He said he would come to Jiuli Palace to see me, but he left for more than a hundred years!"

Mo Xun looked at the rosy and shy face, and a thousand feelings came to his mind.

Since he started practicing, he has not come into contact with many women, but there are also many, but this girl seems to be the one with the lowest sense of existence.

She is also the one who is rarely remembered in the depths of his memory.

At this moment, the past unfolds slowly like a scroll!

If I remember correctly, he is 150 years old. Back then, he was still a young man with high spirits. With a little bit of youth and sharp mind, he insisted on entering the Gu Yue Gate despite knowing that there were tigers in the mountain.

If it were him now, he would never have such courage!

With the improvement of his realm, his strength is many times stronger than before, but that bloodiness is no longer there.


Mo Xun wanted to ask, how have you been these years, but he swallowed the words when he got to his lips.

He looked at the young face again, then jumped up and flew into the clouds without looking back.

Until the voice of Brother Mo in his ear gradually disappeared, his slightly melancholy face slowly regained its calm.

"Boy, it seems that you have a lot of romantic debts!"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly, but soon, the smile froze on his face.

A loud laugh was heard, and then a ray of light suddenly flew out from his body, gathering into a human figure in the air.

When this person revealed his true appearance, he turned out to be an old man with white hair and a youthful face.

Standing in front of him was the Cang Kuo Zhenren from the ancient ruins. His appearance and spirit were exactly the same as the portrait in his hand!

"Are you... Gong Yang?"

Glancing at Mo Xun's dumbfounded look, the old man moved his limbs and said with a smile: "Although I am a wisp of consciousness in reality, in this illusion, can't I come out to breathe?"

While speaking, he looked around the surrounding scene with great interest.

Mo Xun looked at him solemnly. He really didn't expect this.

But soon, he figured out the key points. The two of them probably appeared in the form of consciousness at this moment.

After a moment, he asked tentatively: "Did you see that girl just now?"

Gong Yang smiled.

"I know what you want to ask. In fact, you should have guessed the answer. Since you and I entered this place with shared consciousness, it is reasonable to see each other's memories. This Wuhuan Pill has magical effects. As for what will appear, it is beyond human power to decide, but everything we see is the illusion in your mind and mine. In other words, I can see some of your secrets, and of course, you can see mine."

Hearing this, Mo Xun had already cursed this thing from head to toe.

The other party obviously knew this a long time ago, but never informed him, and even deliberately lured him into the illusion in the form of consciousness attachment. I don't know what he was thinking.

Seeing Mo Xun's almost livid face, Gong Yang seemed to feel a sense of pleasure from his evil plan.

"I have long been curious about what secrets you have. Those thousand-year-old spiritual medicines are just like weeds planted in your backyard, which can be taken out at will."

Mo Xun snorted coldly. He was tricked by the other party again!

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