Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 570 Memory Fragments

"You don't have to be like this. As long as you are determined, no matter how powerful Wuhuan Dan is, it will be difficult to break your heart, let alone let me spy on you."

Having said that, Mo Xun still felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

But there's nothing he can do about it. The other party crushes him in almost all aspects, whether it's experience or IQ.

Fortunately, he understands a truth. The two of them are now both prosperous and disadvantaged, so they don't have to worry about being harmed.

After a while, Mo Xuncai asked in a deep voice: "Which way are we going now?"

Gongyang smiled and said: "This is the right thing to ask you. This place should be transformed into your consciousness."

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun felt most of the anger in his chest disappear immediately.

As they moved away from the grassland, rolling mountains and dense forests appeared at their feet. Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin. He seemed to have some impression of this place.

But it was so long ago that I couldn’t remember it for a while.

It wasn't until a crowded town appeared that he suddenly realized it. At the same time, countless fragmented memories were slowly pieced together. Scenes of the past slowly appeared in front of his eyes as if they had just happened yesterday.

This is where his dream begins!

The two of them slowly landed in front of the city gate. When they saw the three familiar characters "Xunyang County", Mo Xun felt the ups and downs of his heartstrings again.

"It seems like this place has a great influence on you!"

Mo Xun ignored Gongyang's teasing. He hadn't even gotten used to the fact that a person in his body suddenly appeared alive in front of him.

After pausing for a long time with a stick of incense, he stepped in.

There was no need to recall it, the light and shadow in his memory led him to find the way.

In front of the Baicao Hall, it was still as busy as usual, but he seemed to remember some of the figures walking through it, while others had no memory at all.

He understood that this was probably caused by memory confusion.

Not far from here was the Su family. After thinking for a long time, he still didn't have the courage to go and take a look.

Since it's all fantasy, what's the point?

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart, whispered "Let's go", then turned around and headed out of the city.

But before they had gone very far, the sky suddenly darkened, and the originally fiery sun seemed to be suddenly covered by a dark curtain. In mid-air, the moon rose without knowing when.

The pedestrians on the street suddenly disappeared and became empty, with only dim lanterns dotted with starlight.

Facing her, a woman walked slowly, holding a four or five-year-old pink-cheeked child with an upturned bun on the back of her head.

The toddler blinked his big curious eyes and kept looking at Mo Xun.

"Mr. Mo, since you are here, why don't you just sit in the house?"

The person in front of me is none other than the eldest lady of the Su family, Su Yunyi!

Under the moonlight, Su Yunyi was still as beautiful, quiet and leisurely, but her eyebrows were a little more mature and graceful.

Before Mo Xun could speak, Gongyang had already approached him, looked up and down at the child in Su Yunyi's hands, and said with a chuckle: "You are so dishonest, your son is already so old!"

This sudden sentence immediately brought Mo Xun back from his memories.

He was just about to curse, but unexpectedly, an angry shout came from behind him.

"Sister, don't pay attention to this ungrateful person. He has already forgotten all about it within ten years!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but stiffen. This voice was so familiar to him!

When the woman in his memory appeared in front of him again, even though he knew it was all fake, it still made his heart beat faster unconsciously.


As the angry face not far away slowly came towards him, Mo Xun moved his lips, wanting to explain something, but he didn't know how to speak.

This woman is naturally Miss Su Er, Su Yunshang!

Yun Shang suddenly pulled out a long sword and pointed it at him angrily.

"You are a liar!"

Mo Xun then groaned and covered his chest, feeling as if his heart was being tugged by something.

Gong Yang, who was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "I really underestimated you. I thought you were an ascetic monk, but my memory was all related to women. In just a short time, She is already the third one, and she is no less generous than I was back then. But for me, although this little girl looks good, she is still slightly inferior compared to the Nascent Soul monk named Nalan. Not as good as..."

While the male sheep was commenting unscrupulously, a man in black suddenly fell down in mid-air.

The moment the man appeared, Yun Shang's expression changed, and the two started fighting without warning.

Yun Shang's level is only at the peak of Qi refining, but the man has reached the middle stage of foundation building.

Therefore, as soon as the action was taken, the judgment between the two was already established.

Seeing that Yun Shang was about to be captured by the opponent, Mo Xun snorted coldly. A junior Foundation Builder dared to be so presumptuous in front of him.

Just when he was about to take action, Gongyang quickly stopped him.

"Have you forgotten what I said before?"

Mo Xun suddenly woke up and remembered the series of instructions Gong Yang had given him before entering the hallucination.

In the illusion, to prevent being led by the illusion, try to stay calm and don't act easily.

He understood these words deeply.

I still remember clearly that I almost died in my own hands because I was in a mess of my mind when I fell into the illusion of Wuhuanhua twice.

In order to ensure absolute safety, the best way to deal with it is not to take action!

When I calmed down again, the Su sisters had disappeared.

The scene in front of me also changed suddenly. The sky returned to daytime again, and the houses and streets around it turned into a small mound.

This is... Xiaoling Mountain!

At the foot of the mountain in the distance, a courtyard of a wealthy family was located in a village, which was very conspicuous.

In that courtyard, there was a family of old and young, gathered around the dining table, eating and chatting happily.

Several two or three-year-old children who had just learned to walk were chasing and playing, and the women dressed as farmers followed them, as if they were afraid that the children would fall and fall.

Seeing this warm scene, Mo Xun's mouth quietly revealed an unprecedented smile.

"Is this your family in the mortal world?"

Mo Xun nodded gently. It turned out that everything in his memory had not changed.

He sat on Xiaoling Mountain for a whole day.

Just watching quietly, even if these were all fake, every time he saw his family enjoying themselves, he could always calm down.

This time, Gong Yang was tactful enough not to disturb him, but he still had a bad taste and silently ranked the women who had something to do with Mo Xun.

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