Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 571: Past Events of Gongyang

There were many things that Mo Xun originally thought he would avoid thinking about, but he gradually forgot about them.

Over the years, he had done the same thing. He was busy practicing and running around, leaving him no time to recall those things. Looking at it now, he was a bit deceiving himself.

Leaving Xunyang County, he finally walked out of a familiar place.

The sky became gloomy, as if it was going to rain.

There was a small town in the distance. Mo Xun recalled it carefully for a while, but it didn't overlap with any place in his memory.

But when he turned his head, he happened to see a different look on the ram's face.

This place has probably entered the memory of the ram.

The town is sparsely populated and lifeless, but in front of a large courtyard, there are loud gongs and drums and firecrackers!

The door was decorated with lights and decorated with festive red silks. Carriages and sedans came and went, and many pedestrians were passing through, probably celebrating a happy event.

At this time, Gongyang no longer had the laughter and curses of the past.

Two big golden characters on the doorway said "Mufu" in a scolding way!

This place is probably inextricably linked with the ram in the secular world.

"Two distinguished guests, welcome to watch the ceremony. Please have a cup of wedding wine inside!"

This is a young man in his twenties, wearing a crimson ceremonial dress, a high crown, and a beard. He looks elegant and noble among the crowd!

The moment Gongyang passed by this person, a flash of hatred flashed in the corner of his eyes, and then he and Mo Xun were invited in without any explanation.

The hall was full of distinguished guests, and the nobles in fine clothes were exchanging cups and cups, making it very lively.

The two of them sat in the corner, watching this grand feast with cold eyes.

"The auspicious time has come for the newlyweds to pay their respects!"

Immediately afterwards, a man and a woman walked in slowly, holding red silk in their hands.

The man is the groom who greeted guests at the door earlier. The woman is wearing a phoenix crown, so her true appearance cannot be seen clearly, and she is wearing a Xia pei, which highlights her graceful figure.

The moment the woman appeared, the male body trembled slightly, and the wine glass in his hand was crushed to pieces with a bang.

"We worship heaven and earth, worship our ancestors and welcome the new year!"

The hall was full of joy and laughter. When the newlyweds appeared, the entire wedding finally reached its climax.

But at this moment, a young man suddenly burst in from outside the door and shouted: "Wait a minute!"

A sudden scene suddenly silenced the originally lively scene.

"Qingzhu, I know you were forced, come with me!"

As the man spoke, he rushed to grab the bride's arm, but the groom got in the way and pushed him away.

"Mu Tianming, today is my happy day, it's not your turn to act wild yet!"

At this time, a middle-aged man in the high hall also stood up from his chair. He stretched out his finger angrily and pointed at the man tremblingly.

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

The middle-aged man then stepped forward and slapped the young man hard, knocking the young man to the ground.

"Nie Zhan, haven't you made enough trouble?"

A stream of blood immediately flowed out from the corner of the young man's mouth, and a bright red handprint appeared on his fair face.

The young man struggled to get up from the ground, staring at the bride with a pair of red eyes.

"Qingzhu, are you really so heartless?"

The bride was finally moved. She wanted to step forward, but was held tightly by the groom.

"Akiro, you'd better go. What I Okiro!"

This fragile sound, with a hint of helplessness, was like a heavy hammer, hitting the man's chest heavily.

The groom said jokingly: "Brother, you heard it too. Qingzhu will be your younger brother and sister from now on. Don't do such bastard things again."

The man seemed to be crazy, like a crazy beast, he was about to rush towards the bride.

The middle-aged man kicked him away and ordered both sides at the same time: "Kick him out!"

Then, the sound of sticks was heard outside the house.

At this time, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, thunder broke out, and heavy rain followed.

Amidst the thunder, a heart-rending roar was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

"From today on, there will be no more Mu Tianming in the world. The Mu family and I will be cut off from now on. Mu Tingjing, you forced my biological mother to death. Mu Tianchong, you took away my sweetheart. One day, I will kill the entire Mu family!"


In the rain and fog, Mo Xun and Gong Yang followed the lonely man from a distance.

"You must be curious about this person's identity, right?"

Mo Xun shook his head lightly: "I don't care!"

When Gongyang was about to speak, he blocked him again, and he couldn't help but snorted in annoyance.

You know, it took a lot of courage for him to share his secret.

But not everyone is qualified to listen!

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Mo Xun's attitude, Gongyang continued: "The person in front of me is me back then, or to be precise, it should be the original Cangkuo Zhenren."

In Mo Xun's mind, he had probably already made a rough guess.

It is said that Gong Yang now has his own independent consciousness, and he and Cang Kuo can be regarded as two people.

But judging from the other party's reaction just now, deep down, he was still affected by the original owner's emotions.

"The newlyweds, one is my half-brother, and the other is my childhood sweetheart."

The two of them followed the man from a distance, letting the rain fall and blur everything around them.

In the drowsiness, dazzling lightning flashed across the sky, as if it was the end of the world.

"When I was three years old, my father had an affair with his mistress. When my mother found out, she became seriously ill. Since that mother and son appeared, my life with my mother and sister has completely changed."

Speaking of this, Mo Xun could sense what kind of fluctuation Gong Yang was experiencing at the moment.

"When I was eight years old, my mother passed away. They all said that she died of illness, but they could not hide it from me, because that day, my mother met that woman and died completely within half an hour. Afterwards, Mu Tingjing not only did not investigate the reason, but also married that woman with great fanfare and made her his principal wife!"

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. This kind of thing is very common in wealthy families.

"You should be able to guess what happened next. My sister was forced to marry by that woman when she was twelve years old. When she was fourteen, she was thrown into the street by her in-laws because of a difficult birth. As for me, the eldest son in the family, I had to live under someone else's roof. Even my sweetheart ended up being my younger brother's wife. I can say that I lived like a dog for the first twenty-five years of my life!"

The two of them walked along the way, following the man up the hillside.

They finally stopped in front of two graves in the barren mountain.

There were no tombstones in front of the graves, but Mo Xun knew that one was Gong Yang's biological mother, and the other was probably his younger sister.

Seeing the man kneeling in front of the grave, his body trembling in the rain, Mo Xun was somewhat touched.

His parents and younger sister must have turned into a handful of yellow earth long ago, right?

There are two more chapters tonight......

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