Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 575: The Big Killer

Mo Xun held his chin in one hand and stared at the strange sculpture intently, trying to find out the aura Gongyang mentioned in it.

But maybe it was because of the illusion, and I just discovered that this thing was a little different!

He couldn't help but wonder, could mountains and rivers really possess spiritual intelligence?

If we follow this theory, wouldn’t things like river gods and water gods also exist in the world?

And soon, another doubt appeared in his mind.

"According to what you said, every mountain and river should have a mountain spirit, but why is it said to be rare?"

"That's true, but there are some other factors involved here. From my point of view, there are probably two reasons."

The ram then held out a finger.

"First, the formation of a mountain spirit does not only require mountains and rivers, but also a dense aura of spiritual energy, flourishing vegetation, the rhythm of flying luan and phoenix gathering, the power of understanding the truth and reaching the spirit, the internal energy containing the spirit, and the external Qian Duan Kun. Ni, gathering the essence of mountains and deeps, patching up the sky and bathing in the sun for thousands of years, looking at the clouds and looking at the moon, the ancient saying gathers the essence of heaven and earth, condenses the aura of mountains and rivers, this is what it means."

What he said was that Mo Xun was confused, and it felt like he was bullying him for not going to school.

Furthermore, is it possible that the mountains and phoenixes are rising to the sun and the bells and spirits are beautiful?

Are other places in dire straits?

You know, he has been running around Xihezhou over the years and has seen at least dozens of famous mountains and rivers. In terms of rich spiritual energy, this place can be ranked as the most famous.

Gongyang shook his head. Seeing that he was done showing off, he changed the subject and said, "Of course, these are only necessary conditions. Even if they are all met, spirituality may not be nurtured. Just like you and me, if we want to cultivate, You must first have spiritual roots, but those who have heavenly spiritual roots are rare!”

Mo Xun suddenly understood. If he said that, he would probably understand.

Whether a mountain can give birth to a mountain spirit depends on luck!

Mo Xun glared at Gongyang angrily. Such a simple thing was actually mentioned in such a convoluted way.

"Secondly, even if some mountains can become spirits, they may not be easily discovered. Some mountain spirits may be just an ordinary piece of jade in the heart of the mountain. Something as strange and lifelike as this one can be said to be rare in millions of years. Encounter!”

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully. No wonder he couldn't feel the natural aura contained in this object. It turned out to be this reason.

So what we are facing now is another problem.

How to use this thing?

Since the ram called it a treasure but couldn't touch it, it couldn't be for looking at, right?

When Mo Xun raised this question, Gongyang borrowed a few blank formation flags from him, and then began to refine and carve runes with elixir fire.

Looking at the series of skilled movements, Mo Xun sighed inwardly. He didn't expect that this old man's refining technique was not inferior to him at all.

It was not until two hours later that a circular area was surrounded by formations in the surrounding caves.

"Sit here and you will know when I activate the formation later!" Gongyang pointed at a position where runes gathered and said to Mo Xun.

Mo Xun frowned slightly, but after hesitating for a moment, he still sat down cross-legged as instructed.

The Ram then handed him another formation flag.

"If you can't hold on, throw it into the Gen position, and the entire magic circle will naturally stop!"

Can't hold on?

Mo Xun was about to get up immediately. Hearing these words, why did he sound like he was in great danger?

But at the same time, Gongyang had already jumped out of the formation, and pinched a magic spell in his hand. Countless golden lights immediately circulated around the formation. In the circular area centered on Mo Xun and the jade sculpture, golden runes rose rapidly. , like countless tadpoles, washed by the water, heading towards the jade sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, a faint soft light flashed from the surface of the jade carving, and then a green light shot out from the tips of its slender, jade-like fingers, straight into Mo Xun's belly.

Mo Xun panicked in his heart. Before he could react, an extremely huge spiritual power, like a flood that broke a bank, directly washed away the eight extraordinary meridians in his body, and poured into him in a surging manner like sea water pouring back. Dantian in the abdomen.

In an instant, he felt like his whole body was about to burst.

Under the impact of this vast force, veins bulged on the body surface, and his two eyeballs were filled with red blood, almost protruding from their sockets.

At this moment, Mo Xun felt as if he had swallowed hundreds of high-quality cultivation elixirs in one gulp. The power of the medicine was dissolved at the same time, and the violent spiritual power spread instantly at the same point, like countless steel needles, shooting into his heart. Every inch of the meridians in the organs.

Moreover, this spiritual power is extremely mixed, mixed with many other unknown energies.

He felt as if his body was about to explode!

The heartbreaking roar immediately spread throughout the cave.

Just when he couldn't bear it anymore, he suddenly remembered what Gongyang had just said. He endured the pain and quickly threw the formation flag in his hand not far away in front of him.

As the formation flag hit the ground, the surrounding golden light suddenly stagnated, and the energy coming from the outside also stopped immediately.

Following this, the cave returned to its previous green color.

Mo Xun's body also fell to the ground as if exhausted. In just a few breaths, he was already soaked to the skin, as if he had just crawled out of the water.

This seemingly short moment made him feel extremely long.

For a moment, he even thought he was going to die!

Mo Xun lay on his back, breathing heavily. Perhaps because of the pain, his head was still a little dazed for a while.

Until a gray-haired face gradually became clear in the blurred vision, he came back to his senses.

Looking at Gong Yang's gloating smile, Mo Xun really had the urge to strangle him to death at this moment.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

Gong Yang chuckled.

"How could it be? I just want you to experience the magic of this thing!"

Mo Xun snorted coldly. This old man was obviously taking the opportunity to make him look bad.

After a long time, Mo Xun recovered, but his face was a little pale, and there was still some of the strange spiritual power in his body. Because it was not pure, he did not dare to absorb it directly, so it was slowly discharged.

Now, even if Gong Yang did not explain, he probably knew the source of the fake baby.

This thing in front of him can obviously quickly improve the cultivation level, just like forcing the growth of seedlings, in a very short time, it can make the cultivator break through to an amazing realm.

However, due to the mixture of spiritual power, the Dantian meridians will inevitably be damaged during the process of upgrading, leaving irreversible damage, and after the power is dispersed, it will lead to a significant drop in realm.

In this way, this item can be regarded as a treasure that defies the heavens!

But at the same time, it is also a powerful weapon that should not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary!

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