This method can only be used to save lives at the critical moment of life and death!

It's just a trick that kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself eight hundred!

But soon, he thought of another key question.

"According to what you said before, the head of the Qing faction formed a temporary enemy with the fake baby when he encountered danger outside. Could it be that he had other ways to bring this thing with him?"

Gongyang shook his head and said: "This is unknown, but in my opinion, the reason why this person can use this power without geographical restrictions may be that he has mastered some secret method that can temporarily seal the spiritual power inside. Get up and have it ready at any time.”

Mo Xun nodded understandingly, this explanation made sense.

"As for the specifics, you can only research it yourself. I had something to do at the time, but by chance, I had the opportunity to conceive a baby, so I delayed the matter... But you must make it clear in advance. , after giving birth to a baby, I don’t dare to guarantee whether Cang Kuo will return to this place. In the past tens of thousands of years, time has passed. Whether this spirit is still there is also between two choices. Don’t worry about not being able to find it when the time comes. Come on, blame me again!”

To be honest, Mo Xun was a little tempted.

This thing is like a spiritual power pool with vast energy!

I don’t know how many times better than any panacea!

Although as Gongyang said, it may still be unknown whether this thing exists, but it did not affect Mo Xun's interest in it at all.

Just imagine, if you can perfect the formation just now, make the impact of spiritual power softer, and at the same time purify this spiritual power through some means, then if you practice here, you can go straight to the sky!

Even if this method doesn't work, if you can store the power like the leader of Tianqing Sect, it will be like having one more way to save your life in times of danger!

No matter which angle you look at it, it’s worth a special trip!

The main question now is, after thousands of years, does this thing still exist?

With Gong Yang's greedy character, Master Cang Kuo probably wouldn't be much better.

But that's not necessarily true. Maybe Cang Kuo had a better choice after giving birth and didn't bother to look for this thing again.

"Are you satisfied with this great gift?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, looked at Gongyang, pondered for a while, and then suddenly asked: "Do you know what other things are mixed in there besides spiritual power?"

"There are many, including the vitality of heaven and earth, the yin and yang of the sun and the moon, the essence of mountains, rocks, grass and trees, and even the qi of ghosts and demons. They are all in it. Some are good for you and me, but some are extremely harmful. As for this harm, what is it? What, I believe you should already understand after experiencing it once.”

Mo Xun thought to himself, it was quite the same as he expected.

This thing should not be absorbed directly, but when the spiritual power surged in, it all entered the body without giving him a chance to identify and screen it.

Although things are good, one must have the ability to enjoy them.

Seeing that Mo Xun was still deep in thought, Gongyang put away the formation flag and urged: "If you have seen enough, continue to follow me!"

Mo Xun suddenly rolled his eyes and changed into a rare smile.

"Senior, how about you and I discussing this?"

This call stunned the ram. It had been many years since he had seen such a respectful attitude from Mo Xun.

As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a monster. If you show courtesy for nothing, you will be a traitor or a thief!

The ram's face immediately showed some caution.

"What's up?"

Mo Xun smiled, as if it was a bit hard to say.

"For you to be able to cultivate to such a level, you must have been to many secret realms or holy places, right?"

"This is natural. I have been practicing as a casual cultivator since I formed the elixir. Without the protection of a sect, I can only rely on myself for all the cultivation resources. Although you have some experience in these years, compared with me, you are nothing. Not even close!”

The smile on Mo Xun's face became even brighter.

"In that case, you must know the locations of many secret realms, and even the methods of entering and exiting these secret realms?"

Gongyang nodded suspiciously, not understanding the meaning of his words for a while.

"You and I might as well make a deal!"

"What deal?"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth curled up.

"Next, take me to these places to see the dangers and opportunities. Once we return to the real world and take out the treasures inside, we will add two to one and make five. By then, one person will be half, what do you think?"

The ram suddenly smiled, it turned out to be waiting for him here!

"It is indeed a good idea, but have you ever thought about it? There are two problems in it."

"what is the problem?"

Gongyang analyzed unhurriedly: "First of all, after thousands of years, it is really open to question whether those secret realms are still there. Even if they are preserved to this day, how many good things can be left after such a long time?"

Mo Xun nodded in agreement, which made some sense.

But having said that, since it can be called a secret realm, it means that it will only be opened once in a long time. Some places, especially because they have been lost, may have been ignored for a long time. There are more or less inside, and maybe some can be picked up.

Just listen to Gongyang continue to say: "Secondly, this illusion is not something you and I can control. No one can control which memory we will enter next. If we look for it specifically, we don't know how long we will find it."

Upon hearing this, Mo Xundang felt a little discouraged.

It seems that it is unlikely to pick up a bargain!

After saying this, Gong Yang turned and walked towards the darkness in the distance.

Just when Mo Xun had given up this unrealistic idea, Gong Yang muttered in a low voice.

"It's a wishful thinking. These resources are for me to use for my own cultivation when I grow up!"

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and couldn't help but cursed the old fox inwardly!


The two then passed through the cave and entered a narrow and deep passage. Mo Xun looked around and asked in confusion: "Don't you go back the same way?"

"Since you are here, I will take you to another good place!"

Not far away, a rough stone door appeared in front of them. After entering, there was an extremely narrow stone room inside, which was only about ten feet square.

The stone room was empty, except for an ancient teleportation array in the corner!

There is actually another world here!

With the previous experience of the mountain spirit, Mo Xun was full of interest in the next place to go.

After a flash of light, the two of them suddenly disappeared into the teleportation array.

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