After a dizzy spell, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to find that he was now in a dark underwater area.

Fishes swam around him.

It was the first time that Mo Xun had seen a teleportation array built in the water.

Gong Yang gestured to him and took the lead to go far away.

The road in the water was rugged, with huge rocks and corals everywhere. After walking for a long time, the light finally became brighter, and the two floated up.

When they were about to reach the surface of the water, Gong Yang's voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

"Listen to my instructions later!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, secretly complaining in his heart, why did he feel like a thief?

As soon as he came out of the water, Mo Xun realized that this place was actually a very vast natural lake.

The entire lake was covered by mountains, and on the hillsides around it, there were some Taoist temples and palaces scattered around. Above his head, there were faint traces of the formation.

Could this be the mountain gate of the Tianqing Sect?

The two looked at each other, and Mo Xun knew that he was probably right.

Then, at Gong Yang's request, they simply performed a transformation spell, transformed into the appearance of a young disciple of the sect, and flew towards a hilltop cautiously.

When they arrived in front of a three-story palace called "Tianxing Palace", the two gatekeepers were about to question them, but Gong Yang pointed out without saying anything, and the two young men in the early stage of foundation building fainted at the same time.

Gong Yang then took off the tokens on their waists, raised his hand and drew a line in the air, and the empty place seemed to be torn open, and a faint light door appeared.

The two helped the two guards at the door to one side, cast a spell to make them pretend to guard outside, and then stepped in one after another.

In fact, they didn't need to go through so much trouble. After all, they were only five-star sects, and even the sect leader was only in the late stage of Jindan. Moreover, according to the time node of Gong Yang's memory, the sect leader had just used the power of the mountain spirit. At this time, his cultivation might not be as good as Mo Xun. He was seriously injured and must be recovering in seclusion.

But it is better to have less trouble than more. Even if it is now in an illusion, the personal experience is still the same as the real thing.

After entering, although he met several deacon disciples, they were easily controlled by the two.

It was not until he broke through the internal restrictions and came to a huge secret room like a warehouse that Mo Xun understood Gong Yang's intention.

It turned out that this was the place where the sect stored the materials for refining.

Looking at the rare and precious materials in the room covered by the restrictions on the wooden shelves, Mo Xun was really surprised.

In terms of quantity alone, there are nearly a thousand kinds.

Before this, in order to learn weapon skills, he not only read a lot of books, but also went to many shops and auctions, with the purpose of obtaining various weapon refining materials for practice.

However, he spent a lot of money in the past few years, and the things he collected were less than half of what is here.

The collection of a five-star sect is so good, so you can imagine the seven- and eight-star sects!

It seems that he had underestimated the foundation of these immortal sects before.

"What are you still standing there for? Get started!"

Mo Xun suddenly realized that Gong Yang was helping him to provide a resource base for the next weapon refining!

The two of them took a storage bag each, broke the ban with brute force, and emptied everything inside.

After a stick of incense, Gong Yang threw the storage bag back to him.

"You owe me another favor!"

The two smiled at each other and sneaked out of the secret room. Fortunately, no one came to the hall during this period, and the disciples who were guarding outside the hall were still in a coma.

Mo Xun couldn't help but think, this old guy is so familiar with the way, could it be that he used to do this business?


In the next month, the two of them visited several small sects in succession, and all of them looted all kinds of refining materials and treasures in the same way.

Gong Yang even took him to rob two medicine gardens!

As long as it was useful for cultivation, the two of them were merciless.

Mo Xun was speechless. He didn't expect that the famous Cang Kuo Zhenren in the past was actually a big thief!

Perhaps every cultivator who wants to achieve the great way has a secret that cannot be made public.

Of course, this includes him!

However, according to this stealing method, many of those small sects in the past must have gone bankrupt because of this.

Finally, the two came to a mountain forest with layers of mountains. The spiritual energy here was dense and the forests were lush. The towering mountains in the distance were extremely steep and surrounded by thick clouds and mist, which gave a feeling of fairy mountains and towers.

"Which sect is this?"

During this period, Mo Xun was a little numb. The treasures he had seen were really countless.

Although they were not top-notch, the number almost filled his storage bag.

"This is still a piece of pure land. No sect has occupied it yet. This is the place for retreat that I have specially selected for you."

While the two were talking, Gongyang had already landed first.

Mo Xun followed closely behind. After a busy period, a cave hidden by the formation appeared in front of him.

"This is a place where I used to hide from the world. It is most suitable for cultivation!"

After entering it, it was just as the other party said. Not only were there all kinds of secret rooms for cultivation, but there was also a small spiritual eye spring!

This thing is not the dead spring that Mo Xun got in the Moon Star Palace that year, but a real living spring that constantly emits a stream of refreshing spiritual water.

Mo Xun glanced at Gongyang without leaving a trace.

This old guy really mastered a lot of good things back then.

He turned around and found that this place was not only rich in spiritual energy, but also extremely vast. Whether it was practicing magical powers or refining large treasures, he could definitely use them.

What surprised him even more was that a stone chamber was actually connected to the ground fire.

Although he couldn't use this thing, it didn't affect his love for this place at all.

"Thank you very much!"

"Gong Yang smiled and waved his hand. You can practice with peace of mind. I won't disturb you."

Hearing this, Mo Xun raised his eyebrows immediately.

"Are you planning to leave?"

"That's right. I finally got free. I want to go around. Although I'm in a fantasy, I still want to see some people from that time."

Speaking of this, Gong Yang's tone obviously had a different taste.

But Mo Xun's eyebrows were twisted into a "Chuan" character.

After a while, he pondered and said, "Once you and I are separated, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get together, right?"

He had a reason for asking this question.

After all, everything here comes from the memory fragments of the two people.

But this memory also has a time difference. Even if Gong Yang can find this place again, if he enters the memory of another time point by mistake, the two will still not be able to meet.

Besides, according to what the other party said before, which memory to enter is not decided by oneself, it is all random. Whether you can return to this place again depends on luck!


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