Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 578: Refining Equipment

"Don't worry about this, I have my own way!"

Looking at Gong Yang's confident look, Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly. Why did he feel that this old man didn't tell him the truth?

But this is inevitable. No matter how close the two are, they are still two people after all!

Twin brothers, there are still two layers of belly in the mother's womb. While Gong Yang is on guard against him, how can he not be on guard against others?

Just be clear that the two are now sitting in the same boat!

As for the others...sometimes turning a blind eye is a kind of wisdom.

After Gong Yang left, Mo Xun took out the formation he had prepared in advance. Even if he was in an illusion, he was still used to adding a layer of protection on the periphery.

Looking at the dozens of full storage bags in front of him, they were all various refining materials.

He waved his hand and Xuantian True Fire gushed out.

Faced with so many truths and falsehoods, he could no longer tell whether the red worm in front of him was real or an illusion in his mind.

But what does it matter?

As long as the effect it exerts is the same as reality.

This is also the magic of Wuhuan Dan!

It can simulate everything in the world, and it is exactly the same as the real world!

From the appearance, internal, characteristics, power, function, effect, evolution, in the false world, it creates a completely identical look and feel with the real world.

Speaking of this, we have to mention a legend that Gong Yang told him.

It is said that when Hongmeng was first established, the world was just a chaotic atmosphere, and when all things were formed, there were originally two worlds.

One is clear, and the other is turbid!

Turbidity gives birth to all things, and clarity transforms all spirits. If there is clarity but no turbidity, there will be no life. If there is turbidity but no clarity, the world will be dead silent!

Until a treasure mirror was born, it cut off the barrier between the two worlds with divine light, and the turbid and clear worlds were finally integrated.

Since then, the river began to flow, trees grew on the land, birds multiplied, and beasts lived!

Flowers and plants were moistened by rain, soil turned into stone by wind, mountains and rivers evolved, rivers and lakes flowed into the sea, spiritual veins grew, the sun, moon and stars alternated, the five elements of thunder and lightning came into being, and the law of nature originated from nature. Only then did this world have such colors as it is today.

And everything that evolved in this world was recorded in the treasure mirror hanging above the sky!

Later, the treasure mirror fell and turned into a magical grass, which was the predecessor of Wuhuan Flower.

Mo Xun was a little unconvinced when he heard this.

How could a mirror turn into grass and trees?

Besides, where did this mirror come from and who refined it?

Since the world is divided into clear and turbid, it means that before the two worlds merged, the living beings and matter were originally separated. In this case, what was used to refine it?

The whole story is like an absurd legend in the secular world, which is highly suspected of fabrication.

From another perspective, this just explains why the Wuhuan Flower has such a magical ability.

This thing is equivalent to mirroring the entire process of the birth and evolution of all things since the beginning of heaven and earth. Therefore, it knows the nature of any kind of thing in the world, so that it can simulate the most realistic perception for the illusionist.

Looking at the Xuantian True Fire in front of him, Mo Xun's eyes showed the same determination as always.

At this moment, the hard work he had done before can finally play a role.

In the past few years, on the one hand, he exchanged refining experience with Gu Qingqing, and on the other hand, he frantically consulted various refining books, familiarized himself with the characteristics of materials, and read different methods of refining. He was confident that he had made sufficient preparations in these aspects.

The first thing he had to do was to learn how to separate, purify, fuse, and control the temperature of materials, familiarize himself with the characteristics of various materials at different temperatures, and record the evolution process after mixing in detail, etc.!

Then start with the most basic low-level magic tools!

During this period, he also had to try to carve runes on the magic tools, and in some key steps, cooperate with the magic array to absorb spirits!

It is said that cultivation has a significant impact on refining tools. If you don't have enough mana, you can't refine high-level treasures at all.

However, with his current realm, there is no need to worry about this.

Time passed quietly in the repeated failures and repeated attempts!

That fake stone door was closed for a full forty-five years!

At this moment, the storage bags on his body, which were originally full, still had no space.

But the things inside were made of various materials and turned into hundreds of various magic tools, from low-level to top-level, some were ruined and some were exquisite. Basically, every type of tool he had seen before was available.

If the decades of hard work could be brought to the real world and sold, it would be a considerable income.

During the forty-five years, there was no sun, moon, or stars, and the surroundings were so quiet that it seemed as if time had frozen.

In this case, how did he accurately grasp the time?

All this originated from a common spiritual beast in the world of immortal cultivation, the snow mosquito beast!

This beast is snow-white all over, and its shape is similar to that of a mink, but slightly smaller.

This thing has a special habit, that is, it lays an egg every year, and the female egg that has not been mated with a male beast is a dead egg.

If you want to know the time, just count how many eggs there are at the end.

Therefore, this thing is often used by retreating monks!

Of course, there are many similar methods in the world of immortal cultivation, and this snow mosquito beast is just one of them.

When Mo Xun looked at the brand new chessboard in front of him, with the black and white chess pieces entangled and the black and white chess pieces circling, he smiled with satisfaction.

At this moment, his face was already covered with thick beard, his hair was messy like crazy, his eyes were full of dense bloodshot, and he had lost several circles of weight. In such a state, it was hard to hide the joy in his heart.

Decades of hard work, just for such a treasure, I wonder if it is worth it or not?

Originally, with his attainments, he was not enough to refine magic weapons!

Although he had experience with hundreds of magic tools, magic tools are just magic tools after all. The difference of one word is like a chasm between them.

But he couldn't stand the fact that there were too many materials in his hands, which allowed him to make mistakes constantly and constantly correct and summarize.

A nearly ten thousand year old Tongtian Jianmu was completely consumed by him!

Until the end, he finally completed this finished treasure.

There may still be some flaws, but he believes that if he is given another chance, he will be able to make it more perfect.

Looking at the masterpiece in his hand, in his eyes, this thing seems to be a work of art!

It has integrated too much of his hard work!

After playing with it for several days, Mo Xun reluctantly put it away. As for how to use it, he had a plan decades ago.

Although he does not know how to play chess, he is familiar with the formation!

In the early stage, he can control the chess pieces with the formation. Once he learns to play chess, he will surely be able to do it with ease!

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