Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 579 The Second Illusion

After coming out of the secret room, Mo Xun went outside for a walk, but he didn't find any trace of the ram, nor did he find any words left behind.

It seems that he has never come back.

He didn't want to guess the specific whereabouts of this old guy, because he was about to do something extremely crazy.

"There are still five years!"

Mo Xun stroked his long beard and looked into the distance, with a complex luster flashing in his vicissitudes of life.

After returning to the secret room and resting for a month, he started to refine the elixir without stopping.

Although he had already collected all kinds of spiritual herbs and spirits for the cultivation of the Jindan period, he had never opened the furnace.

On the one hand, he was running around and never had time to spare. On the other hand, he planned to improve his alchemy attainments in the illusion, so that he could get twice the result with half the effort after returning to the real world.

Among the elixir, magic, array, weapon, talisman, beast, puppet, he relies on the elixir the most and values ​​it the most.

It is precisely because of the elixir that he has been able to cultivate to such a level since his debut.

The experience that others can accumulate in several years, he may be able to comprehend in less than a year.

This does not mean that he has a high talent. If there is a reason, it is nothing more than having enough spiritual herbs to practice.

Others may only open the furnace once every half a month, but he can increase the frequency to several times or even ten times!

Because he has the capital to waste, he is never afraid of failure.

There is a saying that goes: "I have nothing else, only my hands are skilled!"

Probably, it is about people like him!

Once the furnace fire is lit, it will not be extinguished for another three or four years. During this period, if the spiritual medicines he refined were known by the alchemists outside, I am afraid that the jealous ones will strangle him to death!

After several years, I dare not say how high the success rate of elixir is, I can only say that there is a barely improvement.

At least the pills for the early stage of Jindan can be refined. As for the middle and late stages, they can be refined step by step.

This day, Mo Xun sat for half a day looking at the snow-white pill in his hand.

This thing is not a cultivation pill, nor is it a breakthrough pill, but a Wuhuan Pill that allows him to enter this area!

Gong Yang clearly told him that this thing can only be taken once in a lifetime, and it will be ineffective if used more than once!

But if it is taken in the illusion, will it be considered the second time?

To be honest, he really wants to try it, and this idea has already come to him before he entered the illusion.

If successful, he will have another fifty years of cultivation.

But if he fails, what will be the result?

Perhaps, he will never wake up?

This time, he fell into a more entangled mentality than before.

He then took out a jade slip and stuck it on his forehead. After slowly reciting a few words in his mouth, he put the jade slip in a conspicuous place beside him.

Once Gong Yang comes back, he must give some explanation.

If he really can't wake up, Gong Yang can only find a way to control his body and return to the real world alone.

If it were his previous character, he would probably not take such a risk.

In fact, with his current age, there is no need to covet the 50 years. After all, he is only over 150 years old now, and it is still a long time before the end of his life. There is plenty of time for him to practice slowly and steadily.

But after the Five Elements Sect, he has been controlled by others several times, and he seems to have an unspeakable obsession with the improvement of his magic power.

He began to desire power and hope to be strong!

In the past, even if he practiced hard, his goal was the same, that is, immortality.

Apart from this idea, he has no interest in anything else. Even if he is not as skilled as others, what does it matter?

He can tolerate ridicule, sarcasm, and even ridicule!

He originally thought that if he was more cautious and tolerant, no one would bother him, but he didn't know that in the world of immortal cultivation, there is no such thing as innocence.

The road to immortality is very narrow, so narrow that only a very small number of people are allowed to pass through. As long as he wants to embark on this road, even if he does nothing, someone will squeeze him out.

Being weak is not a reason to be pitied, being strong is the principle of survival!

In other words, the list of immortals is too limited. If you want to add your own name, you must erase the names of others, whether that person is familiar or unfamiliar.

From the day you decide to embark on the road, you are destined to be an enemy of everyone!

Such an argument may sound a bit pessimistic, but it cannot be denied that it is indeed the case.

So he needs to become stronger as soon as possible, at least when facing a similar encounter again, he will not have to sit and wait for death, especially in the near future, he will have to go to the land of the demon clan for Gongyang.

There is no telling how many times more dangerous it is than the world of immortal cultivation!

As his cultivation level improved and his experience increased, his state of mind seemed to be changing quietly without him noticing.

This change might be good or bad, no one could tell for sure.

Probably everyone who had similar experiences with him would experience the same inner changes!

Mo Xun let out a long breath, raised his hand, and threw the pill into his mouth.

Then, the familiar darkness began to appear in front of him, and then his body slowly became lighter, and his consciousness gradually became blurred...

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