Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 580 True and False

This time, the darkness seemed particularly long, but fortunately, it was not the first time.

When he opened his eyes again and saw the scene clearly, he was suddenly stunned in surprise.

Isn't this the secret room for his practice in the real world?

At this moment, he still maintained the cross-legged posture before entering the illusion, without any change.

Could it be that this second illusion is entering a recent memory fragment?

Or there is another possibility, that is... the illusion is solved!

Could it be that the way to wake up from the illusion is to take another illusion-free pill in it?

Mo Xun looked around suspiciously. To be honest, he was really a little confused. It was really hard to tell the truth from the false.

He tentatively called the ram a few times, but did not get any response.

This is a bit tricky. If he really returns to reality and the ram does not wake up, won't he be trapped in the illusion forever?

Mo Xun frowned and pondered for a while, but still couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't help but let out a long breath. It seemed that he had to verify the specific situation!

As for the verification method, it was simple!

According to the previous rules, in the illusion, there would be memory fragments from a long time ago. If what he saw and felt next did not correspond to the timeline, it meant that he had indeed entered the second illusion.

Fortunately, his thoughts were still clear and there was no memory disorder.

Thinking of this, he had slowly stood up, but just as he was about to take a step, the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and then he turned around suddenly and saw a scene that shocked him.

There was a brief blank in his mind!

Because right in front of him, there was an identical self, sitting there quietly and peacefully, motionless!

And he, like a soul out of his body, stood in a daze opposite.

What's going on?

Is everything in front of him real or an illusion?

Is he a soul now, or a falsehood under the Wuhuan Pill?

In a short moment, there seemed to be countless question marks circling in his mind!

He slowly stretched out a hand, trying to touch the other "him" sitting cross-legged, but it passed through his body directly like a phantom.

In other words, although he and the self opposite him were in the same place, they belonged to two completely different worlds. The two spaces, one real and one fake, overlapped, but did not interfere with each other!

The weirdness in front of him really made him a little dazed.

He hurriedly touched other things, but the result was the same.

Now he was just like the legendary soul leaving the body, like a wandering ghost, visible but not perceptible.

He walked to the door of the secret room and wanted to verify it in the outside world. He magically discovered that he could pass through the wall directly without any obstruction.

Could it be that this second illusion really brought him back to the real world?

He just changed from a participant to a bystander.

But what is going on?

With full of doubts, he came to the door of Gu Qingqing's secret room, hesitated for a while, and walked in directly through the stone door.

I saw mist lingering inside, and it was all hazy at first glance.

Apparently, he was already somewhat immune to all the weirdness, even if what appeared in front of him was the underworld, he was mentally prepared enough.

I thought it was another strange scene in the illusion, but when I got closer, I found that there was a hot spring pool in the secret room, and all the mist rose from the hot water in the pool.

Under the shadows, a figure was sitting cross-legged in the water, it was Gu Qingqing!

When Mo Xun saw the other person clearly, he turned his head away, because at this moment, Gu Qingqing was naked and practicing in the water.

The water in the pool just covered half of her chest. Although the mist was filled, the white and tender body under the water could still be seen.

This woman was actually practicing naked!

It seems that the temperature of the pool water was not intentional, but was heated by Gu Qingqing's practice of true qi.

Mo Xun frowned and called "Fairy Gu" twice, but got no response from the other party.

At that moment, his mood sank to the bottom.

In the first illusion, because Gong Yang was by his side, even if he had something unclear, he could still ask a few questions. Even if he encountered any accidents, at least there was someone to discuss with. But now, he seemed to be thrown into a bizarre world, which made people puzzled.

Just as he was about to leave, his body suddenly froze again.

In this weird environment, he seemed to finally find something unusual.

The water mist floating in the air around him seemed to be motionless!

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and wanted to grab a handful of mist, but then he remembered that he could not touch this world at all.

What he saw and felt around him seemed to be frozen in a certain moment.

This made him wonder, is it another fragment of memory, but in this fragment, time was frozen?

That's not right, the scene in front of him, he has never seen it at all, how could it appear?

He once again set his eyes on Gu Qingqing's flawless, beautiful body, without a trace of blasphemy in his eyes.

There should be another possibility, that is, what he saw was completely a fantasy in his mind.

But then again, he always claimed to be a gentleman, how could he imagine such a lewd painting?

Mo Xun shook his head lightly. There must be something he didn't figure out.

Then, he came to Ye Ping's practice room.

When he saw Ye Ping keeping his fingers in the hand gesture and practicing some kind of magic without moving, he was completely sure that this was absolutely true.

Because he had no such memory in his mind.

And everything he saw was frozen in a certain moment by some kind of power.

But soon, he denied this judgment.

Because he carefully noticed that Ye Ping was not completely still, he seemed to be moving, but very slowly!

Mo Xun secretly took a deep breath, which meant that the space he was in now just overlapped with the real world, but the speed of time was different.

This was even more weird!

He then left the cave and came outside, wanting to urgently verify what he thought in his heart.

It was not until half a day later that he was finally able to confirm that the fact was indeed so!

Then the question is, how to explain this?

He suddenly remembered the legend that Gong Yang had told before. The world was originally divided into "clear" and "turbid". Later, due to the appearance of a magic mirror, the two worlds merged into one. From then on, all things began to evolve and all spirits were able to live. The magic mirror recorded all of this in the mirror image, and finally turned into the illusionless flower.

Sorry, sorry, there are still two chapters on the way today~!

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