Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 581 Return to the Five Elements Sect

According to this legend, the first illusion is equivalent to the mirror image in the magic mirror, and the source of this mirror image is the real world.

Then the second level should be the mirror image of the first level!

Mo Xun covered his forehead with one hand, feeling that his head was not enough.

What should the mirror image in the mirror image be?

He came to a stream. Due to the slowdown of time, the flowing stream water was almost frozen in place. The fish in the water seemed to be cast under a spell, some sank to the bottom of the water, and some were about to jump out of the water.

In Mo Xun's eyes, it was like watching a series of colorful paintings.

In the stream, the tall shrubs on the side and the blue sky were projected, and the sky was floating with white clouds.

He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he thought of something.

If the stream in front of him is compared to the magical mirror, the first illusion should be the mirror flowers and water moons in it.

These things come from the projection of reality and are all virtual existences.

Then, he cast another water spell, and soon a water mirror condensed above the stream.

Then this second illusion should be the projection of the stream in the water mirror.

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up. According to this theory, his current perspective is actually equivalent to that precious mirror, watching everything that happens in the real world, and he can only watch, but cannot participate!

Mo Xun nodded with deep understanding, as if this can explain it!

At the same time, combined with the difference in the speed of time, it means that in this second illusion, he can still get enough time to practice.

He doesn't know what unpredictable consequences will appear in the end, but from the current point of view, this is obviously another great opportunity.

With this thought, he jumped up and flew high.

Since he has obtained such an opportunity to peek into the world, if he doesn't use it, it would be a waste of natural resources!

The first thing he thought of was the soul-washing umbrella of the Five Elements Sect!

If he could take this opportunity to find the whereabouts of this thing, he would not have to take the risk of going to the land of the demons.

As he flew along, everything he saw seemed to be fixed in place. Only a few things that were originally very fast could be detected with the naked eye under this time delay.

He seemed to be an existence outside this world, watching the grass and trees between heaven and earth with cold eyes.

This feeling made people feel weird, but also full of novelty.

He couldn't help thinking that if he wanted, he would be able to see through all the falsehoods and secrets in this world.

But he obviously didn't have such time and energy. If he had that time, it would be more practical to use it to practice and accumulate experience.

In the Five Elements Sect, perhaps because of the serious damage to its vitality in the last God's Tomb Secret Realm, it had closed the mountain gate a few years ago and almost cut off contact with the outside world.

The disciples in the sect were almost half gone, especially the core strength of the Jindan and Jianji cultivators.

Now only a few Yuanying ancestors are still struggling to support the dignity of the entire sect.

As for how these old monsters finally escaped, it is unknown.

When passing by Xuanyuan City, it was obviously much more depressed than before. Perhaps it won’t be long before even the name of the eight-star sect will change hands!

The vitality accumulated over hundreds and thousands of years is not so easy to recover.

Fortunately, the foundation of the entire sect is still there. The matter of the holy light of the tomb of the gods has not involved the hinterland of the mountain gate. As long as the foundation is solid, a new wave of disciples will grow up in a few hundred years.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Mo Xun. He is only concerned about where the so-called soul-washing umbrella is hidden.

When Mo Xun arrived in front of the mountain gate, he was in time for a lively scene.

Many people were blocked outside the mountain protection formation, and they kept shouting and cursing.

Mo Xun listened for most of the day before he understood the truth of the matter.

The reason was the incident in the God's Tomb a few years ago.

At the beginning, many people came here to congratulate the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, but they disappeared inexplicably in the end, so they naturally came to ask for an explanation.

Many of them have been here for quite some time, and some have even opened caves nearby. It seems that they will not leave until the Five Elements Sect shows up.

This group of people are mainly from small sects. I am afraid that their real intention is to get some compensation.

Mo Xun looked for a while, then walked through the formation in boredom and entered the sect.

He is now very curious about what form he exists in the world?

If you say it is a soul, it is not afraid of anything, even if the mountain protection formation is in front of it, it seems like nothing.

Perhaps it is really as he guessed, the environment he is in is just overlapping with the current world, and there is no connection.

The first place he went to was the "Five Elements Palace"!

This was also the site of the wedding ceremony that day, where the tablets of the sect's founder and the great elders of all generations were enshrined.

It was not impossible that the treasure was hidden here!

But after searching inside and outside, nothing was found. Instead, some Jindan elders seemed to be plotting something.

But because of the speed of time, the few people spoke too slowly, and Mo Xun had no patience, so he didn't listen carefully.

Next, he quickly wandered around the various palaces and treasure halls in the sect, such as the Five Elements Cave Heaven he had visited before, the Tianxiao Palace in charge of elixirs, the Fengyun Pavilion in charge of magic tools, the Wanli Room for storing cultivation resources, the Training Building for teaching and imparting the Dao, and so on.

He was like a man in a deserted place among the array of prohibitions!

He was probably the first person since the founding of the sect to appreciate the treasures of an eight-star sect so unscrupulously.

Mo Xun was itching to see the treasures sealed in the darkness.

If he could reach out and take them, he wondered what kind of mood he would be in.

He felt a little sorry for Gong Yang. If the old guy saw so many good things, he would drool.

In fact, not to mention Gong Yang, even he, who always thought he had seen a lot of the world, felt a little bit of a useless heart beating wildly.

The eight-star sect is really worthy of its reputation!

In just a few days, he saw more treasures than he had seen in the past hundred years.

Various rare materials, exotic treasures, peerless elixirs, elixirs, magic arrays, magic tools, and so on, not to mention, he saw as many as five treasures!

Each one can be called a rare masterpiece!

The mountain-like spiritual stone deposits, various strange spirits that are close to the divine beasts, as well as the manuals of skills, secrets and magical powers, and cultivation experience, are simply dazzling.

It’s a pity that he can’t touch them at all, let alone study them carefully.

To be honest, if it is really possible, he would rather exchange all his wealth for these jade slips and manuals, even if he can only make a copy!

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