Mo Xun watched this person cast a spell carefully, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As Master Yue raised his hand and pointed, he shouted "Go", and the talisman that burned to ashes suddenly turned into a faint green light and went to the heads of the people below the stage.

In an instant, the green light turned into countless light spots, like snowflakes, slowly floating down from the sky and sprinkled on everyone.

Those people seemed to be bathed in these light spots at this time, looking extremely sacred.

Mo Xun saw all this, and his surprise was beyond words. This was the first time he saw such a mysterious spell.

It seems that this Master Yue is not just a name.

Su Yunshang also opened her mouth, feeling that this fireworks would be better if it was put at night...

As these light spots fell into the body, most of the people below the stage suddenly showed a feeling of extreme comfort on their faces, really like taking a panacea after a long illness.

Some people cheered and called it a miracle, while others kowtowed repeatedly and worshipped Master Yue devoutly, constantly shouting words of thanks.

Master Yue on the stage was obviously very happy with such courtesy, smiling and nodding continuously.

Mo Xun, who had come to his senses, suddenly swung his long sleeves and rolled the light spots that drifted to the edge of the square into his sleeves. At the same time, he put his nose close to the tip of his nose and smelled it. There was no smell, but once the light spots entered his body, his originally restless heart suddenly became much calmer.

"Hey, that fat guy seems to be quite powerful!"

Mo Xun ignored Su Yunshang and kept thinking in his heart.

Obviously, this thing has the effect of clearing the mind and concentrating the spirit, but he was a little skeptical about whether it can cure diseases and save people.

These light spots seem to have a similar effect to the incense that can clear the mind and calm the spirit. If there is any difference, it is probably that the clearing effect is stronger.

However, incense is made of herbs, and the smell it emits nourishes the human lungs, but these light spots have no smell.

Could it be that these light spots are really fairy dew?

After thinking for a while, he still had no clue, so he set his sights on the high platform again.

"The fairy dew is over, and next, Master Yue will show you the fairy art."

Then, the maid holding the wooden box put the box in front of the futon and retreated to the back.

Master Yue sat cross-legged on the futon and slowly opened the wooden box. Everyone below tilted their necks, curious to see what was in the box, but because it was too high, they couldn't see anything.

However, Master Yue didn't keep the suspense. He turned the box around and showed it to the audience. Everyone realized that it was actually a box of loess.

Mo Xun watched coldly from a distance. His curiosity at this time was no less than that of others.

Master Yue moved his hands, and a pea-sized seed appeared between his fingers. He showed it to everyone with a smile on his face.

Then he buried the seed in the soil of the wooden box, closed his eyes, pinched the Taoist formula, moved his lips slightly, and began to chant.

"Hey, what is he going to do?"

Just as Su Yunshang spoke, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly condensed, staring at the wooden box on the high platform. For a moment, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Among the people below the stage, those with better eyesight were the first to exclaim, stunned as if they had seen a ghost.

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