Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 59: Ripening Spell

Under the spell of Master Yue, a green seedling slowly grew out of the wooden box. In a moment, the seedling was about an inch tall.

Su Yunshang's lips moved, and she was obviously shocked by the scene in front of her. This kind of magic, what else could it be but a fairy art?

Think about it, she is also a cultivator, and her cultivation has reached the seventh level of Qi Refining, but the magic she mastered is simply a small witch compared to others.

At this moment, no one in the square can remain calm.

At this time, Mo Xun's breathing became disordered. When he saw the grass in front of him, he immediately thought of the green gourd. Could it be that the thing in the wooden box has the same amazing effect as his black soil?


Even if the black soil in the gourd can ripen plants, it is not as fast as the other party. It seems that it only takes a moment from the seed to breaking out of the soil.

That is to say, the yellow soil in the wooden box has a terrifying ripening effect thousands or tens of thousands of times!

But then, he shook his head again. Since the ability to ripen comes from the loess, why does he have to chant the spell?

Could it be that this ripening effect is a magic spell?

Thinking of this, his thoughts became more and more chaotic.

He secretly made up his mind that no matter what, he would find this fellow cultivator today to answer his doubts.

With this in mind, he once again performed the Qi-Observing Technique to carefully observe the other party's cultivation.

That's right, it is undoubtedly the fourth level of Qi Refining!

He was a little bit unconvinced that a person at the fourth level of Qi Refining could perform such a magical spell.

Speaking of which, he has now reached the eighth level of Qi Refining, but let alone ripening, even making ordinary plants grow more luxuriantly, he can't do it.

Gently exhaling a breath of turbid air, Mo Xun suddenly bumped into Su Yunshang.

"Use the Qi-Observing Technique to see what this person's cultivation is like?"

Su Yunshang was stunned, and felt a little uncomfortable with the tone of Mo Xun's command, but seeing his blue face, she finally checked it carefully as he said.

"Fourth level of Qi Refining, what's wrong?"

Mo Xun did not answer, thinking about the specific reason in his heart.

In his opinion, there can only be two situations.

First, this person is indeed only at the fourth level of Qi Refining. He can ripen plants by relying on some mysterious magic, or the loess.

Second, this person's cultivation is too high, so that the two of them can't see through it.

If it is the latter, then if he goes directly to the door, wouldn't it be tantamount to seeking death?

Thinking of this, his brows can't help but frown.

Master Yue smiled faintly and asked someone to remove the wooden box. Seeing the reaction of the group of believers below, he looked satisfied.

The maid on the side stepped forward again, holding a pen and ink in her hand, and said loudly: "Next, I will register your names one by one and arrange for you to meet Master Yue separately. At that time, the master will check whether you have the spiritual roots of cultivating immortals and teach you immortal magic."

After that, there was another commotion from the crowd below.

The maid then walked down to the stage and started to register one by one. Every time someone registered, she would give him a small wooden sign, which was considered as the certificate of Master Yue's disciple.

Mo Xun touched his chin and suddenly said to Su Yunshang: "You also go down to get one, so that we can meet this person later!"

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