Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 586 Magic Heart Mirror

The two people in front of me are like the figures on both sides of the mirror. Which one is the real one?

When he mentioned the mirror, he looked up suddenly. How could he forget that thing?

The corner of his mouth curled up, unabashedly showing his confidence in front of the two of them.

"I still have a way to help you two determine the authenticity!"

The two of them cast questioning glances at the same time, but at this moment, Mo Xun gave up.

"Is there any ready-made cave nearby? I need to make some preparations!"

Mo Xun glanced at the scene in the mountain that had changed beyond recognition, and was already thinking about his next plan.

"Yes!" they both replied in unison.

After not walking far, Mo Xun was taken to an empty and dark cave. Although it was a natural cave, the inside was well-maintained and felt a bit like a paradise.

There is actually a gurgling stream flowing through the cave, which is a great atmosphere!

What surprised Mo Xun was not that this place was special, but that it was too close to the previous cave. It was actually in the middle of a mountain.

He even suspected that the two caves were originally connected!

As the saying goes, there are three caves for cunning rabbits. It seems that no one is careless after their cultivation has reached a certain level.

"Boy, you should tell me what to do now, right?"

"Yes, I can't wait to expose this devil's face immediately and crush him to ashes!"

"Old devil, stop talking nonsense!"


Without further speculation, the atmosphere became tense again.

Mo Xun quickly dissuaded him and came down. This small cave could not withstand the torment of two people.

He then cast his gaze on their faces and suddenly asked, "Have you ever heard of the Demonic Heart Mirror?"

"Magic Heart Mirror?"

There were expressions of surprise on both of their faces at the same time, obviously they were no strangers to this legendary treasure.

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to get some clues from their expressions.

But the expressions of the two of them were simply duplicates of twins, with no difference at all.

This object is a divine object that Mo Xun accidentally heard about when he was wandering the boundless sea of ​​demons in the second level of illusion.

It is said that this thing can illuminate the monsters in the world and be used to deal with the inner demons of tribulation. It is extremely effective!

Even if the Nascent Soul can transform the inner and outer demons, it is no problem, let alone this little golden elixir inner demon?

The calamity of inner demons is the last hurdle in the process of conceiving a baby, and it is also the only way to get rid of the mundane world in the heart and transform from the mortal world to immortality.

Once you cross it, it means that the fish leaps over the dragon gate and you find the path to become a land immortal.

But if you can't get through, what you're waiting for is most likely the death of your body, the dissipation of your soul, leaving only a godless body!

Even if you fail to build a foundation or form a core, it means that you have failed to advance, and your life will not be in danger.

But giving birth to a baby is completely different. There is a high chance that you will lose your life!

And this Demonic Heart Mirror is the supreme treasure to overcome the calamity of the inner demon!

With this thing in hand, the success rate of forming a baby will be greatly improved. It is almost like stepping into the Nascent Soul realm with half a foot.

One of them suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked suspiciously: "Do you own this divine object?"

As for the other person, he also looked in disbelief.

"Boy, don't try to trick us. In my time, the Demonic Heart Mirror was lost. It is said to have been destroyed in the original war between the demons. Where did you come from? And this thing is a spiritual object. Once a weapon-level treasure appears in the world, I dare not say it, but there will definitely be visions in the world. I have been with you for so long, why haven't I felt it at all? "

Mo Xun sneered at these words!

Although some top-level treasures will have strange phenomena in the world when they come to the world, it does not mean that this will be the case for every item.

In the past fifty years, he has traveled throughout the boundless sea of ​​monsters, and it's not like he hasn't seen any decent treasures!

However, he mentioned this thing not because he owned it, but for another purpose.

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"You two were joking. With my ability, how can I control such a magical thing?"

You must know that any spiritual weapon has its own spirit. His cultivation level is really far behind.

But having said that, just because it didn't, it didn't mean that he couldn't take advantage of the name of this thing.

Mo Xun, the ram on his left, asked in surprise: "How do you say this?"

Mo Xun smiled meaningfully.

"Although Mo doesn't have the legendary Demonic Heart Mirror, he does have a method of refining it!"

Upon hearing this, their eyes lit up at the same time, but soon they turned into suspicion.

"Do you really know how to refine the Demonic Heart Mirror?"

This was said by the person on Mo Xun's right, but immediately, the other person shook his head again.

"No, even if you study refining weapons here for fifty years, you still can't refine spiritual weapons in such a short period of time!"

Such doubts are not unfounded, because in the entire world of immortality, not to mention spiritual weapons, there are only a handful of people who can refine treasures.

In other words, the treasure master is three points rarer than the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage!

"To be honest with you, what I have is just an imitation of this thing. But don't underestimate this imitation. Even if its power is not as powerful as the Demonic Heart Mirror, it can be used to distinguish who is the inner demon. More than enough!”

While speaking, Mo Xun once again focused on the subtle changes in the faces of the two people.

I have to say that Gong Yang, the inner demon, is really a born actor. Even if he talks about it, he still doesn't show any flaws.

In fact, is there any refining method for imitations on Mo Xun?

All this is just to defraud the fake ram!

Of course, if he couldn't deceive him, he had other options.

"Are you serious? Do you want me to see it first?"

Looking at an extended palm, Mo Xun smiled contemptuously and secretly placed a mark on this person.

This mark is not for searching for directions, but for distinguishing the two people in front of me in my own way.

Because these two people are so similar, not only in appearance, but also in expression, voice, clothing, speech and gestures, etc.

Mo Xun pointed at his head.

"Remember everything here. I will be refining it next. Please stop fighting for the time being. On the one hand, you can protect me, and on the other hand, you can contribute a helping hand in the refining process!"

At this point, Mo Xun had already gone through his entire plan in his mind.

If there are no accidents, it won't take long to find the inner demon between the two of them!

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