Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 587 Absolute Measures

It's actually very simple to say it. He needs two people to help him refine the weapon.

But in this process, he will deliberately give each of them a flaw in their tasks, and it depends on who can point it out!

From the perspective of the inner demon, he will naturally do everything possible to stop the refining, so the person who proposed it is the real ram.

Perhaps it is because of the experience of several decades in the land of the demons that he has unconsciously improved his mentality.

If it goes well, then the second question must be considered next.

How to deal with this inner demon?

It should be no problem for him to join forces with the ram. Although his realm is a little lower, he can still help more or less!

Mo Xun went through the plan again, and there was probably no problem.

Then, he simply assigned some refining tasks to the two. With decades of experience in refining, even if they made up something casually, they could still say it well.

The three of them each chose a secret room. From this moment on, Mo Xun deliberately isolated the two of them. Once the inner demon was found, he could also use means to trap it.

While paying attention to the movements of the two, Mo Xun quietly set up some temporary formations around the cave.

In order to avoid being discovered, and because he was in a hurry, he could only choose some with less power.

But this was obviously enough!

He sat cross-legged quietly in the secret room, his eyes slightly closed, and fell into a long wait again. Although he knew that with Gong Yang's ability, he would sooner or later find the flaw he left, on the other hand, the effect of the Wuhuan Pill was probably about to expire!

Maybe the anti-illusion drug in his body has already taken effect, and Gu Qingqing may have already taken action!

Imagine, if the inner demon has not been found before returning to reality, what will happen?

Will another old guy live in his body?

From this point of view, it doesn't seem to be a big problem. At most, we can cast an extra incarnation in the future to help them all transform into human form.

The only thing to worry about is whether the inner demon will have any impact on his future practice after being released?

Just like this, three days passed!

Just when Mo Xun was a little anxious, he finally waited for the first person.

"Boy, is there something wrong with the method you gave me?"

Mo Xun looked at the opposite side calmly. Although he was fully confident in his plan, there was always a chance of something happening.

What if he was discovered?

There was nothing strange in Gong Yang's expression, which was completely in line with a normal reaction of a person.

"Oh? What's the problem?"

After listening to Gong Yang, Mo Xun took the jade slip in his hand, looked at it seriously for a while, and then said with a smile: "There is a mistake in one place, and it has been corrected!"

Throwing the jade slip back to the other party, Mo Xun originally planned to let him go back first, thinking of waiting for two more days to see if the other Gong Yang would come to him.

But the person opposite frowned slightly and asked tentatively: "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

The smile on Mo Xun's mouth froze on his face.

"But it's good this way. Since I have pointed out the problem, it is tantamount to proving my innocence. You and I will go out now and capture that old demon alive!"

The whole speech was filled with righteous indignation, and veins popped out.

Mo Xun hurriedly called him to stop. While he was stunned, his face quickly regained its calmness, and at the same time, he showed some doubts.

"You are too suspicious. I did make a mistake before. If you want to prove your innocence, you'd better refine this magic heart mirror as soon as possible!"

Gong Yang asked suspiciously: "Is it really just like that?"

The two looked at each other, as if they wanted to see the true thoughts in each other's eyes.

Mo Xun nodded gently, and couldn't help but doubt his plan.

If this person can see the clues, then the other person will surely come to visit soon.

He still underestimated Gong Yang's cleverness!

After a moment, Gong Yang said with a little sadness: "Boy, you and I have known each other for a hundred years. If you want to say who knows you best in this world, it must be me. No one knows what you and I are thinking in our hearts better than each other. Since you want to test it again, I will continue to play with you. But before that, I still want to remind you that the devil is extremely cunning. It will be difficult to force him to show up without absolute means!"

After the voice fell, Gong Yang turned and left.

Looking at the thin back figure going away, Mo Xun stood there and fell into deep thought for a long time.

In fact, these words are just to tell him that if he wants to distinguish between the two, it is not feasible to rely on these little cleverness. What he can think of, these two Gong Yangs can probably think of it.

But then again, what is an absolute means?

Sure enough, later that day, another person also came to the door and said almost the same words.

In this way, the situation seems to have returned to the starting point.

Fortunately, the next thing that happened finally solved this problem.

Just when he was at a loss, a strong rumble suddenly sounded outside the cave.

The three of them ran out at the same time.

The surrounding mountains, rocks and trees suddenly became distorted and deformed, as if melted by high temperature, and gradually began to fade. Soon, they were covered by an endless black fog.

Then, countless white light spots appeared in the sky above his head, which was particularly dazzling in the night.

The white lights then began to spin, like the vast stars, gathering into a large dazzling vortex, almost occupying half of the sky.

There seemed to be a light gate in the center of the vortex, slowly condensing and becoming clear!

Mo Xun's heart trembled. At this moment, even a fool could see that the illusion was about to be resolved!

He couldn't help but glance at the two people next to him. Did he really have to bring his inner demon into the real world together?

But at this time, he couldn't afford to think too much!

Because at the moment the light gate was formed, it suddenly flashed, and then the surrounding light spots began to go out one by one, and the entire vortex of white light gradually faded.

It can be seen that this exit will not last long!

The three of them jumped up almost at the same time and flew high into the sky.

As for the result after returning to reality, they could only make other plans after they got out!

But at this moment, the ram that he had marked before suddenly rushed forward and grabbed another person's leg.

Mo Xun glanced over, and while he was surprised, he had a rough judgment!

The person who took the initiative was most likely the inner demon. After all, only that demon would do such a crazy thing!

As the two of them were in a stalemate, Mo Xun also stopped in mid-air. Even if time was tight, he had to help Gong Yang!

Just as he was about to take action, one of them spoke in his ear.

"Boy, you can leave on your own. Even if I sacrifice my life, I will definitely not let this demon leave. If I don't go out, remember to burn a few yellow papers every hundred years!"

Then, dragged by a person behind, the two fell downwards at the same time!

Mo Xun's body suddenly stagnated, because the person who said this was the person he had just identified as the inner demon!

It seems that he guessed wrong again. The so-called absolute means actually refers to this!

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