Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 588 Are you okay?

Mo Xun was in a dilemma for a while. It was said that at this juncture, the safest way for him was to leave first. As for who was real and who was fake, it could only depend on Gongyang's fate.

But as mentioned before, he is a person who must repay kindness.

In order to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal, he can give up a lot, but there are only some things that are the last bottom line that he has to stick to!

Seeing the two of them fighting, one of them got rid of the person behind him and suddenly flew towards the light door. In Mo Xun's heart, he was absolutely sure that the person who rushed forward desperately was definitely the fake ram!

When he thought of this, Mo Xun raised his robe sleeves, and a silver light suddenly shot out, and hundreds of flying knives were like a school of fish. In an instant, this man was trapped in the middle.

This was the first time for Mo Xun to use such a complete set of magic weapons in actual combat, and there were still such a large number of them!

In the night sky, silver light flashed, and the flying knives were like shadows, like a big silver net.

At the same time, Mo Xun had already shouted: "Let's go!"

I had seen Mr. Wu use the Hundred Sword Formation before, and it was so powerful and domineering with ease, but when he used it himself, he discovered the difficulty in it.

Regardless of the requirement for mana, just the consumption of spiritual consciousness is a big burden!

After just a moment, he felt a little powerless.

Fortunately, he has good formation skills. His flying knives can change positions, and his offense and defense are orderly. At this moment, he seems to be controlling a large moving formation.

He dare not say that he is good at this aspect, but compared to the original Wu Boss, he is definitely not bad!

On the basis of the original "Thousand Machines and Hundred Swords Formation", he incorporated some of his own ideas, making the sword formation that was originally focused on attack become more defensive and siege-oriented.

He didn't expect to strangle this person. As long as he could delay it for a moment and a half, it would be enough to win time for the two of them!

Defending the enemy with a sword array is definitely the best way to use the weak to defeat the strong!

I saw the fake ram in the knife formation, constantly rushing left and right. Even though it was not injured at all, it was trapped and difficult to escape.

Mo Xun also knew that this kind of siege could only be temporary. After all, the gap between the two people's realms was too far.

When monks fight, treasure is one aspect, but it is not the decisive factor.

Just like using water to put out a fire, if the fire is too strong, no matter what container is used to hold the water, it can only slow down the fire, but it will be difficult to extinguish it.

Sure enough, the moment he jumped over the sword array, the silver light suddenly exploded.

Powerful air waves swept around, and the flying knives instantly lost their spirituality and fell in all directions like fallen leaves.

Even Mo Xun was hit by the remaining power and staggered back several steps, his heart trembling.

But at this moment, an impact no less powerful than before struck again, and his spiritual consciousness swept across it, and it turned out that it was the real and fake people, their palms intersecting in mid-air.

"Boy, let's go!"

Not far away, I saw the ram that had been marked before, standing there tremblingly, but his right arm was shattered at the shoulder level, half of his body was stained with blood, and his whole person looked strangely like he had disappeared. Generally, it is like a ball of clear air that is about to dissipate.

But the other person was wrapped in a blood-red whirlwind and was trapped again, unable to move!

The marked person is also the true form of Gongyang identified by Mo Xun!

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and in an instant, he figured it out.

Most likely, the ram would not hesitate to give up an arm to hold the opponent back and buy some time for the two of them.

But what is the reason for this body shape becoming blurred?

Is this the result of being injured in the illusion?

But now was not the time to think about this. Seeing that the light door was about to disappear, Mo Xun felt the wind at his feet and ran away as if to escape.

"Gong Yangjun, I will never let you go. When you become an adult, I will meet you again..."

Even without looking back, Mo Xun could still imagine the ferocious face in the blood mist.

Looking at the rapidly shrinking light door in front of him, Mo Xun was anxious at the same time, but he was also secretly glad. It seemed that he had made the right bet this time!

Just when the white light was about to disappear, the two figures finally entered it.

Then, there was endless darkness in front of him, like falling from a cliff on his back in a dark night!

Just as his consciousness gradually became blurred, the sound of the ram sounded in his ears again.

"Boy, I will probably fall into a deep sleep for a period of time after I exhaust my consciousness and power and return to reality, but don't worry..."

In a daze, this voice sounded like a dream voice, both illusion and reality!


Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes. When his vision slowly recovered, he realized that he was in a strange environment.

There was a hint of coldness beneath him, as if he was lying on ice.

The air is also filled with a cold and damp feeling, but what you can see is full of all kinds of exotic flowers and plants.

It's so colorful, it's like being in a flower house!

Almost all of these flowers and plants were familiar to Mo Xun. They were all low-level spiritual herbs. The fragrance of the flowers was accompanied by spiritual energy. Although it was a bit pungent, it gave off a strange feeling of comfort.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, could he still be in the illusion?

It's just... what fragment of memory is here? It seems like he has never been here!

He tried to move his fingers, but they were a little stiff, and his body limbs were numb with little feeling.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, he quickly called "ram" twice, but did not get any response.

He suddenly remembered that before he fell into coma, Ram Yang seemed to have said something about deep sleep, but his impression was very vague. It felt like he had heard it, but also like he had not.

This was true or false, which made him a little confused!

After a long time, as the Qi meridians in the body flowed, the blood began to flow smoothly, and the meridians and Dantian that were originally unfeelable were gradually opened up by the spiritual energy.

He took a deep breath with difficulty, but because he was too eager, he choked and coughed several times, like a drowning man who had just been rescued, almost coughing out tears.

Soon, there was the sound of urgent footsteps not far away.

"Brother Mo, you finally woke up!"

In the blur, a delicate and white face slowly became clear before his eyes.

"Xianzi Gu..."

Gu Qingqing smiled sweetly, and when she saw Mo Xun was about to get up, she quickly gave him a hand.

"Are you Gu Xianzi?"

Seeing the doubtful expression on Mo Xun's face, Gu Qingqing smiled happily and said, "Brother Mo, what kind of skills are you practicing? I almost thought you were dead!"

At this moment, Mo Xun was pale, with chapped corners of his mouth, an unshaven face, and his bun was messy!

"Are you...real or fake?"

I don't know what he was thinking, but Mo Xun suddenly asked such a question for no reason, which made Gu Qingqing stunned. She thought he was talking nonsense, but he stretched out his slender fingers and touched Mo Xun's forehead. Touched it.

"Brother Mo, are you okay?"

Feeling this delicate smoothness, Mo Xun's face was still full of confusion.

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