Half a day later, Mo Xun finally understood what was going on.

Just after the one-year deadline, the anti-illusion drug in his body did not work. Gu Qingqing saw that his heart and veins were all gone and there was no life in his body, so she thought he was dead.

Fortunately, he had explained it before, so Gu Qingqing did not bury him, and in order to prevent his body from decaying, she also found him a piece of ice stone.

As for the spiritual flowers around him, they were a secret method that Fairy Gu found out to wake him up.

In Gu Qingqing's opinion, his meridians were blocked and his blood was not active, which was a bit like the symptoms of suspended death, so this happened!

For the next six months, Mo Xun was in a trance.

Perhaps it was the sequelae left by the time lag in the two illusions, which made him always half a beat slower no matter what he did, and even his thinking often couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

And there is also a very important question, that is, is the environment he is in now the real world?

Gong Yang's deep sleep made the method he had prepared to verify the true illusion completely ineffective.

For this reason, he even went out for two months to judge the environment he was in from the side.

Because in his opinion, what he saw in the illusion was all in his memory, that is to say, most of what he could see must be consistent with his memory. If a strange place or a strange person suddenly appeared, it meant that he had indeed left the illusion.

But this is not necessarily the case. You know, his consciousness and Gong Yang's consciousness are mixed together. Even if a stranger appears, it may belong to Gong Yang's memory.

After repeated confirmation, he can finally be sure that he has really left the illusion this time!

During this period, Gu Qingqing came to see him several times, but was always frightened by his dull eyes. She sighed with emotion.

How could a good person become a fool after cultivation?

But for a period of time afterwards, the abnormality shown by Mo Xun made her surprised and gave birth to another layer of conjecture.

With the disappearance of the sequelae of the illusion, Mo Xun's cultivation finally got on the right track.

With this extra hundred years, for the first time in his life, he felt the cultivation experience that only those with natural spiritual roots could have.

In the past, his cultivation was like walking in a thorn bush. On one hand, he needed to split stones to open a path, and on the other hand, he had to keep wandering and correcting mistakes on unfamiliar roads. After countless attempts, he could finally walk on the right road.

Along the way, not only was it rugged and bumpy, but there were even various swamps and peaks. If you were not careful, you would fall into them, and you would be injured or even die.

Let me ask you, which cultivator has not gone astray in his cultivation?

If you survive, there will be a bright future. If you can't bear it, you will die!

But now, he doesn't have to worry about these things at all.

The fifty years in the second illusion are equivalent to taking the best shortcut for him. It's nothing more than walking the old road again, as if walking on flat ground.

He even greedily thought that if he could be given another fifty years in the second illusion, he would be sure to cultivate to the infant in one breath!

But this is just a thought after all!

Sometimes, people need to be greedy, because only by being greedy can they get more. This word is not derogatory in some aspects.

But sometimes, you also need to know how to be content, because only by knowing how to be content can you keep what you have!

A delicate balance needs to be achieved between the two!

Those who know how to balance are great wisdom!

In addition to practicing step by step, Mo Xun did not do nothing, because he had to refine magic weapons next. He had to recall and sort out his decades of experience in refining weapons. The many questions he had accumulated before needed the help of Fairy Gu.

But after the two communicated, they each had a different mentality.

Mo Xun was surprised to find that his attainments in refining weapons had already surpassed Gu Qingqing. Although this woman was proficient in this way, she had not yet reached the level of being able to refine magic weapons.

As for Gu Qingqing, she was almost shocked.

She really couldn't understand why the person who was a layman in refining weapons like a novice before could not only skillfully explain various refining techniques after just one year, but also asked some questions that even she couldn't answer.

Even a casual sentence could make her think hard for a long time, as if she had gained something!

If Mo Xun was a rookie who had just started to learn this before, he is now undoubtedly a master!

The two of them had reversed the original situation of asking and being asked without realizing it.

So Gu Qingqing couldn't help but guess, could this person be possessed?

It seems that only this reason can explain the current abnormality.

Speaking of people who hide their cultivation, they can be seen everywhere in the world of immortal cultivation. Even she often hides her cultivation for some reason, but who would hide their refining skills?

The two of them had discussed refining weapons more than once or twice. Gu Qingqing was fully confident that Mo Xun had never refined any magic weapon before, because he had not even figured out the characteristics of some conventional materials under different flames.

It was really weird!

Combined with the various abnormalities that Mo Xun had shown in the six months since he woke up, she became more and more certain of her guess.

After this, although Mo Xun was still the same as usual, Gu Qingqing had already made plans to leave.

Who knows what kind of person this guy who took over another body will be?

You know, she still has Qianyuan Fruit worth nearly 10 million spiritual stones on her body, which she has not yet sold!

Therefore, not long after, Gu Qingqing used something as an excuse to leave!

Of course, Mo Xun was naturally not clear about the other party's thoughts.

Having delayed the girl for so long, Mo Xun naturally expressed his feelings. When the two separated, Mo Xun not only confessed the deception of the illusion at the beginning, but also used a Wuhuan Flower Fruit and ten precious spiritual herbs as compensation.

Fairy Gu, who was originally furious, suddenly showed a different look on her face when she saw those thousand-year-old spiritual herbs.

This woman really loves money like her life!

Although Mo Xun didn't know whether Gu Qingqing had contributed to his awakening from the illusion, the other party not only did not covet the treasures on him in that situation, but also tried to wake him up, which means that this person is worth making friends with!

In Mo Xun's eyes, love of money is not terrible. He also loves money, but love of money without limits is despicable!

After the two exchanged sound transmission notes, Gu Qingqing left.

Not long after Gu Qingqing left, Mo Xun emptied the cave and also walked away!

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