Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 592 God's Thorn

A rainbow light passed through the air, bringing a gust of wind. A man stood with his hands behind his back, his feet on the thin clouds, and his eyes looked into the distance calmly.

The hills and peaks under the clouds, as well as the dense forests, seemed to move and flew quickly behind him.

This man was dressed in a coarse blue shirt and a long robe with wide sleeves. His face was not handsome, but his eyes were somewhat deep and hard to see through. Especially around his body, there was a faint fairy charm.

As the saying goes, the wind blows the fairy sleeves and flutters, just like the dance of colorful feathers!

The only pity is that this man looks a little younger. If he had white hair, a three-inch silver beard, a blue sky long sword on his back, and a unicorn beast under his seat, he would immediately give people a sense of immortality.

This man was Mo Xun, who had just come out of retreat!

The cycle of heaven and earth is like three generations for ordinary people, but for those who practice Taoism, it is just a long sleep.

He suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a glow, and a gray-black chessboard with simple carvings appeared in front of him.

The chessboard slowly rotated in the air, lingering a circle of faint floating light.

This chessboard is square, only an inch thick, and about two feet square.

Although the surface looks ordinary, if you look closely, you can find that the tiny runes on it are flowing, engraved with a series of complex array ripples.

These arrays were created by Mo Xun, and they were also obtained from his hundreds of years of array practice. He really put in a lot of hard work.

But those runes were not created by him, and seemed to be naturally formed and embedded in them.

In the rune grooves, there is also a hint of the mystery of heaven, revealing the vicissitudes of ancient times!

The reason for this is that the wood used to make it is really unusual. It is one of the ten sacred trees with a tree age of nearly ten thousand years, the Tongtian Jianmu!

Legend has it that this tree connects heaven and earth and reaches the sky. It is the habitat of the Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

In order not to attract attention, Mo Xun also coated the entire chessboard with masking materials and carved a layer of hidden restrictions, so that the original overflowing Jianmu breath was completely wrapped!

Three hundred and sixty-one crosses, like stars, flashing green light, which secretly conform to the five elements of heaven and earth, the mysteries of the eight trigrams, and the three hundred and twenty-four squares, each grid is eye-catching. I don’t know how many heavenly runes are deeply embedded, which is extremely mysterious.

Countless black and white chess pieces, like the black heron nebula, also contain runes!

This seemingly ordinary chess situation, at this time, is connected together, just like two black and white dragons, fighting each other in the starry sky!

No one would have thought that this elegant thing was actually made into a killing weapon to defeat the enemy!

As the saying goes, there are thousands of ways to practice Taoism, and I don’t know if there are people in the world who use chess to enter the Tao?

Mo Xun spent a full ten years to integrate the formation into it.

After seeing the power of this thing, all these efforts were not in vain!

After putting the nebula disk back into the purple mansion, he exhaled a long breath of turbid air. After decades of nourishment in his body, this magic weapon can already communicate with his mind and use it at any time!

He can clearly feel that each of the 361 chess pieces has a faint connection with his sea of ​​consciousness.

It seems that with just a thought, he can command any chess piece to change to the required position, turning it into a terrifying weapon, or a flag that integrates the formation, or traps or kills, all in his nebula disk.

The so-called life magic weapon is probably this feeling!

This kind of freedom is far from what he could get from refining those second-hand things before.

Speaking of what he has gained from decades of cultivation, he has gained a lot, but there are also unsatisfactory aspects.

He succeeded in refining the magic weapon, and finally had the capital to defeat the enemy, and his cultivation level was also improved to the expected level.

Ordinarily, with the experience in the illusion, he should have made rapid progress, why was it that after such a long time, he was only at the same level as in the second level of the illusion?

In fact, this was also what made him helpless.

Twenty years ago, he had already reached this level, and since then he has been stuck in the same place, without any progress.

Even if he changed several advanced elixirs, he could not improve his cultivation level at all.

After thinking hard for a long time, he finally came to a conclusion that the current situation was probably not caused by the elixir, but by the lack of state of mind.

In short, it was because his cultivation level was completely based on the power of the elixir, resulting in insufficient foundation!

This is like a tiger or leopard that has been raised and raised, with only strong flesh and fangs, but not much courage. Even if it encounters a skinny jackal in the mountains, it may not have the strength to fight!

Some bottlenecks cannot be broken through by elixirs, but require opportunities!

As for what this opportunity is, I am afraid no one can explain it clearly. Maybe it is a chance, or a fight, or some kind of understanding of the world, or more likely, just a relationship in the world.

Some people may break through by chance after traveling, while some people may be stuck in the same place for their whole life.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. He finally understood that many things are beyond human power.

The dawn of the road combines talent, hard work, and luck!

He has no talent, so he can only make up for it with hard work, but what can he do to make up for the lack of opportunity?

Since he understood this, he has fallen into deep anxiety.

He actually knows better than anyone that this kind of anxiety is definitely not the state of mind that a cultivator should have, but the fact is that he can't suppress this feeling at all.

Then the cultivation of Jing Yuan Gong did not achieve the results he expected.

Ever since he knew that it was difficult to make progress in cultivation, he put almost all his energy into cultivating his consciousness. After twenty years, he only cultivated the second level.

The first level took about ten years, and now the second level took twenty years. If we calculate it this way, it will take more than two hundred years to cultivate the sixth level of Jing Yuan Gong.

You know, he is now more than two hundred years old. According to the life span of the Jindan stage, he only has three or four hundred years at most. How can he cultivate it to perfection?

However, although it is only the second level, he can clearly feel that his consciousness range and condensation level are now compared with the cultivators of the same level. I dare not say that it is much better, but it should be several times.

He believes that as long as he cultivates the third level, his consciousness will probably catch up with the Yuanying cultivator.

Moreover, after the success of the second level, he also comprehended a kind of consciousness attack according to the jade slip.

That is to use the powerful consciousness to condense into a physical entity, so as to attack the sea of ​​consciousness of others.

However, with his current cultivation, he can only transform his consciousness into a silver needle that is less than an inch long.

But don't underestimate this short needle of consciousness. It is definitely a killer weapon for sneak attacks when you are caught off guard!

When he thought that he could transform his consciousness into a physical entity in the Jindan realm, his heart was burning!

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