Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 593 Spiritual Insect Purple Dragon

Spiritual attack, this is a magical power that many Yuanying stage cultivators find difficult to comprehend.

His request is not excessive, as long as this small spiritual needle can make the opponent lose consciousness for a short time for two or three breaths, it is enough!

However, he also knows that with the vastness and condensation of the sea of ​​consciousness of Yuanying cultivators, this kind of attack is mostly useless.

However, when he encounters a high-level cultivator, he always runs as far as he can!

Besides, which of those Yuanying old monsters is not in seclusion for many years, and how many of them will walk in the world?

Even if you want to meet them, it is not so easy.

And with his condensed mana after the fifth transformation of Hunyuan, plus the significant improvement in spiritual consciousness, as long as he is not a particularly powerful character, he should still have some hope of protecting himself and escaping.

The only thing he lacks now is a good escape technique!

In the past, when his cultivation was low, even if he encountered a powerful enemy, his realm would not be very high, and a low-level escape talisman was completely enough.

But now it is different. With the improvement of cultivation, if he encounters trouble again, he will be at least in the late stage or peak of Jindan. Those low-grade talismans may not be as fast as his escape light.

But high-level escape talismans are not in demand at all, so where can he buy them?

So before, this shortcoming was not obvious, but now it has been completely exposed.

Although the speed of the Thunder Shadow Car is not bad, the target of this thing is too big and the movement is not small. As long as it flies over, it will leave a strong mana fluctuation in the air, which is difficult to hide. It is definitely not a good way to escape!

If Gong Yang was here, he would have to try his best to get the escape technique from this old man, but up to now, Gong Yang is still in a coma and has no signs of waking up.

Otherwise, perhaps he would have gone to the boundless sea of ​​monsters twenty years ago.

In addition to the escape technique, he also lacks a good defensive treasure.

In fact, at the critical moment, the Black Heron Nebula Disk could barely protect himself. After all, any treasure has the effect of resisting the impact of magic power, but it is not very handy after all, and this item is originally used to cooperate with the formation to besiege and kill. If it is used for defense, the effect will be greatly reduced, and it may even be directly damaged.

He needs a special defensive magic weapon, preferably a magic weapon!

At his current level, the level of the exquisite ring is obviously not enough.

It is said that with his current attainments in refining, he can at least enter the hall, so why is there no way?

There are two main reasons.

First, general defensive treasures are rarer than offensive magic weapons. The reason for rarity is not only in materials, but also in the difficulty of refining.

For example, as long as the materials are complete, ordinary foundation-building cultivators can easily refine a flying sword. Even if it is melted into a sword embryo model with Dan fire, it can fight against the enemy. It is nothing more than the difference in quality.

But not everyone can refine a shield or soft armor. The difficulty is very different!

Moreover, the sources of defensive materials are scarce. Most people will use the outer armor of monsters to refine, which leads to a low level. After all, not everyone can hunt high-level monsters.

Secondly, with his current level, strictly speaking, he can only be at the level of magic tools. He can't even refine many higher-level magic tools.

The reason why he can refine magic tools is because he spent too much energy on this Wulu Nebula Disk.

If he changes to a magic tool, there will be no guarantee!

In addition to this, he also wants to study the short-distance teleportation array disk last time. If this thing is used well, it is no less than a high-level escape talisman.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun suddenly smiled bitterly and shook his head. Even in the late stage of Jindan, he still thinks about ways to escape all day long!

There is really no one who can cultivate immortals to this level!

In fact, he knows what is wrong with his Jingyuan Gong.

If you want to practice this kind of Gong method faster, you probably need to cooperate with Shenzhi Dan.

But he overestimated his alchemy level after all, wasted six "Yangjing Dahuan Dan", and still failed to analyze the spiritual medicine ingredients in it.

Next, it is urgent to find a suitable recipe for Shenzhi Dan!

But this kind of thing depends on chance. After all, up to now, he has only seen the Jiuxuan Zhenren who has refined the Shenzhi Dan.

After decades of taking Qianyuan Fruit, his physical strength has reached an incredible level.

He even has a feeling that he can stand still and withstand the attack of a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building without calling on any spiritual power to protect his body!

In other words, his current physical strength is not much worse than that of ordinary rocks.

But it is a pity that after reaching this level, no matter how many Qianyuan Fruits he takes, his physical body cannot continue to advance.

Regarding this point, he also knows where the problem lies, that is, there is no body refining method!

This is a bit ridiculous. In terms of body refining, he has medicine but no method, and in terms of spiritual cultivation, he has method but no medicine!

Therefore, it is urgent to find a suitable body-refining technique for this retreat!

But this may not be easy to do. After all, there are too few body-refiners in the entire world of immortal cultivation. Such a niche thing is not easy to find in ordinary shops and auction houses.

In addition to these improvements, there is another thing that also makes him very happy.

A few years ago, the spiritual insect purple lily green lotus, which had long been lost in the depths of his memory and was almost worthless to him, was actually hatched.

It seems that the ancient evil weapon he bought at the beginning played a role!

Thinking of this, he suddenly slapped his waist, and a strange flying insect with a purple body and a green tail fell into his palm.

This thing has been fed by him until now, and it is less than half the size of a fingernail. If you don’t look closely, you might think it is a purple mosquito.

"It has a world in its belly and can swallow everything!"

Mo Xun admired the little guy and muttered to himself, with a smile on his lips.

After this thing recognized him as its master, it also formed a vague connection with his sea of ​​consciousness.

He was very curious, how did this little bug swallow the sky and eat the earth?

After all, he had only read about the evil reputation of this thing in books, and had never seen it in person.

Perhaps he didn't know how to raise insects. Over the years, the little guy has not changed in size at all except that he didn't raise him to death.

So looking up related insect techniques is also the next thing to do.

After all, the sixth-ranked ruthless character on the Spirit Insect Ranking should not disappoint him!

Just as he was thinking about this, Mo Xun suddenly felt a movement at his waist, followed by a flash of white light, and then, a strange spirit beast with dragon horns on its head, a body like a tiger or lion, and wings on its back appeared next to him.

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