"Brother Mo, I'm hungry!"

This spirit beast was snow-white and only half a man's height. The moment it appeared, it spoke human language, but its tone was a bit like a child's.

Mo Xun frowned: "Where is the bottle of purple pill I gave you not long ago?"

"I've eaten it!"

This beast was Bai Ze who had awakened three years ago.

Just seeing the little guy's current appearance, Mo Xun couldn't help but murmur in his heart. From the appearance, this thing is very different from the beast in his memory. Even he couldn't tell the difference between it and the beast.

Presumably, the reason was probably the strange inner pill of the monster beast that year, which caused some unknown mutation.

But he didn't know the magical power after the mutation.

But although he didn't know the little guy's current ability, his nature as a foodie had not changed at all.

"How is the transformation technique I taught you?"

Bai Ze raised his head and said quickly: "I have learned it!"

Mo Xun nodded gently.

"Don't show this face when you go out in the future. Although my magic power is improving now, I am not sure if I can protect you if you really encounter any trouble!"

Although Mo Xun could not see the level of the transformed Bai Ze, anyone who saw the two dragon horns on his head knew that this thing was extraordinary. Maybe it was just revealed in front of people today, and it would be heard by a Yuanying cultivator tomorrow.

Carrying such a mythical beast of unknown origin is completely asking for trouble.

"Got it!"

Bai Ze then shook his body, and in a white light, he suddenly transformed into an eight or nine-year-old, delicate white-clothed girl with a small pigtail behind her head. However, on her forehead, she still retained two finger-sized dragon horns, which looked very cute.

Mo Xun shook his head secretly, and then his palm passed across the little guy's forehead, bringing a ray of green light, and the two dragon horns disappeared instantly.

"Brother Mo..."

Seeing that Mo Xun seemed to have forgotten her request just now, the little guy couldn't help but pout and pat his belly.

"Don't call me that in the future, change your name!"

Mo Xun knew that Bai Ze called him that, mostly because of Li Qingying's influence, but he was a man over 200 years old, and it was really a bit awkward to be called brother by an eight or nine-year-old child!

"Then what should I call you?"

Mo Xun waved his hand: "Whatever, just don't call me brother!"

When Bai Ze heard this, he immediately imitated Mo Xun's usual behavior, holding one hand in front of his chest and the other hand holding his pointed little chin. His slightly innocent big eyes flashed a few times. After a moment, he asked inquiringly: "Uncle, is it okay?"

Mo Xun stumbled and almost fell from the clouds.

He secretly stroked his forehead and looked at the little girl in front of him who was only as tall as his waist. Is this the story of a loli?

But before he could say anything, Bai Ze's eyes suddenly lit up in surprise. He stared at the purple lily in his hand, and drooled at the corners of his mouth.

"Uncle, although this little bug is a little small, it looks delicious!"

Before the little guy pounced on him, Mo Xun reached out and flicked her head, and quickly put away the purple lily.

"Do you think you can eat anything?"

Even if Mo Xun didn't know which one was more powerful, the purple lily or Bai Ze, he didn't need to think about it. How could this underage beast dare to swallow the sixth-ranked fierce insect?

Bai Ze rubbed his head and shrank his neck pitifully.

"Isn't it just a mosquito? It's not enough for me to fill my teeth!"

Mo Xun was speechless. If other people saw this, such a cute and smart little girl actually wanted to eat a mosquito, I wonder what they would think?

As he spoke, Mo Xun had already taken out a storage bag and threw it to her.

"I don't have time to make pills recently, so you can just take this for now."

It's not that Mo Xun really doesn't have time, but he doesn't plan to let the little guy eat spirit beast pills before he finds better food for him.

He gave him a lot of pills last time, and it hasn't been long since he used them up?

If he eats like this, even if he has more green gourds, he can't satisfy his appetite.

In the past sixty years, many spirit medicines have matured in the medicine garden, but most of them have been used by him to make advanced pills.

With his poor qualifications, he can't practice so fast without a large amount of spirit pills. In fact, he is afraid that he will find it difficult to break through a small realm by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at the end of his life.

In addition to himself, he also has to support the cultivation of two incarnations.

One is for himself to practice the magic skills, and the other is to create a physical body for Gongyang in the future.

Five years ago, he used two Lanxin lotus seeds to forge golden elixirs for two incarnations.

In other words, he had two helpers in the Jindan stage.

Of course, this incarnation does not have independent consciousness, and he needs to separate a wisp of consciousness to control it.

Not to mention how much it will affect his own strength after the separation of consciousness, there are many requirements in the process of use. The biggest restriction is that it cannot be too far away from him. If the distance increases a little, his control over the incarnation will also be weakened. Compared with the real Jindan master, it is far behind.

But it is better to have it than not. Maybe it can be a means of saving life at some critical moments.

This point has been verified more than once!

Bai Ze quickly opened the storage bag, and in the blink of an eye, he took out a very tempting red fruit that was full of spiritual energy.

This thing was the Qianyuan Fruit!

Before finding a suitable body-refining technique, this thing was no longer of much use to Mo Xun, so it was better to give it to the little guy as a snack.

Sure enough, the moment Bai Ze saw the Qianyuan Fruit, his lively eyes were attracted to it.

The saliva at the corner of his mouth flowed out again.

But the next scene made Mo Xun's eyes jump.

The little guy opened his mouth and threw the bright red fruit as big as a baby's fist directly into his mouth. It seemed that he didn't even bite it, and just swallowed it whole.

Mo Xun's mouth twitched. After taking this bite, I'm afraid he didn't even taste it, and 10,000 spirit stones were gone.

This is really a turtle eating barley, which is a bit too much!

Seeing the little girl taking out another one and throwing it into her mouth, Mo Xun hurriedly stopped her.

Even if he was rich, he would not be so extravagant!

"This spiritual fruit must be eaten slowly, otherwise the medicinal properties will be wasted!"

Bai Ze looked at him in surprise, then grinned and bit it down. Although he did not swallow it in one bite this time, he still bit off a small half.

Looking at the bright red juice flowing out of the corner of the little girl's mouth, Mo Xun felt that what was flowing out was his own blood.

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