Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 595 Two Men and One Woman

Fortunately, although he didn't need it for the time being, he didn't plan to sell it.

Even if the Five Elements Sect was seriously injured, as long as those Yuanying cultivators were still alive, the foundation was still there. He didn't dare to take it out blatantly.

Then, Mo Xun took out another crystal jade pill and handed it to Bai Ze.

Seeing that the little girl was about to grab it without saying anything, Mo Xun knocked her on the head again.

"What's the hurry? This is a green bead. If you come out in the future, hold it in your mouth. It can conceal your demonic power, but remember, don't swallow it. If people know that you can transform and speak at such a young age, they will definitely catch you and roast you!"

"Uncle, is the roasted meat delicious?"

Mo Xun sneered: "As for whether the other tastes good or not, I don't know, but your meat should be pretty good!"

Seeing the malicious look, Bai Ze didn't understand what he meant, and shuddered immediately.

"I know..."

The two flew like this for half a month.

Mo Xun came out of retreat this time because he encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation and needed to go out to look for opportunities. Even if Gongyang had not awakened yet, he did not plan to wait any longer. He had to go to the land of the demon clan anyway, and he was not without confidence if he went alone.

As for the other side, it was because of Ye Ping.

Ye Ping had cultivated to the perfection of foundation building more than ten years ago, but he failed after trying to form a golden pill.

In fact, Ye Ping's aptitude was much better than his. With sufficient pills, he cultivated even faster.

But condensing a golden pill is not simply related to aptitude, and it cannot be built up simply through pills.

There are also factors of opportunity and state of mind.

In fact, Ye Ping's problem is similar to what he is facing now. They are all lacking sufficient worldly experience after the rapid improvement of their cultivation.

It can even be said that Ye Ping's problem is more serious than his.

From Qi refining to the perfection of foundation building, he has never experienced any obstacles at all.

When a person is used to living a peaceful and smooth life, a small setback can shatter his Tao heart!

That's why those big sects provide certain trial sites for low-level disciples.

The way of cultivation requires both cultivation and training!

Another thing is the hatred in the other party's heart, which is also one of the shackles that affect the formation of Dan.

So ten years ago, Ye Ping left alone, saying that he wanted to go out for training, but Mo Xun vaguely guessed that this was probably to resolve his own grievances.

Regarding this, it was also one of the agreements between the two before, and Mo Xun didn't say much.

At the beginning, he could still receive the sound transmission sound sent by Ye Ping every two years, but now, there has been no news of Ye Ping for five or six years.

The first thing he had to do this time was to find Ye Ping's whereabouts.

No matter how ordinary the relationship between the two was, they were still in the name of master and disciple, and no matter whether the other party was dead or alive, there should be an explanation.

Bai Ze may not have been out for a long time, and everything he saw was new. Along the way, he ate Qianyuan Fruit as a snack and enjoyed the scenery along the way with interest.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Mo Xun also taught her a set of magic to release Qi, but this little girl actually simulated her realm to the same late stage of Jindan as him.

Mo Xun was another brain-destroying person, knocking her back to the Qi Refining stage.

A little girl of eight or nine years old dared to pretend to be a Jindan cultivator, really taking others for fools!

He knew very well that this little girl was nothing more than an empty form of transformation, and in terms of real combat power, she was not even as good as an ordinary foundation-building cultivator.

When he taught her the magic of transformation, he also thought that she could speak human language, and held an attitude of giving it a try, but it actually worked.

He was also very puzzled about the reason!

Perhaps it was related to the strange demon pill, or perhaps the demon beast that exuded terrifying pressure was different from others.

Putting aside these thoughts, in order to make it easier to travel, Mo Xun simply sacrificed the Thunder Shadow Cart. With his current cultivation, he was not afraid of others coming to plot against him.

After handing over the control of the Thunder Shadow Car to Bai Ze, Mo Xun has been meditating with his eyes closed in the car.

When passing a low mountain, the Thunder Shadow Car suddenly slowed down, and Bai Ze shouted at the same time: "Uncle, there is a fight below, should we go and take a look?"

For such commonplace things, Mo Xun has never been very interested, but when his spiritual sense swept over, he lightly said "Huh", because among the few people fighting, there was actually a familiar figure.

To be honest, he has always been alone. After arriving in Xihezhou, he has been in seclusion most of the time. The people he knows are really limited. Among the few people who are familiar with him, either he was killed or died, so it is rare to meet an acquaintance.

Mo Xun immediately ordered Bai Ze to stop, then jumped up and walked out of the car.

His eyes passed through the clouds and mist under his feet, and he saw two men and one woman chasing and fighting in the valley surrounded by dense forests.

Waves of magical power collided, and rumbling sounds continued to be heard, covering half of the valley in flames.

"Go down and take a look!"

Mo Xun put away the Thunder Shadow Car and flew down first.

The three people's cultivation was around the late stage of foundation building, and the woman among them had even reached the false pill realm.

However, the woman looked quite embarrassed at the moment. Under the siege of two men, her hair was messy, blood was flowing from the corners of her mouth, and half of her dress was torn, revealing a pair of hot white legs.

But even with her tattered clothes and blood all over her body, it was still difficult to hide her stunning beauty.

Mo Xun did not deliberately hide his whereabouts, so the moment he fell, he attracted the attention of the three people.

But despite this, the two men did not have the slightest intention of stopping.

On the contrary, the woman was already at a disadvantage in the battle of one against two, and with this distraction, her mana in her body slowed down a little, and she was directly hit in the abdomen by the heavy hammer magic weapon of one person, and flew backwards.

Seeing that the two people took out the immortal lock and were about to capture him alive, Mo Xun suddenly snorted coldly, shocking the three people at the same time.

This is completely not taking him seriously!

He saw his robe sleeves swung out, shooting out two wind blades, hitting the two people firmly, knocking them to the ground.

With his late Jindan cultivation, even the most powerful foundation-building cultivator, how many moves can he take?

This was the result of him holding back. Otherwise, the two wind blades would have directly chopped off his neck.

The two men did not seem to expect Mo Xun to dare to attack. Although they were wary, they did not show much fear.

When Mo Xun saw the symbol on their chests, his eyes narrowed slightly and he immediately understood the reason.

It seemed that these two men must belong to a certain force, which was why they were so fearless!

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