Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 596 Red Moon Villa

"Senior, what does this mean?"

The two people in front of them were all dressed in black. The one speaking at this time was an older guy with a leopard head and eyes.

This man was hit in the ribs by Mo Xun, leaving a long bloody mark. Although the anger and ferocity in his eyes were restrained, deep hostility could still be seen in his expression.

This is definitely a ruthless character!

As for the other person, he did not show the fear that he should have after seeing a high-level monk.

Mo Xun frowned slightly, pointed at the seriously injured woman next to him, and said coldly: "I have some history with this person, and I want to ask a few questions. Please step aside first!"

With such a disrespectful attitude like the two of them, if it were other Jindan monks who would talk nonsense with them, they would probably kill them the moment they opened their mouths.

But after seeing the unified logo on their chests, Mo Xun was worried about causing unnecessary trouble, so he didn't go too far. Moreover, although his words indicated that he wanted to save this woman, he still wanted to save her. To put it mildly.

Even though it was a bit commanding, the tone was still gentle.

This woman was the quirky Anu girl he met in Yaoxian Pavilion.

He still clearly remembered that he learned about the Jiuxuan Auction from his mother after following him.

Later, he cooperated with Hua Qingyan to kill the Wushi brothers, and the little girl was held hostage by him, which was used once.

What makes him feel strange is that this woman has successfully established the foundation sixty years ago. At that time, he also lamented that she was young and had unparalleled talents. To the realm of fake elixir!

It seems that whether or not to form a pill is not entirely determined by qualifications!

However, this appearance is still the same as before, except that there is a little less innocence between the eyebrows.

In fact, he was able to have this illusion mainly due to the influence of Ye Ping, but having said that, how many people in the entire world of cultivating immortals can be like their master and disciple, who eat spiritual pills all day long?

Even within a large sect, someone who can spend sixty years cultivating from the early stages of foundation building to perfection is considered a top-notch being.

You must know that when he was in Liangyi Sect, Hu Weizhou, who invited him to find the Qianji Laomo Dojo, had been wandering around the peak of foundation building for sixty years. Until he was more than two hundred years old, he had never had the opportunity to form an elixir. .

Under siege, Anu knew that today would be a very unlucky day. She had already decided that she would rather be broken into pieces than survive, but unexpectedly a senior pill-forming person suddenly appeared, causing her to fall into the ice cave. A little hope rose again.

At this moment, the little girl's expectant eyes all fell on Mo Xun.

But no matter how she looked at it, she never remembered when she had met such a senior with such profound magical power.

This is no wonder, after all, Mo Xun has only shown his true face in front of the other party once.

"This junior is from Chiyue Villa. This time, he has been ordered by the young master to take this girl back, so please don't stop me, senior!"

Chiyue Villa?

Mo Xun frowned, as he didn't seem to have this name in his mind.

He has traveled all over the country over the years, and whenever he goes to a place, the first thing he often understands is the intricate sects there. There are definitely not many hills in the entire Central Territory that he has never heard of!

But from the tone of the two men, it was obvious that this was a big force.

While Mo Xun was muttering in his heart, Anu had already seen the confusion on his face and immediately sent a message.

"Senior, the owner of Chiyue Villa is named Tantai Yi. He just advanced to Nascent Soul ten years ago. The young owner is named Tantai Hong. He also has the cultivation level of the early stage of pill formation. This junior, in Meng Tiancheng, Because he revealed his true identity, he happened to be caught by him, so he ordered his subordinates to chase him here... So, please help me, senior!"

Mo Xunrao glanced at Anu thoughtfully, and the meaning of the other person's words couldn't be more obvious.

The so-called beauty is a source of trouble no matter where it is.

Now he finally understood what those two people were relying on. It turned out that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator standing behind them!

In this case, the problem becomes a bit tricky!

This little girl also didn't have much experience in the world. She originally saw Mo Xun's doubts and hurriedly explained, but her words made Mo Xun hesitate.

With his current strength, he doesn't have much means to compete with Yuanying monks, even those who have just advanced to the level.

The two people naturally noticed Anu's voice transmission, and after seeing the change on Mo Xun's face, one of them said again: "Senior, my young master is in Mengtian City at the moment, and he is also meeting with the old village master. If you, the familiar Yuan Ying ancestors, can help us capture this woman, the young master will definitely be very grateful!"

Hearing this, instead of feeling honored, Mo Xun sneered.

A junior foundation builder dared to threaten him nakedly in front of him!

If these two people had not reported their status, he might have dismissed them because of the difficulty of practicing, but now, it was obviously not a problem that he could stop if he wanted to.

Meng Tiancheng was the place where he first discovered Ye Ping, so during his trip, he must go to the city. If he left this tail mercilessly, he would obviously be causing trouble for himself.

Feeling the chill emanating from Mo Xun's body, Bai Ze suddenly said, "Uncle, are you going to kill them?"

As soon as the words fell, a faint golden light suddenly shot out from one of the black-clothed men.

Mo Xun reacted quickly, and his figure flashed, and he flew in the air and caught the golden light in his hand.

After crushing it, it turned out to be a Taoist sound transmission note!

It not only contained a message for help, but also a simple portrait of him.

In an instant, the murderous intent on Mo Xun's body spread, and the faces of the two men changed at the same time, and they jumped up in tacit understanding and were about to flee far away.

But the mana of a Jindan cultivator is not comparable to that of a foundation-building cultivator, and he is also a late-stage strongman who is better than the same level!

At the moment when the two moved, Mo Xun's mind moved, and a steel needle condensed by his spiritual consciousness pierced out.

This was the first time he used this magical power against the enemy.

The black-clothed man who was attacked by the spiritual consciousness suddenly felt a pain in his head, and then it was as if someone stabbed him in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he fell from the air holding his head.

Seeing this, the other person was about to use the Zhang Dun Fu without hesitation.

But before the talisman was activated, Mo Xun slashed out with his palm, cutting out a three-foot-long silver sword light, which passed through his back.

With a sizzling sound, the black-clothed man's body was directly cut in half, and a ball of blood splashed out.

Before his soul flew out of his body, Mo Xun threw out two fireballs, burning the two people to death.

From the sound transmission to the end of the battle, it took only seven or eight breaths, and two late-stage foundation-building cultivators who had practiced for a hundred years fell in this desolate mountain.

At this moment, Anu didn't know whether she was frightened by the blood in front of her eyes or shocked by Mo Xun's fierce attack. Her bright eyes had already been stunned.

After putting away the storage bags of the two people, Mo Xun walked over with a serious face.


Looking at Anu's bewildered look, Mo Xun waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Now is not the time to talk, follow me!"

After that, Mo Xun rolled up his sleeves, took Anu and Bai Ze, turned into a stream of light, and rushed into the sky.

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