Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 597 Demon-killing Alliance

In a cave thousands of miles away, Mo Xun put the two people down and looked at the pretty woman in front of him. Although so many years have passed, she is still so youthful.

In this world, there are always some women who have a face that never grows up.


Anu recovered from her trance and bowed quickly. Just as she was about to speak, she was stopped by Mo Xun.

"Change your clothes first and talk later!"

After that, Mo Xun pulled Bai Ze out of the cave.

Anu's dress was torn, and her snow-white skin was looming, which was really eye-catching!


Outside the cave, Bai Ze retracted his gaze and suddenly said: "Uncle, this sister is so beautiful!"

Mo Xun smiled slightly and touched her head. Just when he was about to say something, Bai Ze touched his chin and muttered to himself: "I just don't know if it tastes good!"

Mo Xun's palm trembled. It was really hard to imagine that such words came out of a little girl who was only eight or nine years old.

Is this the awakening of the divine beast's essence, and is it going to devour people?

"Do you want to eat people?"

Such a dangerous thought is not a good thing. Although he doesn't mind killing people, he can't tolerate a man-eating guy around him.

After all, he and Bai Ze have never established a master-servant relationship. If one day his vicious nature is exposed, he might even eat him.

"A little bit!"

Mo Xun frowned slightly. In his memory, Xiao Bai has always been a vegetarian.

"Do you think so instinctively, or do you simply want to eat her?"

Bai Ze tilted his little head and thought about it, and said, "She has the smell I like!"

Mo Xun pondered for a while, and couldn't help wondering, could it be that the unique spiritual fluctuations of the cultivators aroused the little guy's appetite?

Whether it is a divine beast or a demon beast, it is ultimately a beast. This kind of creature with slow spiritual development rarely practices like human cultivators through exercises. If you want to improve your realm, you can only devour natural treasures or spiritual things.

Mo Xun then pointed at himself.

"What about me?"

Bai Ze blinked his huge eyes and said innocently: "You are not delicious, and you always smell bad!"

Mo Xun's face darkened immediately. He was despised!

But from the side, it denied his previous guess. He then looked up at the cave. It seemed that there was something special about this woman.

"Don't eat people at every turn in the future. Now that you have opened your spiritual wisdom, I will find a suitable practice for you in the future. Then you will advance through Qi training like me!"

While the two were talking, Anu, who was wearing a plain white dress and light makeup, slowly walked out.

She frowned slightly between her eyebrows.

"Thank you for saving my life just now, senior. Anu will never forget it!"

Mo Xun raised his hand and gently supported Anu who was about to bow in the air.

He didn't want to stay here for too long, so he asked directly: "What's the matter with the Red Moon Villa you mentioned before?"

Although Anu couldn't see Mo Xun's true cultivation, she could feel it almost.

In her opinion, even if Mo Xun had great magical powers, he was still just a Jindan cultivator, while the Red Moon Villa had a Yuanying ancestor in charge.

This senior offended the Red Moon Villa for her this time, so it was reasonable for him to ask this question anxiously.

"Has the senior never heard of this place?"

Seeing Mo Xun shaking his head, Anu immediately guessed that this person was probably just out of seclusion.

After taking a deep breath, Anu slowly said, "This Red Moon Villa is located in Tiandu Valley east of Mengtian City. It is only thirty or forty years old. Since the owner of the villa, Tan Taiyi, advanced to the Nascent Soul stage ten years ago, it has slowly begun to gain some fame. Now its momentum is almost approaching that of a six-star sect!"

Speaking of this, Anu looked at Mo Xun thoughtfully. On the one hand, she wanted to see if there was any fear on Mo Xun's face. After all, such a force is not something that ordinary people can afford to offend. If there is a sect behind him, it would be better. But if it is a casual cultivator, in order to prevent the matter from being leaked, she who just escaped from the tiger's mouth may face the danger of being killed again.

It can be seen from this that although this little girl has a high level of cultivation, her experience in the world is pitifully small.

If Mo Xun was afraid, he would have stopped in time after hearing her voice transmission before, and why would he wade into this muddy water?

Presumably, the little caution in his heart was formed under the indoctrination of the elders on weekdays.

On the other hand, she was thinking about what the old friend the other party had just mentioned meant.

But no matter how she thought about it, she had no impression of this person.

As for Mo Xun, his thoughts were much simpler. With his current cultivation, even if he had concerns, he no longer had to be as cautious as before.

Besides, he did this very cleanly. As long as this girl Anu didn't tell anyone, who would know?

After a moment of silence, Mo Xun continued to ask: "By the way, what happened in Mengtian City? Why did so many Yuanying cultivators suddenly come?"

In his impression, although Mengtian City was prosperous, it was not very big, and there were no big sects nearby. How could so many old monsters be alarmed at once?

"It is said that a demon king suddenly came here not long ago and killed and looted in the city. Not only did he rob Mengtian City, but all the high-level cultivators in the nearby cities were killed. Therefore, the Demon-Exterminating Alliance sent people to investigate."

"Demon-Exterminating Alliance?"

Mo Xun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and his face immediately became more solemn.

"Senior, don't you even know this?"

Seeing the doubt on Mo Xun's face, Anu was secretly shocked. This senior, I don't know how many years he has been in seclusion!

After thinking for a while, Anu explained: "About fifty years ago, the demons in the boundless sea of ​​demons suddenly launched a beast tide to the heartland of our Middle Earth, trying to invade the settlements of our human race. After discussion, those major sects formed the Demon-killing Alliance to resist together. In the past few decades, many confrontations have occurred. Now the two tribes are facing each other in the Juntian Mountains."

Juntian Mountains?

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes. He not only heard of this place, but also went there.

In the second illusion, he went to the boundless sea of ​​demons through this place, but this place was still within the sphere of influence of some sects at the beginning.

From here, about a million miles away, it is the range of the boundless sea of ​​demons.

In this case, the demon army has already marched deep into the heart of the entire Central Region.

After a moment, Mo Xun asked again: "Is the demon king you are talking about from the Boundless Demon Sea?"

Anu nodded.

"It should be. In fact, this kind of thing has happened more than once or twice. In recent years, many places have been attacked by demon beasts."

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