Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 598 Heavenly Soul Body

Mo Xun fell into a brief contemplation for a while.

This is obviously not good news!

Once the human and demon races confront each other, the boundless demon sea will inevitably block the human race. If you enter it at that time, there may be many variables.

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Anu was very tactful and did not say anything. She just stayed quietly aside, with a pair of beautiful eyes, but secretly looking at Bai Ze beside her.

What a delicate little girl!

This was the first impression in Anu's mind, but this girl always gave her a strange feeling.

Anu was looking at Bai Ze, and Bai Ze was also staring at her curiously.

However, those eyes seemed to be staring at a delicious delicacy, and the little girl drooled unconsciously.

"Sister, can I take a bite of you?"

Anu was a little confused when she heard this sudden sentence.

What do you mean by bite her?

Mo Xun came back to his senses, flicked the little guy's head lightly, and pulled Bai Ze back.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't come out again!"

Bai Ze curled his lips, wiped his saliva with his sleeve casually, then took out a red spiritual fruit and threw it directly into his mouth.

Feeling the pure spiritual energy coming from the spiritual fruit, Anu's eyes lit up, as if she thought of something.

After a moment, she was suddenly shocked. This is Qianyuan Fruit!

In her surprised eyes, Bai Ze swallowed two more, and the bright red juice overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and a faint fragrance suddenly filled the surroundings.

This little girl actually ate Qianyuan Fruit as candy!

Anu's eyelids jumped. In just a few bites, tens of thousands of spiritual stones were eaten.

What is the origin of this man and woman in front of him?

"Girl, do you know the reason why the demon tribe invaded?"

Anu quickly reacted, but she still didn't calm down in her heart.

Although she grew up in a poor family, she had no shortage of cultivation resources because of Hua Qingyan, but it was the first time she encountered such a waste.

"I don't know the details, but I heard that something happened over there, and this time the demons are not like before, and they don't seem to have any intention of leaving."

Mo Xun's brows became more solemn.

It was not the first time he heard about the fight between the human and demon races. Although he had not experienced it, he knew a lot.

But it was rare for it to last for decades.

The current situation seemed quite tricky!

He must go to Mengtian City, and he must also go to the Boundless Demon Sea, but these two places have become troubled places at the same time.

To be honest, he just wants to practice in a low-key manner now. He doesn't want to contact either the Nascent Soul cultivators or the demon army.

As for the fight between the two races, he has no interest in it.

But the key is that what he is going to do next is all in this torrent.


Anu called several times in a row, and Mo Xun finally woke up from his deep thoughts.

"May I know your name?"

Mo Xun's brows relaxed, and then he smiled faintly. He naturally understood Anu's little thoughts, which was nothing more than trying to find out his identity.

Since he had found out what he wanted to know, he was going to say goodbye and leave, but suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, does the girl have any special physique or bloodline?"

In fact, this kind of question was a bit abrupt.

Often, such things are extremely private. If they are exposed, they are easily coveted by those with ulterior motives.

Especially asking a woman in person, it would be even more impolite.

So after Mo Xun asked this question, Anu's face immediately became more alert.

Mo Xun pointed at Bai Ze next to him and said with a smile: "Miss, don't worry. My little disciple has an inexplicable affection for you, so I want to know the specific reason. If it is inconvenient to disclose, forget it."

Mo Xun was just a little curious!

Anu suddenly fell silent, and she finally figured out the meaning of the little girl's words.

It's just that the other party wanted to bite her, which was a bit creepy.

As if after some consideration, Anu said: "Actually, it's not inconvenient. I have a body of heavenly soul, and my soul power is naturally stronger!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and suddenly remembered something, and looked at Anu again.

Generally speaking, people with strong souls are very likely to be reincarnated. Could it be that this little girl is the reincarnation of a great man?

Of course, this thought only flashed through his mind.

Even if it was reincarnation, it didn't have much to do with him.

However, people with this kind of constitution are most suitable for practicing soul cultivation techniques. When they practice to a certain level, they can even abandon their physical bodies and condense their bodies with their souls.

In this way, it is equivalent to having an extra life. Even if the physical body is damaged, it does not affect the continued practice.

Therefore, people with this kind of constitution are also easy to be possessed.

Of course, people with strong souls are not so easy to be possessed. If they are not careful, they will be killed by their bodies.

There is another advantage for people with this kind of constitution, which is to practice soul magic.

Soul attack is an extremely powerful means. After practicing it to perfection, it is even more powerful than his consciousness attack.

"So that's it..."

After Mo Xun pondered for a while, he continued to ask: "Why did you come to Mengtian City?"

Anu showed a bit of weirdness on his face, but still replied: "My home is in Mengtian City!"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then thought that it was probably after the Five Elements Sect declined and Xuanyuan City gradually declined, Hua Qingyan moved away with Anu and her daughter, and ended up settling here by mistake.

But if that was the case, why didn't Hua Qingyan show up when Anu was being hunted here?

After a moment, Mo Xun said solemnly: "You have offended the young master now, so you should take shelter here temporarily. Don't rush back to Mengtian City. After those people leave, find a way to go back!"

Anu actually thought so in his heart, and nodded immediately.

"Thank you for your advice, senior!"

"This is a snow ferret inner pill. You hold it in your mouth to cover up some of the breath. Although the young master is unlikely to come here, it's always good to be careful."

As he spoke, Mo Xun took out a jade box in his hand.

This thing was purchased from Hua Qingyan back then. It helped him a lot. But now he has no use for it. Giving it to her can be regarded as a good relationship!

Bai Ze, who was standing by, was still staring at Anu. Although he was chewing on the Qianyuan fruit, his eyes could not hide his greedy impulse.

Seeing that Anu was standing there without taking it, Mo Xun threw it to her, then grabbed Bai Ze and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a distant voice sounded in Anu's ears.

"If you see the flower fairy, please say hello to her for me!"

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