Mo Xun smiled slightly, and did not rush to bargain, but asked: "Can you tell me the origin of this thing first?"

When the man heard this, his face changed immediately, and he quickly grabbed the bronze toad and stuffed it into his arms again, with a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm not trying to find out your bottom, but if you don't tell me where this thing came from, how can I judge its value?"

Although Mo Xun's expression was kind, he had already calculated in his heart. If this person didn't tell the truth, he didn't mind using some tricks.

After practicing martial arts for several years, he now practiced the Fiery Fire Art. When facing ordinary people, he was naturally a few points higher in both state of mind and momentum.

The other side fell silent. Although he felt that what Mo Xun said made sense, he was still on guard and weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

After a long time, he slapped his thigh, as if he had made up his mind and said: "Forget it, since little brother has doubts, I will tell you the truth!"

Mo Xun remained calm and waited for the other party's next words.

"Alas! I think my little brother has also seen that this thing is not legitimate. For it, one of my brothers died!"

Mo Xun nodded, but he wanted to hear more than that.

The lonely expression on the other party's face did not seem to be fake, but from a few words, Mo Xun heard something.

Although he guessed the identity of this person, he thought it was just a petty thief who was just robbing some ordinary tombs. But if it was true as this person said, and his companions died in the tomb, he would have to think more.

You know, ordinary small tombs don't have any mechanisms.

"Can you tell me more?"


When Mo Xun returned to Baicaotang, it was already dark. He wanted to go back to his room to rest and study the newly acquired bronze toad, but he was stopped by a steward and dragged to load and unload medicinal materials.

In the past six months, the news that the Su family had opened a new store in Min'an, the imperial city, was no longer a secret.

In order to gain a foothold there, Xunyang needs to send a batch of medicinal materials to Min An every month. Mo Xun has been called to serve as a temporary laborer more than once or twice.

As for the tomb robber he met in the afternoon, Mo Xun also understood everything.

In the end, he spent all the wages he had saved for more than a year to buy the bronze toad after bargaining, and also found out where it was found.

But as for the reason why his companion died, this person was unwilling to say more. At the same time, Mo Xun also noticed that once he mentioned what happened at that time, his eyes would reveal a strange color, like fear, and contained other things, which Mo Xun could not figure out for a while.

When everything was done, the moon was already high in the sky. After a simple wash, Mo Xun could not wait to return to the room.

He was practicing slowly now, but he was unwilling to give up easily, so he was eager to find all the information related to cultivation. Even if he only got a little experience or experience of others, he believed that it would be of great help to him.

The bronze toad in his hand was the only thing that might be related to the immortal cultivator since he started practicing.

The faint candlelight swayed in the wind, and the shadows in the small room swayed.

He looked at the toad carefully again for half an hour, but still had no clue.

There was no crack on the surface of this thing, as if it was cast in one go, and there was no mechanism to find, as if it was just a copper lump.

Looking into the toad's mouth was pitch black, and water could not be poured in, and fire was also useless. He even found an embroidery needle, inserted halfway, and could not go deeper, as if it was sealed inside.

Mo Xun scratched his head, and now he was a little doubtful whether he had seen it wrong during the day.

Could it be that this thing was just an ordinary decorative item?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little angry in his heart. He spent more than a year's wages to buy a dead thing.

You know, this money was originally intended to be sent back home by someone, but now it was wasted, and no one could accept it for a while.

As soon as he thought of this, he unconsciously used some strength in his right hand holding the bronze toad, but because of anger, he could not control the spiritual power in his body for a while, and it suddenly surged out.

It was because of this unintentional action that he was stunned for a moment, and saw that after the spiritual power left his body, it actually sank into the toad and disappeared.

Mo Xun stared at the object in his hand, and his face instantly became wonderful.

This thing is indeed a magic weapon!

How can ordinary things absorb spiritual power?

With this discovery, he was so excited that he almost jumped out of the bed.

After a long time, he finally suppressed the excitement in his heart, held the bronze toad again, and slowly gathered the spiritual power in his body along the dantian into the palm of his hand.

With a plan in mind, he no longer worried about the loss of his own mana, but just waited for what kind of surprise this bronze toad could bring him.

About a cup of tea later, as most of the mana in his body was lost, this bronze toad, like a bottomless pit, did not react at all, and continued to absorb.

Even though he was prepared, he still frowned and guessed, "Is it because my realm is too low and my magic power is insufficient? Or is this a damaged magic weapon?"

Just as he was about to cut off the spiritual power, something strange happened. A stream of gray smoke suddenly spurted out from the toad's mouth.

Mo Xun said "not good" in his heart, and quickly threw away the toad, while closing his eyes and holding his breath.

But because he was too close, even though he discovered it in time, he still inhaled a small amount of gray smoke. In just a moment, he felt his consciousness began to blur, his head was unusually heavy, and then he fainted on the bed.

I don’t know how long it took, there was a hurried knock on the door outside the house.

“Xiao Mozi… Xiao Mozi?”

After calling several times, it seemed that several people had gathered outside the door and began to discuss whether to knock on the door. Mo Xun in the room finally opened his eyes and began to regain consciousness, but his body was still weak.

He forced himself to get up slowly, shaking his dizzy head at the same time, and then he recalled the strange gray smoke last night.

The sunlight shone through the crack in the door, and he just saw the bronze toad fell to the ground. The candle on the table had burned out, leaving a black mark on the wooden table. It was fortunate that there was no fire.

I don’t know what the gray smoke was last night, which could make people lose consciousness instantly.

Seeing that the person outside was about to knock on the door, Mo Xun hurriedly responded with a hoarse voice. Perhaps because of his injured throat or because he had not yet recovered his strength, he coughed several times.

Time passed quickly and it was already afternoon. After the doctor took his pulse, he could only say that he had caught a cold at night and prescribed a few medicines. It seemed that there was nothing serious.

The manager even gave him a day off so that he could take good care of himself.

At this moment, Mo Xun had recovered a lot. Looking at the bronze toad in his hand, he still had lingering fears.

Fortunately, the gray smoke did not seem to be poisonous. It was just similar to the effect of smoke, which made people temporarily lose consciousness and perception.

However, this conclusion cannot be easily drawn. On the one hand, he did not know whether the smoke that entered the body would leave any sequelae. He still had to observe for a while.

On the other hand, it might be because his magic power was low and he could not activate the full power of the toad, or it might be because the thing had been left for too long and the toxicity was weakened.

The reason why he could think so was simple. This thing was made into the shape of a toad, and its scientific name was also called toad. It was one of the five poisons, so it was probably not just a smoke effect.

Thinking of last night's experience, he felt a chill in his heart, and it was also quite ridiculous. He spent a year's wages, but almost lost his life!

In short, without finding out the specific composition of the gray smoke, or without being able to effectively protect himself, he would definitely not try to activate this thing again.

But after this incident, he was completely sure that this thing must be a magic weapon.

If it was at a critical moment, it would definitely be a great weapon to save someone's life.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel happy again.

Gently stroking the bronze toad in his hand, he tried to find out the principle of this thing releasing gray smoke.

However, he really knew very little about the cultivation of immortals, and he had never seen any magic weapons before, so he could only guess with secular ideas.

In his opinion, this toad was probably poisonous. After the spiritual power was injected, it would produce poisonous smoke, and then spray it out from the toad's mouth.

It's not to mention that after his analysis, he guessed the internal principle of this magic weapon correctly.

In fact, thinking in this way, it also explains why the gray smoke can only make people faint, but cannot produce more powerful toxicity.

Because this is a consumable magic weapon, the toxicity will be weakened after the poison capsule inside is slowly consumed. In addition, it is old and the toxicity is lost. Now, only some smoke effects remain.

After carefully putting away the bronze toad, Mo Xun began to meditate and refine Qi again. Now for him, cultivation has become his daily compulsory course.

Since he broke through the realm and entered the second level of Qi Refining last month, he found that both the meridians and Dantian in his body seemed to be a little thicker than before.

With the completion of a cycle, he could no longer feel the impact of the gray smoke, and the original feeling of fatigue and weakness disappeared.

Apart from the fact that the training of this Fiery Art was slow, he was quite satisfied. Now that he had mastered the Wind Control Art, he began to covet the Fire Control Art that he could learn at the third level of Qi Refining.

This Fire Control Art is the main magic of the Fiery Art. It can create fire out of thin air and control fire to fight against the enemy. According to him, after practicing to a certain level, one can master a small magical power called Flame Slash.

Faced with such a mysterious magic, Mo Xun naturally yearned for it, but before that, he had to go to a place to take a look.

It was the location of the tomb that he had traded from the tomb robber yesterday. Since there was a magic weapon like the bronze toad in it, it was most likely the tomb of a cultivator.

Perhaps he could get some other things related to cultivation from it.

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