But before going, some preparations still need to be made.

In the next few days, Mo Xun frequently appeared at the book stalls selling miscellaneous notes of learning whenever he had free time.

Although he had never been to an ancient tomb, he had heard about some things about tomb theft prevention by the ancients, and the tomb robber's companion died in the tomb, which showed that this place was not a good place.

Of course, he couldn't ask others about this, and he could only hope that these miscellaneous books would mention it.

Not to mention, after a few days of research, he really found some relevant records in a Feng Shui book.

For safety reasons, he imitated what was written in the book and made a series of equipment such as flying tiger claws and ropes. After asking for two days of leave from the manager, he embarked on this "dangerous journey".

Fortunately, the tomb was located in a remote valley with no people, so it was okay to go there during the day.

To the north of Xunyang County is Wuwei Mountain, and to the east is Qingxia Gorge, which is considered a small branch of Wuwei Mountain. The tomb of the immortal cultivator is in this Qingxia Gorge.

It takes about half a day to walk out of the city, but with Mo Xun's strength, it will take only one or two hours to get there.

Qingxia Gorge is adjacent to Wuwei Mountain in the northeast, and there are some small rivers and streams flowing through it. It is said that there are dense forests in the valley, and there are also some rolling hills.

As for why the two tomb robbers found this valley, it is said that it was because the dead one knew a little about Feng Shui. Who knew that the two of them lost their lives the first time they did it.

In Qingxia Gorge, because it is low and uneven, there is no human habitation and farming. There are only some mountain people who live scattered on the edge of the valley for hunting.

There are also some people who go into the valley to collect herbs. Some of the herbs in Baicaotang come from this Qingxia Gorge.

It is said that there is a deep valley further inside, which is also the origin of its name. Wild beasts often appear in it, so whether it is hunting or collecting herbs, they all move away from the deep valley.

And this tomb is near this deep valley.

Before Mo Xun came here, he specially ordered a red tassel spear. If he encountered any danger, the spear skills left by Mr. He would come in handy.

As soon as he entered the valley, Mo Xun used all his strength to perform the wind control technique. This set of magic is most suitable for performing in the jungle.

I saw a figure rising and falling among the branches and bushes, like a clever monkey, constantly jumping in the forest.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

The tomb robber only gave him a rough direction, and it was not easy to find it.

After running for a while, he had to stop and meditate to recover for a while. This repeated process was repeated. When he found the place, it was already noon.

The location of the tomb is based on a tower-shaped mountain. At the intersection of the 5th and 6th hour, the sun shines directly along the top of the tower, which is the location of the tomb.

It is said that this is called the eye of the tower in Feng Shui. Burying in this hole can suppress evil spirits and bring blessings to future generations.

However, Mo Xun was quite puzzled. Since it can suppress evil spirits, it can also suppress the owner of the tomb.

Of course, these complaints only flashed through his mind. He would not waste time studying these things.

It was not until the 5th hour that the location of the tomb was determined. Mo Xun looked around for the previous robbery hole.

Because no one usually comes here and there are dense forests around, the two tomb robbers were too lazy to hide. The soil they dug out was directly piled in a conspicuous place. He found the place with almost no effort.

However, Mo Xun did not go down immediately. He shot a wild rabbit nearby and had to fill his stomach first.

From here, the deep valley is only two or three miles away, and you can hear a few wolf calls from time to time.

Just now, he had gone there for a walk. The deep valley was about thirty or forty feet deep, which was quite large. There were lush trees inside. At a glance, it was like a green ocean.

After a simple meal, he carefully sorted out his equipment and went in through the narrow robbery hole.

This robbery hole was diagonally downward, and was only a little more than two feet wide. It could only accommodate one person, and one had to crawl in.

Not long after crawling in, the cave was completely dark. Mo Xun took out the candle he had prepared in advance and lit it, and moved forward slowly.

About ten feet underground, there was another robbery hole next to it, which was only one person wide.

The two robbery holes merged into one here, leading to the underground.

Mo Xun touched the soil at the entrance of the hole and soon understood.

This was probably an ancient tomb that had been robbed a long time ago. The two men must have dug halfway before they discovered this situation, so they simply borrowed someone else's robbery hole.

But in this case, there might be nothing left in the ancient tomb.

After crawling a short distance along the robber's hole, he entered a corridor.

Mo Xun jumped out and jumped into the corridor. There was only one person tall inside, so he didn't have to bend down to move forward.

Mo Xun took out a torch and lit it, and the surroundings suddenly became bright.

The corridor was about two meters long. There were some broken earthenware jars and soil scattered on the ground, as well as some white animal bones. I don't know if they were used for sacrifices or if living things ran in and were trapped to death.

However, judging from the current situation, even if there were mechanisms here, they would have been destroyed long ago.

Mo Xun walked forward slowly for a few steps, and an ear chamber appeared on each side, but it was empty inside, with only some rotten wooden tables and chairs left. I think they should be used to store burial objects, but unfortunately they had been stolen long ago.

In the corridor, he also found another robber's hole, which must have been done by the same group of tomb robbers.

At the end of the corridor, through a stone door, is the coffin of the tomb owner.

The stone door mechanism has been destroyed. There is a copper coffin in the main tomb, but the coffin lid is open. There are a pile of skeletons scattered on the ground next to it. The clothes on the bodies are rotten and broken. Under the firelight, they look a bit scary.

Mo Xun searched the tomb for a while, but found nothing valuable except a new robbery hole.

He even did not let go of the copper coffin. He checked it carefully several times, but still found nothing.

In fact, when he saw the scene in the ear chamber just now, he was already half disappointed. Now, after searching left and right, even the last bit of luck was extinguished.

He was not greedy for the wealth in the tomb, but he was a little confused. This ancient tomb is not large in scale. It looks like a wealthy family with some wealth buried there. The mechanism traps inside are extremely simple. Except for some arrows and quicksand set outside the door of the tomb, which were easily broken by the previous batch of tomb robbers, there are no other anti-theft measures.

In here, he did not find any traces left by the immortal cultivators!

Then the question is, why does the owner of this tomb have a magical instrument like the bronze toad?

"Is it just an ordinary person who got it by chance?"

There is also a very important point. Judging from these robbery holes, this tomb has probably been plundered before the two tomb robbers. So where did the two people get the bronze toad?

Mo Xun's eyes are still wandering around the tomb, but his mind is thinking about the key to these questions.

After thinking for a while, he came up with two possibilities. Either he was deceived by the tomb robber, or there are other tombs here!

He is more inclined to the latter in his heart. After all, the man had no reason to deceive him, and he told him the location and did find the ancient tomb.

But if it is the latter, it is obviously not in line with Feng Shui common sense.

According to Feng Shui, how can there be two ancient tombs in a Feng Shui treasure land?

Could it be that this place was favored by different people one after another, and then the tombs were built in the same place?

Mo Xun scratched his head. He felt that this possibility seemed unlikely. After all, when building a tomb, it was inevitable to break ground. There was no tomb originally, so it was impossible not to find it.

After turning around a few times in the original place, when he passed by the robbery hole in the main tomb again, he said "Huh" lightly!

Because this robbery hole was very strange, it was not clear when standing far away. Only when the torch was brought closer did he find that this robbery hole was actually dug downwards.

Mo Xun thought to himself: "Could this lead to another tomb?"

As soon as he thought of this, he felt more and more that this was possible, and he no longer hesitated and crawled in.

This robbery hole was not much different from the robbery hole he came in from above. It was only wide enough for one person to pass through, and he had to crawl.

When he crawled down to a depth of about six or seven feet, under the illumination of the torch, his eyes suddenly lit up, but he did not enter any tomb, but came to an underground cave.

Looking around, the space inside is very large. The surrounding rock walls are covered with some milky white stones, which emit a faint fluorescence and dimly illuminate the cave.

Seeing all this, Mo Xun muttered in his heart, wondering why this robber's hole leads here.

Walking forward for a while, he faintly smelled a very special fragrance at the tip of his nose, which made people want to find the source of this fragrance.

As he walked forward carefully, he guessed various reasons.

"Could it be that some tomb robber in the past did not grasp the direction when digging the tomb, and ended up in this cave, and finally had no choice but to change his route upward?" He thought so in his heart.

Not far away, he found some faint footprints on the ground, which looked like they were left not long ago.

Following the footprints, after walking forward forty or fifty feet, it became narrower and narrower, and finally there was a fork in the road, and the footprints disappeared here.

Mo Xun sniffed his nose, and the fragrance here seemed to be stronger.

Just as he was hesitating about which way to go, he suddenly saw a person sitting in the cave on the right.

Mo Xun's heart immediately trembled, and out of instinct, he had already grasped the spear behind his back with his right hand.

Although he has always been courageous, in this dim and silent environment, anyone who sees this scene will probably be terrified.

Mo Xun stood there cautiously, looking at the figure from a distance, and his heartbeat quickened a bit.

However, after more than a dozen breaths, the figure still sat there motionless, like a dead person.

Seeing this, Mo Xun did not dare to go over rashly, but tentatively said: "Are you a human or a ghost? Can you show yourself?"

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