Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 8 Losing a loved one

An echo came from the empty cave, and the figure in the distance remained sitting still.

After waiting for a while, Mo Xunjing felt relieved. It seemed that it was indeed a dead person!

He held the torch and walked over slowly, but he was still a little cautious. After all, in this environment, anyone who could appear here for no reason, whether it was a human or a ghost, was definitely not a good person.

When he got closer and saw the man's appearance clearly, he immediately shouted "Impossible!" in his heart as if he had seen a ghost.

Because the man, whether in terms of clothing or appearance, was exactly the same as Mr. He who taught him martial arts and knowledge!

In an instant, countless questions lingered in his mind.

Unconsciously, he had tightened the spear in his hand.

"Why is he here?"

"Coincidence... or another reason?"

What he saw made him feel like suffocating.

After a moment, he finally called out "Mr. He" tremblingly, but the man on the ground ignored him and hung his head like a dead man, but his chest was still rising and falling slightly.

Mr. He was now sitting cross-legged on the ground, with his back against the rock wall, holding a dagger in his hands, but stabbing it into his abdomen. Blood was slowly flowing down his clothes and had not yet dried.

Before he could react to Mr. He's sudden appearance, he saw a man lying on the ground not far away, facing the ground.

This man was also half-covered in blood, almost all over his body.

Mo Xun walked over slowly. While he was confused, he seemed to feel that the back of the man on the ground was somewhat familiar.

When he turned over this man, his head exploded with a "buzz" sound, and the whole person was struck by lightning.

Because this man was his father, the man called Mo Erlang by the villagers.

The spear in Mo Xun's hand fell to the ground with a clang. He knelt down hurriedly to help his father up, but at this time, Mo Erlang had already died and his body became stiff and cold.

After he shouted "Dad" several times, he was filled with grief and anger. He really couldn't accept his father's sudden death, and he couldn't understand why his father and Mr. He came here.

The countless doubts in his heart could probably only be answered by Mr. He who was in a coma next to him.

He hurriedly got up in a panic and was about to wake Mr. He up, but a strange thing happened again. As soon as he approached Mr. He, the other party's breath suddenly stopped, and his body fell down under his touch.

After learning that Mr. He had died, Mo Xun was still like crazy, shaking Mr. He's body and shouting repeatedly, and his miserable and hoarse voice kept echoing in the cave.

But at this moment, a weak "brother" behind him, like a basin of cold water in winter, suddenly woke him up.

He turned around quickly, and another figure that was very familiar to him appeared in the distance.

This person was none other than his sister Mo Shuang.

In a daze, he called "little sister". Just when he was eager to ask his little sister what happened, he found that Mo Shuang was tied up behind her back, her face was full of panic, and she was crying and shouting at him.

Behind the little sister, there was a sneer-faced strong man standing at this time. This man grabbed the little sister's collar with one hand and held a long knife in the other hand, flashing cold light in the dimness.

Seeing this, Mo Xun was instantly sober. Looking at the petite figure of the little sister, who kept trying to break free from the strong man, his heart was like blood dripping.

At this time, two men and one woman came out from the strong man, and they each held one person in their hands, respectively his mother and second brother.

The second brother was almost dragged out, with bloody scars all over his body. He was whipped so hard that there was no intact part of his body. His breath was extremely weak. If he was delayed for a while longer, he would die.

And the mother was not much better. Her thin body was also dying at this time.

As if sensing Mo Xun's presence, the mother raised her head with difficulty and looked at him. She said something painfully, but because of her weakness, she could hardly make any sound.

Seeing these relatives he cared about the most being tortured like this, Mo Xun's whole body trembled with anger.

It seems that there is no need to think too much. His family, including Mr. He, must have been injured by the three men and one woman in front of him.

And he was quite impressed by these four people. They were the weirdos who came to the village to inquire about Mr. He.

If it weren't for the fact that his mother and his younger brothers and sisters were in the hands of the other party, Mo Xun, who had already been furious and mad in his heart, would have jumped up and vowed to cut these people into pieces.

"Who are you and why did you kill my parents and relatives?"

While speaking, Mo Xun picked up the spear on the ground, clenched his fists, and a crisp sound came from the joints.

"Mo Xun, I guess you have guessed something. We are here for the Fiery Art. How can such a cultivation method fall into the hands of a mortal like you!" The tall man holding Mo's mother said coldly, and no emotion could be heard in his expression or voice.

Mo Xun's face did not change much, as if he had expected such an answer.

Thinking carefully, the things that allowed him to intersect with Mr. He and were coveted by others were nothing more than the ancient book that recorded the four martial arts and the Fiery Art.

But he was very puzzled in his heart, how did the other party find this place, and it seemed that he had expected it, and waited for him to appear here.

Inadvertently, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a gorgeous white flower growing in the corner of a rock wall between him and the four people. It looked extremely strange in this dim cave.

But soon, he pulled himself out of his chaotic thoughts and his eyes fell on his mother and younger sister again.

He would not be surprised at all if a few people could find the whereabouts of the Fiery Art. As long as they caught Mr. He, they would naturally find him.

But how did they know his whereabouts?

Besides, why didn't they find it after so many years, and chose this time and this place?

"Yes, the Fiery Art is in my hands. What do you want to do?"

The tall man nodded and said, "Just admit it, and save your mother and brothers and sisters from suffering again. Hand over the Fiery Art first."

Mo Xun didn't feel reluctant to hand over the animal skin. After all, he had memorized the two or three thousand words of the skills a year ago. It was just the other party's request that made him hesitate.

"I can give you the Fiery Art, but how can you guarantee to keep your promise?"

"Hehe, little brother, at this time, you have no room for bargaining!" The red-dressed woman next to him said with a smile.

The woman looked to be more than 20 years old, and her smiles were very charming, but in Mo Xun's eyes, it was annoying.

Mo Xun fell silent. He thought quickly about the current situation in his mind. At the same time, the Fiery Art in his body was running, trying to find a suitable opportunity to kill several people in one fell swoop without hurting his mother and younger sister.

Several people seemed to have seen Mo Xun's thoughts. The short and fat man who dragged the second brother suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed it into his second brother's back while he was thinking.

Mo Xun saw this and shouted "No", but it was too late.

The second brother was in a coma. The dagger pierced his body, but he just groaned, and his head dropped again. A stream of blood slowly flowed out along his clothes that had already been stained red.

The little sister screamed when the dagger pierced into her, but she was like a chicken and couldn't get away from the big man's hands.

When the weak mother Mo saw this scene, she fainted. The tall man who captured her took advantage of the situation and pinched her neck with one hand.

Mo Xun looked at his second brother whose life and death were unknown, and his mother and little sister who had been tortured to the point of being unrecognizable. His eyes were suddenly filled with a circle of blood red. At this moment, he wanted to tear them into pieces.

"Little brother, don't try to be cunning. If you delay any longer, your brother may not be saved!"

Mo Xun's chest rose and fell violently. He only hated his shallow cultivation now. If he could break through to the third level of Qi Refining earlier, he could learn the fire control technique and have more means to deal with the current situation.

In desperation, he had to take out the animal skin from his arms. The veins on his hand holding the animal skin bulged, as if he was going to crush the animal skin.

"I hope you keep your word!"

After saying that, he threw the animal skin over without hesitation. After the tall man caught it, he didn't check it carefully. He signaled to the side with a look. The short and fat man picked up the unconscious second brother with one hand and threw it to Mo Xun.

Fortunately, Mo Xun was originally a martial artist, and because he practiced the Fiery Art, he easily caught the man with both hands and put him on the ground. He called "Second Brother" a few times, but got no response.

He hurriedly took out a bottle of healing medicine from the package behind him. This was a little golden wound medicine he specially prepared before coming here to deal with accidents.

He sprinkled the powder on his brother's knife wound, unbuttoned his clothes, and simply treated the obvious scars exposed.

Fortunately, he looked seriously injured, but he was still alive, but he was anxious in his heart. In this wilderness, he didn't know how long his brother could hold on.

After doing all this, he turned his head and looked at the other side. His mother and sister were still captured by the other side, and there was no intention of letting them go.

"What do you mean? Are you going to break your promise?"

"Hehe, little brother, where did you get this from? It seems that the four of us didn't promise anything, right?" The red-clothed woman said with a smile, her waist trembling slightly.

"In exchange, we have already released your brother, you have already earned it!" The short and fat man licked the short knife in his hand, showing a provocative expression.

Mo Xun let out a long breath. At this time, he tried to calm himself down. His father was gone, and his second brother was injured like this. He couldn't let his mother and younger sister get into trouble again.

"What do you want to do to release my mother and younger sister?"

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