In response to Mo Xun's question, the woman in red chuckled, turned her eyes around him, and said, "It's very simple. Everything has to pay a price. If you want them to survive, just use your life in exchange."

Hearing this answer, Mo Xun immediately felt a chill in his heart and frowned at the same time. After a moment, he said with a bit of bitterness: "You guys have to have a reason for wanting my life, right? I don't remember how many of you have offended me. "Is it because I know Mr. He?"

"Boy, you don't need to lie to us. Let me tell you the truth. This cultivation technique for cultivating immortals is not taught in my sect. Later, it was stolen by the man named He. In order to ensure that the technique does not leak to the outside world, I can only shut you up. If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for practicing this technique!"

After the tall man finished speaking, the short and fat man on the side stared at his spear and said: "This gun of yours is not bad, but it is not suitable for self-cutting. Do you want me to lend you the knife? I want to tell you It’s really useless. After practicing this Fierce Fire Technique for more than a year, I was able to break through to the second level of Qi Refining. This kind of immortal cultivation technique is definitely not worthy of an ordinary person like you.”

Mo Xun was extremely depressed at this moment. Who knew that this skill he had obtained unintentionally would become a disaster for his parents and relatives.

It is indeed a blessing and a misfortune, but in the final analysis, it is still due to his failure to live up to expectations. If he had not been greedy for martial arts in the past few years and studied this piece of animal skin from the beginning, he might have discovered the secret inside, and he would not be so passive. .

"Boy, what are you waiting for? Don't you care about your mother anymore?" The tall man said, pinching Mo's mother's neck, and suddenly added a little more strength to his hands, and Mo's mother, who was originally unconscious, was also there at this moment. He woke up in pain, and his face turned blue and red because his breathing was blocked.


Mo Xun felt a mixture of emotions in his heart. Seeing his mother in pain seemed to drain all the strength from his body. In an instant, all the emotions that had been stored for more than ten years poured out, attacking his tear ducts crazily.

The scenes of getting along with his family in the past kept popping up in his mind, including his mother's care, his father's sternness, and the play between his younger brothers and sisters.

The tears finally flowed down, and he felt unbearable pain in his heart. He felt helpless in the face of the life and death of his loved ones, and he was also unwilling to accept his short life.

After a while, he finally couldn't bear the torture any longer. He sighed softly in his heart, and slowly relaxed his grip on the spear. He glanced at his little sister and mother again, and said feebly: "If I die, what will happen to you if I die?" Will you let my family go?"

"Hehe, little brother, this time my sister can make you a promise. All we want is your life. This matter has nothing to do with them, so we will naturally let them go."

Mo Xun wiped his tears, looked back at his father's body, and thought helplessly, hoping that when he saw his father on Huangquan Road, he could explain his decision to his father.

Seeing him like this, the tall man seemed a little impatient, and then said: "I'll give you ten breaths. If you still don't do anything, I'll collect your mother's body first!"


As the tall man began to count down, Mo Xun put down his spear, slowly knelt down to his mother, and kowtowed three times.

As for Mo's mother, she was constantly struggling to stop her son's actions, but at this moment, she was so controlled that she couldn't even say a word.

"Mom, your child is unfilial and has made you suffer. Please wait until the next life to honor your mother again!"

After saying this, Mo Xun looked at his sister again: "Little sister, after eldest brother leaves, I will leave it to you!"


At this moment, the little sister Mo Shuang has also become a tearful person. It is pitiful that she has to suffer such a separation of life and death at such a young age.

The tall man's voice struck Mo Xun's heart time and time again. He sighed bitterly in his heart, and his face showed reluctance!

He slowly picked up the spear, closed his eyes, and put the tip of the spear against his throat. In the dimness, the black tip of the spear was cold and biting.

As the countdown of life continued, he remembered a kind of flower called Epiphyllum!

He felt as if his life was worse than a night-blooming night-blooming cereus, and it was about to end before it even bloomed.

As soon as he thought about this, he suddenly remembered the strange white flower under the rock wall. There was a flower growing under the ground where no sunlight could be seen. Presumably the long-lasting fragrance nearby came from this flower!


He suddenly opened his eyes and seemed to feel that something was wrong. When he raised his head, the four people were still standing there, and his mother and little sister were still firmly controlled.

At this time, the tall man's voice of counting down suddenly stopped. When he looked at Mo Xun, who had not yet taken action, his face immediately turned cold.

"Why don't you take action? You are so greedy for life, don't you care about your mother and your sister?"

Mo Xun ignored the tall man's scolding, and his eyes fell on the short and fat man.

An idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of a question. This person just mentioned that he had been practicing for a year, but he was still only at the second level of Qi Refining.

So the question is, how did the other party know that he had only been practicing for more than a year?

You know, as early as four years ago, he got a letter from Mr. He, and more than a year ago, he discovered the secret of animal skins and started practicing. At such a time point, there is no other person except him. People know.

Unless these people had been following him a few years ago, so they knew the specific time of his cultivation.

But if that's the case, then why did you come to the door now?

And the most critical point, which was also the doubt he had at the beginning, was why these people could predict his whereabouts and wait for him here.

Seeing that he was frozen in place, the tall man immediately used some force on his hands, pretending to strangle Mo's mother to death. On the other side, the strong man holding the little girl also put a long knife in his hand on the little girl's head. On the neck, the blade of the knife was sharp, and as soon as it touched the little girl's skin, a bloody mark was drawn.

But at this moment, Mo Xun, looking at all this, showed no sadness or joy on his face, as if he was watching a performance that had nothing to do with him.

He quickly thought about all the doubts in his heart. When his mother and little sister were about to lose their support, he suddenly stood up and smiled lightly: "You are all illusions in my mind!"

"Boy, what are you talking about? Do it now, or I will strangle your mother to death immediately!"

The tall man's threatening voice began to reveal a hint of impatience. Seeing this, Mo Xun strengthened his suspicion.

He was seen holding a spear in his hand and slowly approaching a few people. When he walked to the white flower, he said coldly: "Although I don't know how you came into being, I guess the root of all this is this flower. !”

After saying that, he swung his spear and chopped it down with all his strength. When those people saw this, they all shouted in fear: "No!"

As he raised the knife and fell, the white flower was cut off at the waist, and Mo Xun's head suddenly felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes, the people in front of him had disappeared, and the cave was quiet again.

"As expected!"

Mo Xun secretly thought in his heart, "It's so dangerous." When he thought of what he had just experienced, he felt like he was on the edge of life and death.

When he looked at the white flower that had been chopped to the ground again, he was surprised to find that it was withering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a moment, the white flower withered away and completely withered.

Mo Xun was surprised and bent down to pick up the flower. However, the petals broke when touched, revealing a seed as big as a fingernail inside.

This kind of seed looks like a pea. I don’t know what the name of this flower is, but it can have such mysterious and miraculous effects. If he hadn’t finally woke up, I’m afraid he would have been a fool just now.

Mo Xun carefully put away the seed, still thinking about all the experiences he had just had.

Just as he turned around, an inadvertent glance attracted his attention again.

Just because the place where the white flowers grow, under the roots, emits a faint light.

This is rare. I have heard that flowers and plants emit fluorescence, but I have never seen roots that also glow.

When he picked up the tip of the gun, he dug out the white flower with dirt at its roots. It was actually wrapped in a green gourd, the size of a palm, with some strange textures engraved on the surface, like patterns or strange characters. .

Mo Xun picked up the gourd, his tentacles were warm, and he felt that the thing looked like wood, but it was not made of jade or any other material. The patterns on it were very strange, and he didn't know whether they were innate or acquired.

There are two long marks on the surface of the gourd, one white and one black. These two marks, instead of destroying the overall beauty, give people a sense of vicissitudes of life and simplicity.

Mo Xun touched his chin and thought in his mind: "Could it be that all those illusions just now were caused by this gourd?"

Then he shook his head again. After the white flowers were cut off, those illusions also disappeared. The reason must still be the white flowers.

But I’m afraid it has something to do with this gourd!

Recalling what he had just experienced, he was still frightened, and now that he had calmed down, it allowed him to think about it.

When I was in the village before, I often heard the lazy Taoist talk about immortals, gods and ghosts, and he once mentioned the magic array and other immortal skills.

Most of the principles of the illusion array work through the five senses of human beings. From the moment he entered the underground cave, he smelled the strange fragrance of flowers. He must have fallen into hallucinations from that time on.

After thinking about this, he was ready to leave here first. As soon as he turned around, he found a corpse and two sets of skeletons lying behind him.

There was still a lot of golden sore medicine powder left on the corpse. After thinking about it for a while, he understood that although this illusion was real, it needed to be matched with real objects. In the illusion just now, he regarded this corpse as his second brother.

Looking back at the two skeletons, one was sitting cross-legged on the ground, which he thought was Mr. He, and the other was lying on the ground, which he thought was his father.

The body of the corpse at his feet has not yet rotted, but has just begun to dry. It should have been dead for no more than ten days.

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