Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 605 Self-destruction Restriction

Outside the city, in a dim cave.

Mo Xun raised his hand, and a pill flew out of his palm and went straight into the mouth of the dying Lu Ming.

At this moment, Lu Ming's hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and his vitality was almost dissipated to the extreme.

"You go outside to guard, and count the things inside by the way."

Mo Xun threw all the storage bags he had just seized to Bai Ze, as a reward for the little girl's efforts this time.

Bai Ze's eyes lit up, and he put them away, like a thief, without even saying hello, and flashed out of the cave.

After a while, Lu Ming opened his eyes with difficulty in pain.

When he saw a figure standing not far away in a trance, he screamed like a conditioned reflex and was about to get up and escape.

But he could only move his two arms from his whole body. As soon as he stood up, he fell down heavily again.

As for the body, he could not mobilize any spiritual power.

"What are you... going to do? I'm the young master of the Lu family. My father will never let you go!"

Mo Xun looked at his panic and suddenly smiled playfully.

"That's great. Tell me in detail about the situation of your Lu family and the matter of Ye Ping. I will visit your father in person then!"

"Who is Ye Ping to you?"

"You don't need to ask about this. You just need to tell me the whereabouts of Ye Ping, and who are the people in your Lu family, what their cultivation is, what their background and means are... By the way, what is the relationship between the Red Moon Villa you mentioned before and the Lu family?"

In fact, at this time, Mo Xun no longer had much hope for Ye Ping's life or death.

After all, he has been missing for so many years, and the hope of survival is really slim!

Lu Ming was really scared this time, especially when he thought of He Yunxing's death, he was afraid of the person in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

He is not stupid, let alone dumb, and he knows his current situation well.

If he didn't say anything, he might still be able to save his life, but if he revealed what the other party wanted to know, his last bit of value would be lost.

Of course, he also knew what kind of ending he would face if he didn't speak up.

"If the senior wants to find Ye Ping, Lu can lead the way, and Lu swears that there will be no second person in this world who knows Ye Ping's whereabouts except me!"

The man in front of Lu Ming felt that he was too strong. Even if he couldn't see the specific cultivation level, he knew that the other party's realm was probably higher than his father's.

He really couldn't figure out how such a lowly little character like Ye Ping could suddenly have such a master behind him?

After a brief thought, he immediately changed his threatening attitude.

Those who can cultivate to the Jindan realm will more or less have a certain amount of arrogance.

In this situation, even if there is a Yuanying senior standing behind him, the other party may not buy it.

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Lu Ming hurriedly said, "If you can let me go, I will tell you a great secret of the Lu family. You will definitely be interested."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What secret?"

"My Lu family accidentally got a rare treasure several decades ago. Even a Yuanying cultivator would salivate over it. I will definitely tell you everything about this treasure, but before that, I need to ensure that it is safe enough."

Mo Xun sneered.

"Are you negotiating with me?"

"I dare not...but please forgive me, I am also protecting myself!"

As for treasures, Mo Xun was not very interested.

Is there anything more amazing than his green gourd in this world?

"Tell me first, is Ye Ping dead or alive now?"

Lu Ming answered without hesitation: "Alive!"

Mo Xun looked at the subtle changes on his face and suddenly shouted angrily: "You are lying!"

This sudden shout was without any sign. Not to mention Lu Ming was startled, even Bai Ze, who was happily sorting out treasures outside the cave, trembled in his hands and almost dropped a pill on the ground.

"Junior... I dare not lie..."

Mo Xun stared at him coldly. The sudden shout just now was not because he saw anything in advance, but just wanted to trick the other party.

Not to mention, he really saw some clues under this trick.

People who are used to lying can often conceal their emotional fluctuations very well, but after being exposed, whether it is their eyes or their tone, they will dodge and show weakness for a short time because of lack of confidence.

Lu Ming showed this.

In addition to Mo Xun's speculation about Ye Ping's life and death, he was now certain that this person was not telling the truth.

"Just tell me how Ye Ping died and when he was killed?"

With Lu Ming's cultivation in the middle stage of foundation building, Mo Xun didn't believe that he had the strength to kill Ye Ping. Regardless of the realm gap between the two, just the various life-saving methods he gave Ye Ping, as long as he didn't encounter a Jindan cultivator, there should be no problem in saving his life.

According to this inference, it was most likely the head of the Lu family who took action.

Although he had clearly stated that he would not intervene in Ye Ping's grievances and family affairs, there was still a master-disciple relationship between the two.

How could there be no explanation for such an unclear death?

If this enemy was a Yuanying cultivator, it would be fine, but if it was just a Jindan, he was confident that he would still have some confidence and could seek some justice for Ye Ping.

"The junior did not lie, Ye Ping is really still alive!"

Even if Lu Ming was stupid at this moment, he could see the relationship between the person in front of him and Ye Ping. With a determined heart, he had no choice but to stick to the idea that Ye Ping was still alive, perhaps to have a chance to survive.

"Since you don't want to tell the truth, don't say anything!"

Mo Xun snorted coldly, and no longer wasted words with the other party. He took a step forward, and his feet shrank into an inch, and he came directly in front of Lu Ming, and then a palm was pressed on Lu Ming's forehead.

Lu Ming was horrified and shouted in fear: "No!"

But it was obviously too late. The main reason why Mo Xun had not used soul search was that this method was against the harmony of heaven and required a lot of mana.

But just after he performed soul search, that is, a few breaths later, his face suddenly changed, and then he quickly withdrew his hand and took two steps back.

With a "bang", Lu Ming's head exploded directly, and a thick blood mist filled the small cave.

Mo Xun angrily swung his sleeves to clear the blood mist around him. He looked carefully and saw a headless corpse covered in blood and flesh. Brains and blood were splattered all over the ground. The air was full of disgusting blood.

This person's sea of ​​consciousness was actually set with a self-destruction ban!

Mo Xun took a deep breath. This time, he was careless. By the time he discovered the existence of the ban, it was already a little too late.

But even so, he still found out something.

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