Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 606: Forbidden Food

First of all, the Lu family, whose head is Lu Xian, Lu Ming's father, is in the middle stage of Jindan.

In addition, Lu Xian has a younger brother in the early stage of Jindan, named Lu Jianshan.

In other words, the Lu family now has two Jindan cultivators.

As for the one in the Red Moon Villa, it is even more absurd and speechless.

Lu Xian was nominally adopted as the adopted son by the owner of the Tantai Villa, but in private, he was the unknown forbidden fruit of the other party.

No wonder Lu Xian lingered in the early stage of Jindan for nearly a hundred years, until he joined the Red Moon Villa, and then he soared to the middle stage.

The status of the entire Lu family in Mengtian City was also upgraded overnight.

Of course, this unspeakable secret was only known to a few core members of the Lu family.

Putting aside this messy relationship, Mo Xun focused his thoughts on the reason why Lu Ming exploded.

This restriction was obviously made by the two Jindan cultivators of the Lu family.

Generally speaking, in order to prevent the family secrets from being leaked, a similar self-destruction ban will be set up in the sea of ​​consciousness of the clan members in order to avoid soul searching.

But this method is rarely used on direct descendants.

Unless the value they want to conceal is higher than the life of their direct descendants!

Mo Xun frowned thoughtfully. It seems that this Lu family is really a little different.

Unfortunately, he touched the ban before he checked Ye Ping's information.

Mo Xun stared at the bloody corpse for a long time before throwing a fireball and burning it clean.

Then, he set his sights on He Yan'er on the other side.

"Since you're awake, let's talk!"

"Ah?" He Yan'er screamed, and almost jumped up from the ground like a rabbit whose tail was stepped on.

"You...know I'm awake?"

"You must have heard some of what Lu Ming and I said. As for what I want to know, you should also know, so I don't need to say more, right?"

Facing such a delicate beauty, Mo Xun's tone was not polite at all.

He Yan'er was obviously the kind of person who was afraid of death. She told everything she knew without any intimidation.

This woman can only be regarded as a mistress of Lu Ming.

As for Lu Ming, he had been married decades ago, but according to He Yan'er, the relationship between him and his first wife was not very good.

After the two of them started dating, Lu Ming even promised that he would marry He Yan'er after his wife died.

Mo Xun didn't care about this kind of male prostitute and female thief.

What he mainly wanted to know was the current specific situation of the Lu family and the matter of Ye Ping.

But unfortunately He Yan'er knew nothing about Ye Ping, so there was no way to talk about it.

However, the Lu family did have some puzzling gains.

It is said that because of the special skills, the Lu family began to collect various souls many years ago.

But strangely, they suddenly stopped recently.

The first thing Mo Xun thought of was the magical power of the ghost way.

Could it be that this Lu family is a disciple of the ghost way?

In any case, he had to go to the Lu Mansion this time!

"Senior, I really have nothing to do with the Lu family. As for the evil things done by the Lu family, I don't know. As for Lu Ming's relationship with me, it's nothing more than being obsessed with my body. He never tells me more about the Lu family. I have been bewitched by him for many years and have seen through his nature. So even if the senior didn't take action this time, I was ready to distance myself from this person. If... if the senior doesn't despise my weak body, I am willing to follow you."

At this point, He Yan'er's originally panicked face actually showed a bit of intoxicating peach.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. This acting is really amazing!

"Do you know that I just killed your father not long ago?"

To Mo Xun's surprise, He Yan'er was not sad or angry after hearing this. Instead, she felt relieved.

"To be honest with you, senior, I have no blood relationship with He Yunxing. I am just a daughter he adopted in his early years. Moreover, He Yunxing adopted me not out of kindness, but to use me to get close to other families. The relationship between me and Lu Ming was arranged by He Yunxing. As a weak woman, I have no one to rely on and can only become a tool used by the He family."

As she spoke, He Yan'er even wiped away tears.

"I am really willing to follow you, senior. I don't ask for any status. I just want to serve you. I am satisfied as a maid..."

Hearing this, Mo Xun has lost much interest.

Before the other party could continue to speak, he flicked his long sleeves, and He Yan'er's eyes suddenly went dark, and the whole person fainted again.

Regardless of whether what the other party said was true or false, a Qi-refining woman would not be enough to make Mo Xun afraid to kill her.

But sleeping for ten days or half a month is completely necessary!

Outside the cave, as soon as Mo Xun came out, Bai Ze hurriedly collected all kinds of things scattered on the ground, and finally hung the storage bag around his waist vigilantly.

Mo Xun glanced casually, there were quite a lot of spoils, and there were probably tens of thousands of spirit stones alone.

One is the helmsman of the He family, and the other is the young master of the Lu family. No matter how shabby they are, they are much stronger than ordinary casual cultivators.

"Why, are you afraid that I will rob them?"

Mo Xun looked rather unhappy, but this expression was mostly fake.

To be honest, with his current status, he would not be interested in the things of the foundation-building cultivators.

But the little girl's polite look made him feel uncomfortable.

No matter what, he was the nominal owner of the little guy. In the early years, he had spent a lot of spiritual herbs and elixirs to raise this little thing.

Seeing Mo Xun's glaring eyes, Bai Ze pouted and reluctantly handed over a storage bag, saying in a childish voice: "Half for each, is that okay?"

Mo Xun nodded in satisfaction, but did not take it.

"Give me all the jade slips and books, and you can keep the rest for yourself!"

Mo Xun knew that it was necessary to set some rules appropriately, but he also knew the principle of giving a date after a stick. After all, the little guy might have to help in the future, so he couldn't be too harsh.

Bai Ze was obviously very happy with such a distribution, and he started to sort and organize without saying a word.

In mid-air, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "After you mutated, do you still have the magical powers you had before?"

Bai Ze blinked in confusion.

"What magical power?"

"Devouring ghost souls!"

Mo Xun did not find any ghost skills from Lu Ming's jade slips.

That is to say, the Lu family collected so many ghosts, not necessarily for cultivation, but for refining some secret treasure.

Thinking of this, he immediately remembered the strange treasure mentioned by Lu Ming before his death.

Could this treasure be a ghost flag or something like that?

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