After returning to Mengtian City, Mo Xun did not go directly to Lu Mansion.

But he would not delay too much. After all, the matter of the He family should not be long before it will be completely spread. At that time, coupled with the disappearance of Lu Ming, even if the two Jindan cultivators of the Lu family are stupid, they can also think that something has happened.

But if it comes to revenge for Ye Ping, it is inevitable to consider it.

It is not that he is afraid, but there is no chance.

You know, once a Jindan cultivator takes action, no matter how neat it is, the momentum will definitely not be small.

And at present, there are still several Yuanyings entrenched in the entire Mengtian City. If there is a big movement, it is obviously asking for trouble.

His current plan is more to confirm Ye Ping's life and death.

As for how to confirm it, he can only find out after capturing a core member of the Lu family alive.

But the difficulty of capturing a Jindan alive is no less than killing him directly, and it may even be more difficult.

After a brief thought, he had an idea.

Since it is difficult to capture a Jindan cultivator, he can only settle for the next best thing. Although Lu Ming is dead, doesn't he still have a wife?

And from He Yan'er's mouth, it seems that the couple has long been in name only.

Perhaps this is a breakthrough for him to get information!

Mo Xun first stayed in the black market where there were all kinds of people. Although the information he got was similar to what Lu Ming and He Yan'er said, he still got some information.

The Lu family has a history in Mengtian City. No one has noticed how long it has been, but it must be one or two hundred years.

In other words, when Mo Xun passed through Mengtian City last time, the Lu family had been here for many years.

This is also consistent with some information he has mastered.

According to the current situation, it can be basically determined that Ye Ping's enemy in the past was undoubtedly the Lu family.

As for the reason for the enmity, Mo Xun had some guesses in his heart.

According to Lu Ming, the Lu family had obtained a rare treasure in the early years.

He didn't find out how many years this "early years" was, but it didn't prevent him from making such an assumption.

If this rare treasure originated from the original Ye family, it seems that some parts can be explained.

The Lu brothers killed people to steal treasures and wiped out the entire Ye family!

But this will bring another question.

Why did Ye Ping escape from the murderous hands at the time?

Is it the Lu family's kindness, or is there another hidden story?

Mo Xun would never believe the former. It would be too ironic to use kindness to speculate on a ruthless character who can kill people and steal treasures.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun suddenly smiled coldly.

If all these speculations are true, it means that his little apprentice kept a lot from him when he became a disciple.

Perhaps in Ye Ping's heart, in addition to revenge, getting back the family treasure is also a mission!

Mo Xun didn't really care about this kind of concealment. Who in this world doesn't have secrets in their hearts?

Moreover, he had not deliberately asked about it at the beginning. He only knew that the destruction of the Ye family was related to a woman, but he did not delve into the details because he did not want to get involved.

In addition to these, he also found out some other things.

It is said that the Lu brothers had not shown their faces in public for more than a year. This time, the Demon-killing Alliance sent people over, but no one saw them.

Some said that the two brothers practiced great magical powers and began to retreat, and some said that they went to a secret place and have not returned yet.

Hearing this news, Mo Xun's eyes lit up and opened up some ideas.

Could it be that the two brothers are not in the city at the moment?

With his current cultivation, although he is not afraid of the two, he also wants to avoid direct conflict with them as much as possible. If he can sneak into the Lu family without making a sound, it would be the best!

Anyway, his current target is only Lu Ming's Taoist partner.

In addition, the time of the Lu brothers' disappearance seems to be too coincidental with Ye Ping's disappearance, which makes it difficult for people not to associate them together.

In the quiet rest building, Mo Xun was walking in the temporarily rented practice room, frowning and pacing.

On the other side, Bai Ze's faint snoring sound came, and the little girl's mouth was drooling.

Although he turned into a human form, his greedy and sleepy nature did not change at all!

Sometimes, Mo Xun really envied these spirit beasts. They could improve their realm by devouring natural treasures without practicing, and their lifespan was too long.

If there was an afterlife, he really wanted to be reincarnated as some kind of beast.

Thinking back to the matter of the Lu family, Mo Xun connected the clues in his mind bit by bit.

Now, such a guess can be made.

The Lu brothers at that time slaughtered the whole family because they coveted the treasures of the Ye family, but for some reason, Ye Ping survived the catastrophe!

The Lu family might have wanted to root out the problem, but when using the treasure, some troubles arose, and the solution to these troubles was only in the hands of the Ye family, so the Lu family had to let Ye Ping live.

But unfortunately, the Lu family did not get much useful help from Ye Ping.

Or it could be said that Ye Ping also had a self-destruction restriction similar to Lu Ming in his sea of ​​consciousness, which prevented others from searching his soul.

Until Mo Xun appeared and took him away from Mengtian City.

After Ye Ping left, the Lu family should have found a way to activate the treasure, so they began to buy souls in private.

Time goes back a few years ago. Because Ye Ping failed to form a pill, he planned to return to Mengtian City to take a look.

Perhaps he did not intend to seek revenge this time. After all, there is still a huge gap between the strength of the two. With Ye Ping's character, even if he is impulsive, he should understand this truth.

But in the end, he was discovered by the Lu family and captured.

And this time, I don't know what method the Lu family used to get the real method of activating the treasure from Ye Ping, so at such a coincidence, the Lu brothers hurriedly chose to retreat and activate the treasure!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun raised his head suddenly.

The context of the whole thing, even if it is not perfect, is roughly outlined.

He slowly exhaled a foul breath. If this is true, Ye Ping's ending at this moment is obviously self-evident.

Who would keep a worthless life?

And this life is still a tiger that may counterattack them at any time.

Following this line of thought, it seems that some other conclusions can be drawn.

First of all, the two brothers' current retreat is mostly related to the treasure.

Secondly, since the other party was able to get words out of Ye Ping, it means that his identity as a master is probably not a secret.

A master in the late Jindan stage is a presence that needs to be feared no matter where he is.

Since they are afraid, the Lu brothers will most likely not choose to stay in Mengtian City. They must be hiding in a secret place and concentrating on opening the treasure.

That means that the Lu family is now without a leader!

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