Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 608 Entering Lu Mansion at Night

Thinking of this, he grabbed Bai Ze next to him and threw him into the spirit beast bag before the little girl could react.

The moon was in the middle of the sky, and Mengtian City at night was a rare peaceful and tranquility.

In the dim light, a ghostly figure quietly shuttled through the street, cleverly avoiding all patrol guards. Even if someone noticed the fluctuation, they were very tactful and did not dare to track and check.

Mengtian City is a typical no-man's land.

The city is located at the intersection of several major sects. Due to tacit understanding between them, no force has completely incorporated it so far.

Although there are the City Lord's Mansion and the Elders' Council, it is hard to say in terms of public security.

In the city at night, except for the patrol monks, no one who can move outside is a good person.

Or to put it another way, who among ordinary monks would wander around in the middle of the night?

The Lu family is already the top in the entire Mengtian City. Mo Xun found the mansion without much searching.

Under the faint light curtain of the formation, the rows of buildings that were no less than the city lord's mansion, although not magnificent, were impressive enough, stretching over a wide area of ​​more than ten miles, with carved railings and jade bricks, intrigues, all of which witnessed the strength of the Lu family in the local area.

Such a large family, I am afraid that there are hundreds of servants alone!

Mo Xun first circled the periphery, which took more than an hour, until he found no trace of the existence of a strong man through the search of his spiritual sense, and then he used the formation flag to break a crack in an unmanned corner, and then floated in as a puff of green smoke.

At this moment, the Lu family was really as he guessed, and the two Jindan family heads were not in the mansion.

In order to be on the safe side, he did not rush around like he did in the He family, and he did not alarm anyone along the way.

Even if he met mortals, most of them would hide and pass by.

The entire Lu family has some tricks. In addition to the outer protective formation, there are many difficult-to-detect triggering restrictions inside, and there are also defensive treasures.

However, these things, for Mo Xun now, although they are not inferior, they can't be a big obstacle.

Passing through the corridor rockery, Mo Xun went straight to the inner courtyard.

After a spiritual search, he has locked the target of this trip.

When he came to an independent attic, Mo Xun had already covered the area of ​​100 feet with his spiritual sense, even deep underground, he did not let it go.

Just as he was about to step in, a woman's resentful sigh came from inside.

"A branch of spring welcomes the winter, and sends away the clouds of thousands of miles in the cold winter. A piece of infatuation, for whom to pursue!"

In the night wind and candlelight, a lonely and thin figure was reflected in front of the gauze window, swaying, quite a bit of clear moonlight, a faint sense of melancholy.

Mo Xun's footsteps paused slightly. He had previously guessed that the girl in the boudoir was most likely Lu Ming's wife. Now with this sigh, he was more certain.

The door opened silently, and when he looked again, Mo Xun had already appeared in front of the girl.

Before the girl screamed, Mo Xun waved his sleeves and cast a layer of soundproof prohibition around him. At the same time, he quietly held the control of the entire attic formation in his hands.

Mo Xun looked at the girl calmly and said softly: "You'd better not move!"

The woman had an elegant appearance. Although she was not stunning, she was definitely worthy of "outstanding". There was a faint pity between her eyebrows. She was less immature, but more indescribably quiet.

What surprised Mo Xun was that the woman's cultivation was only at the peak of Qi Refining.

This was a bit inconsistent with what he thought in his heart.

According to what he knew, this woman was most likely the beauty that Ye Ping had mentioned back then, but how could she not have established her foundation after more than sixty years?

After a brief moment of doubt, he soon saw the clue.

This woman was poisoned!

Despite what Mo Xun said, the woman stood up suddenly in shock, and took two steps back cautiously.

At this moment, her face was full of incredible surprise.

It was Mo Xun's strange skills that caught her off guard. Even though she had fallen into a lower realm and her consciousness was completely gone, it was impossible for her not to notice any movement. It was as if the other party had just appeared out of thin air.

There were also many forbidden formations here, which seemed to have all failed!

Although she couldn't see through Mo Xun's cultivation, she could feel the other party's strength just by intuition.

And being able to enter the inner house of Lu Mansion silently, this in itself has already shown that the other party's magical power is completely beyond her ability to contend with, so after a simple balance, the hand that was originally reaching for the storage bag suddenly stopped.

She is a smart person, and she reacted immediately. With Mo Xun's means, she could have killed or captured her without her noticing, but the other party did not, which can only explain two reasons.

This person is either fearless or has something to ask of her!

Or in other words, both!

But no matter which one it is, she believes that if she acts rashly, the time left for her may not even be a breath.

Fortunately, from the current situation, she did not see any malice in the other party!

Mo Xun didn't know that in this brief moment, the woman had already experienced such a complex psychological change, but he didn't need to care about it.

A Qi Refiner, even if he has more means, what waves can he make?

This is not arrogance, but self-confidence!

As the saying goes, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just a stone thrown into the waves.

But just when he was about to speak again, the woman suddenly spoke first.

"Are you Ye Ping's master?"

Hearing this question, Mo Xun was a little surprised. He couldn't help but look at her again with some curiosity.

"How did you guess it?"

The vigilance on the woman's face immediately disappeared by more than half, and it seemed to reveal a bit of expectation instead.

Yes, it was indeed expectation, but this expectation also contained a little disappointment.

This change in expression made Mo Xun more confused, but after only a moment of surprise, he caught the information he wanted.

This woman really knew the whereabouts of Ye Ping!

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "Did Ye Ping tell you?"

The woman nodded gently, and after a long breath, she suddenly bowed to him slightly to Mo Xun's surprise.

"Hello, Senior!"

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment and asked uncertainly, "You and Ye Ping..."

"You are right, Senior. Many years ago, Ye Ping and I had an engagement."

Mo Xun suddenly realized that the person in front of him was indeed the woman who destroyed Ye Ping's family!

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